
KANIGARAN – Masih adanya masyarakat yang tidak menjalani protokol kesehatan membuat perkembangan pasien COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo semakin meningkat. Beberapa klaster terbentuk akibat dari seorang pasien dari luar kota yang datang ke Kota Probolinggo tanpa mengikuti prosedur yang benar.

“Kemungkinan ada kelalaian dari keluarga, tanpa protokol kesehatan membawa keluarganya ke Kota Probolinggo sehingga mereka semua terpapar COVID 19. Mereka terkonfirmasi positif walaupun tanpa gejala dan kondisinya baik-baik saja,” jelas Jubir Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 dr Abraar HS Kuddah, dalam video conference (vidcon), Rabu (1/7) petang.

Ini menjadi pelajaran, lanjut dr Abraar, apabila ada keluarga dari luar kota yang sengaja dibawa ke Kota Probolinggo karena kepercayaannya pada RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh, tetap harus mengikuti prosedur kesehatan.

“Biarkan rumah sakitnya yang merujuk ke tempat kami. Akan kami terima. Jangan sesekali mengambil langkah pulang paksa dibawa ke Kota Probolinggo lewat UGD seperti halnya pasien biasa. Kejadian ini cukup membuat kami khawatir karena justru penambahan terjadi dari pasien tersebut,” kata dr Abraar dengan rasa sesal.

Bila pasien berkumpul dalam satu mobil tanpa pengiriman yang sesuai protokol kesehatan maka berdampak kurang baik bagi mereka yang ada di dalam mobil tersebut. “Seharusnya di Kota Probolinggo semakin hari semakin membaik. Seperti pernah kami sampaikan, kami bangga sudah ada warga sadar dengan menjalankan protokol kesehatan melakukan rapid dan swab mandiri,” imbuhnya.

Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh ini menegaskan, COVID 19 merupakan virus yang bisa dikendalikan dengan cara isolasi yang baik dan benar. Ia pun mendiskusikannya dengan para ahli virus saat memenuhi undangan Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa di Surabaya. Pada saat virus masuk ke dalam tubuh, dalam beberapa hari akan mutasi menjadi ganas. Menginjak hari ke 7 atau 10 virus akan melemah, tetapi akan lebih ganas jika dengan komunitas lainnya.

Isolasi yang baik dan benar dapat mencegah terjadinya perluasan hal-hal yang bisa menambah penyebaran virus dengan cepat. “Tidak boleh terlalu menganggap remeh tetapi tidak boleh berlebihan menyikapi persoalan. Tetap ikuti protokol-protokol kesehatan, physical distancing, social distancing, rajin mencuci tangan. Saya yakin di Kota Probolinggo bisa zero seperti kemarin-kemarin,” tegas dr Abraar yang saat vidcon didampingi Plt Kepala Dinas Kesehatan P2KB dr NH Hidayati.

Dinkes Imbau Hindari Kegiatan Berkerumun

0107 Peta COVID 19 prob perkel2Ya, berdasarkan update data yang dirilis Dinas Kesehatan P2KB Kota Probolinggo pada 1 Juli, pasien terkonfirmasi positif COVID 19 bertambah 16 orang. Jumlah ini melonjak tajam karena hasil dari pengambilan swab keluar bersamaan meskipun tes dilaksanakan berbeda hari.

Pengambilan swab dilaksanakan pada 20 Juni lalu dikirim ke Balai Besar Tehnik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (BBTKLPP) Surabaya dan hasilnya keluar pada 1 Juli sebanyak 12 orang positif COVID 19. Tiga orang dari klaster Surabaya yaitu dua warga Kelurahan Tisnonegaran dan satu warga Kelurahan Kademangan. Dua orang warga Kelurahan Triwung Kidul; satu warga Kelurahan Sumber Taman; satu warga Kecamatan Kanigaran. Lima warga klaster Sidoarjo berasal dari Kelurahan Triwung Lor.

Kemudian pada 29 Juni, pengambilan swab dikirim ke Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan (BBLK) Surabaya dan hasilnya 3 orang positif. Yaitu, seorang perempuan dari Kelurahan Jrebeng Wetan yang tertular dari suaminya yang opname di Palembang; satu warga Kelurahan Jrebeng Wetan dan Kelurahan Ketapang.

Berikutnya pada 30 Juni seorang warga dari Kelurahan Mayangan diperiksa di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dan hasilnya positif. Dari penambahan pasien ini, dr Ida-sapaan Plt Kadinkes P2KB menuturkan, transmisi lokal di Kota Probolinggo cukup tinggi. Pengendalian itu bisa dilakukan dengan kedisiplinan masyarakat menjalankan protokol kesehatan.

Selain menggunakan masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun, dr Ida juga menyarankan agar tidak saling berjabat tangan. “Hindari kerumunan. Reuni, arisan mohon di-pending dulu untuk kegiatan-kegiatan seperti itu. Kota Probolinggo dengan transmisi lokal berpotensi meningkatkan penyebaran virus, jadi tolong dihindari,” pintanya.

Dinkes P2KB bersama RSUD pun telah berupaya maksimal dalam melakukan tahapan penanganan COVID 19. Yakni, testing melalui rapid tes; tracing penyelidikan epidemologi dengan siapa pasien melakukan kontak erat; treatmen berupa pengobatan.

