
KANIGARAN - Jubir Satgas Covid 19 kembali menyampaikan data terkini perkembangan covid 19 di Kota Probolinggo. Melalui siaran langsung di media sosial milik pemerintah kota, dr Abraar Kuddah mengumumkan jika ada penambahan pasien positif terkonfirmasi covid 19 sejumlah 13 orang.

"Mereka berasal dari hasil tracing yang dilakukan oleh satgas covid 19. Dengan rincian 11 orang dari kluster PT KTI dan 2 orang dari kluster umum. Mereka kategori orang tanpa gejala (OTG)," urai Abraar

Dokter spesialis bedah yang juga sebagai Plt Direktur RSUD dr Saleh ini juga menyebut tentang istilah baru yang disampaikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan RI. Istilah ODP, PDP, OTG dan konfirmasi akan segera berubah menjadi
suspeck, probable, konfirmasi, kontak erat, pelaku perjalanan, discarded, selesai isolasi dan kematian.

"Akan kita bahas dalam waktu tersendiri dalam 2 hari kedepan untuk penjelasan detail tentang istilah yang diubah sesuai permenkes baru tersebut," imbuhnya.

FB IMG 1594820894381Dari  total 148 pasien positif covid 19 rinciannya, 13 orang konfirmasi baru, dirawat di RSUD dr Saleh 9 orang, di Surabaya 1 orang, di Situbondo 1 orang, menjadi PDP 1 orang, meninggal baru 1 orang, sembuh 65 orang, dirawat di Probolinggo 76 orang.

Kemudian sejumlah 41 orang isolasi mandiri pasca therapi dan dinyatakan kondisinya baik berdasarkan hasil foto thorax dan hasil lab.

Selanjutnya dr NH Hidayati  yang turut dalam rilis itu, menerangkan jika kàsus konfirmasi positif tanpa gejala bisa dilakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah masing-masing minimal 10 hari. Jika ada penyerta ringan dan sedang  bisa isolasi mandiri sejak muncul gejala menjadi 13 hari.

"Apabila kondisinya berat, baru dibawa ke rumah sakit rujukan. Jika tanpa gejala 10 hari sejak pengambilan swab nya bisa isolasi mandiri serta dipantau melalui telpon oleh nakes puskesmas. Edukasi disampaikan apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan selama isolasi mandiri, termasuk harus mengukur suhu tubuh tiap pagi dan sore" kata Plt Kadinkes ini.

Selanjutnya juga ditekankan oleh tim gugus tugas covid 19 agar masyarakat tidak terpengaruh serta salah mengartikan new normal, sehingga mengabaikan protokol kesehatan. dr abraar juga menuturkan jika satgas kuratif dan satgas preventif akan berkoordinasi dengan tiga pilar dalam membantu mengawasi dan memperketat kondisi wilayahnya.

"Satgas RT, RW serta keberadaan kampung tangguh diharapkan bisa ikut andil dalam mengawasi mereka yang isolasi mandiri. Termasuk disiplin penerapan protokol kesehatan, agar penyebarannya tidak semakin bertambah,"urainya.

Ia juga meminta agar tidak ada stigma negatif kepada mereka yang terpapar covid 19. Pihaknya juga secara massif akan melakukan tracing agar bisa menekan angka penyebarannya.

"Kelurahan Kedung Galeng belum ada yang terkonfirmasi positif dan masih bertahan dengan warna abu- abu di peta sebaran covid 19. Bisa jadi karena warganya disiplin terapkan protokol kesehatan dan warganya juga kompak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya,"ujarnya. (yuli)


The COVID-19 Task Force spokesperson, dr Abraar HS Kuddah has again delivered the latest data on the development of CCOVID-19 in Probolinggo city. The updated data was released through a live broadcast on the official account of social media of the city government. dr Abraar HS Kuddah revealed that there were an additional 13 confirmed positive patients with COVID-19.

"They came from the results of tracing carried out by the task-force team. With details of 11 people from the PT KTI cluster and 2 people from the general cluster. They are in the category of asymptomatic (OTG)," explained Abraar.

The surgeon who is also the Acting Director of the dr. Saleh Regional Hospital also mentioned the new term conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Health. The terms ODP, PDP, OTG, and confirmation will soon change to Suspect, Probable, Confirmation, Close Contact, Traveler, Discarded, Completed Isolation, and Death.

"We will discuss it in a separate time in the next 2 days for a detailed explanation of the terms changed according to the new Health Ministerial Regulation," he added.

Of a total of 148 positive COVID-19 patients, 13 new confirmations, 9 are now treated at dr. Moh Saleh Hospital, 1 in Surabaya, 1 in Situbondo, 1 became PDP, 1 died, and 65 had recovered.

Then a number of 41 people were independently isolated after therapy and were declared in good condition based on the results of the chest X-ray and lab results.

Furthermore, dr. NH Hidayati, who also attended the release, explained that if the positive confirmation case without symptoms can be done independently at home for at least 10 days each. If there are mild and moderate comorbidities, they can isolate independently from the appearance of symptoms to 13 days.

"If the condition is getting worse, they will be taken to the referral hospital. If there are no symptoms for 10 days from taking the swab, he can isolate independently and be monitored by the telephone by the medical workers. Education is conveyed what can and should not be done during independent isolation, including to measure body temperature every morning and evening," she said.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 task-force team also emphasized the people to no being affected and to misinterpret the new normal, and thus, ignoring health protocols. dr Abraar also said that the curative task force and the preventive task force would coordinate with the three pillars in helping to monitor and tighten the conditions of their territory.

"The neighborhood organization RT, RW, and the existence of resilient villages are expected to be able to take part in supervising those who are isolated independently. Including the discipline of implementing health protocols, so that there would be no other transmissions," he explained.

He also asked that there would no negative stigma against those exposed to COVID-19. He will also carry out massive tracing in order to reduce the number of the spread.

"Kedung Galeng urban village has been recorded to have no confirmed case and still remains with the gray color on the COVID-19 distribution map. It could be because the residents are disciplined in applying health protocols and are also compact in caring for the surrounding environment," he said. (alfien_tr)