“Dan, isolasi di rusunawa. Karantina semacam itu merupakan cara ampuh dan mudah mengurangi transmisi lokal. Kami berharap jangan memberikan stigma negatif kepada mereka yang sudah menjalani rapid test ataupun terkonfirmasi positif karena kami akan kesulitan. Untuk itu, kami mengimbau masyarakat selalu disiplin,” ujar dr Ida yang menekankan lansia dan balita beresiko tinggi terpapar COVID 19 tidak mudah keluar rumah dan menghindari kerumunan.

Secara umum data COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo ODP (Orang Dalam Pemantauan) berjumlah 374 orang (dalam pemantauan 13 orang, sudah pemantauan 361 orang). Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) 40 orang, selesai pengawasan 32 orang, dalam pengawasan 3 orang, meninggal 5 orang.

Terkonfirmasi positif 70 orang. Rinciannya, 26 orang dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh; 4 orang dirawat di Surabaya; sembuh 37 orang dan meninggal 3 orang. Saat ini RSUD setempat juga merawat pasien COVID 19 dari luar kota, 2 dari Kabupaten Probolinggo; 1 dari Kabupaten Pasuruan; 1 dari Sidoarjo dan 1 dari Surabaya. (famydecta)


The spread of COVID-19 in Probolinggo city has increased as many people ignore the health protocols, with new clusters have been confirmed. This was caused by people coming to the city without applying proper procedures.

“There might be the carelessness of a family, taking colleagues to the city without applying health protocols, causing them to get infected with the virus. They have been confirmed positive for the virus without showing any symptoms and are in good condition of health,” the spokesperson of COVID-19 task-force team dr Abraar HS Kuddah said in a video conference on Wednesday (1/7).

This can be a lesson for all, dr Abraar continued, had you have a family from other towns taken to Probolinggo city to be treated at regional hospital RSUD Mohammad Saleh, they must follow the health procedures.

“Let the hospital to decide where the patient will be treated. Forcing the patient home from the hospital and then take them to other hospitals without considering health protocols is not a wise decision. This can lead to other cases of COVID-19,” said dr Abraar.

Should the patient being taken to the hospital in a car with other passengers without applying health protocols, the passengers will have possibilities to get infected. “The situation should get better in the city. As we have said, we are proud that the people are now aware of applying health protocols and undergoing an independent swab test,” he added.

The acting director of RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh stated COVID-19 is a virus that can be controlled with strict isolation. He also had a discussion with virus experts at an event in Surabaya. When the virus gets into the body, it will turn dangerous in a few days. In day 7 to 10, the virus will get weakened, but get more dangerous when it infects other communities.

A proper isolation procedure can prevent virus transmission. “We cannot underestimate the situation, but not to overreact on it. Keep performing health protocols, physical distancing, social distancing, and washing hands frequently. I have faith that the city can turn green zone,” said dr Abraar who was accompanied by the acting head of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati in the video conference.

Health Agency Urges People to Avoid Crowd

Based on an update released by the city’s Health Agency as of July 1st, the patients confirmed positive for coronavirus has increased by 16 people. This number has increased sharply because the results of the swab test were published on the same day although the test was taken in different periods.

The swab test taken on June 20th was sent to Surabaya and the results were out on July 1st as 12 people have been confirmed positive for coronavirus. Three were from the Surabaya cluster and five people were from the Sidoarjo cluster, while the rest were from other clusters.

On June 29th, the swab test sample was sent to Surabaya and the result showed 3 people confirmed positive for coronavirus. A woman from Jrebeng Wetan urban village who got infected from her husband who was hospitalized in Palembang; one respectively from Jrebeng Wetan and Ketapang urban village.

On June 30th, a resident from Mayangan urban village was checked at RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh and the result was positive. Based on the update, dr NH Hidayati stated that local transmission in the city is quite high. The control can be carried out with discipline and apply health protocols.

Besides wearing masks and washing hands with soap, dr Ida has urged people to not shaking hands. “Avoid the crowd. Any event like reunion must be canceled. Probolinggo city with a high number of local transmission has the potential to increase the virus spread,” she asked.

Health Agency along with regional hospitals has made serious efforts in handling COVID-19. This includes performing rapid tests, tracing, and treatment.

“And, to provide isolation facility at the low-cost apartment. The quarantine procedure is a good and easy way to minimize local transmission. We hope people not to give a negative stigma to those who had undergone a rapid test or been confirmed positive. Therefore, we urge people to be always discipline,” said dr Ida who emphasized that elderly people and toddlers who are at higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19 to stay at home and avoid the crowd.

Generally, based on the COVID-19 data of Probolinggo city, the number of People under Monitoring (ODP) is 374 people (13 under monitoring, 361 have completed monitoring). Patient under Supervision (PDP) has reached 40 people. 32 have completed supervision, 3 under supervision, and 5 patients died.

70 have been confirmed positive for coronavirus. 26 are being treated at RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh; 4 in Surabaya; 37 have recovered, and 3 have died. The regional hospital RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh is also treating the patient from other towns. 2 from Probolinggo Regency, 1 from Pasuruan Regency, 1 from Sidoarjo, and 1 from Surabaya. (alfien_tr)