
KANIGARAN – Kota Probolinggo kini masuk zona kuning. Artinya, kondisi kota ini risiko rendah atau terkendali dalam penyebaran COVID 19. Kendati demikian, tetap ada kemungkinan transmisi pergerakan atau perpindahan dalam penyebaran virus tersebut.

“Relatif lebih terkendali bukan berarti aman. Tetap harus mengedepankan protokol kesehatan COVID 19,” tegas Wawali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri, saat rilis perkembangan COVID 19 secara video conference (vidcon), Selasa (21/7) petang.

IMG 20200721 193825Rekomendasi untuk kota berzona kuning ini antara lain, masyarakat masih bisa beraktivitas di luar rumah dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Kemudian tetap menjaga jarak baik di dalam dan luar ruangan, salah satunya saat berada di transportasi publik atau ruang publik.

Untuk industri dan aktivitas bisnis bisa dilakukan kembali dan dibuka dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Sedangkan kelompok rentan tetap disarankan berada di rumah. Siapakah kelompok rentan? Mereka adalah anak-anak, wanita hamil, lanjut usia dan yang punya komorbit (penyakit penyerta). 

Namun, dengan perubahan zona ini, secara umum masyarakat yang tidak punya kepentingan urgent diimbau stay at home. “Saat tenaga medis bekerja dengan full, mari kita bantu mereka dengan stay at home,” kata Wawali Subri, yang saat vidcon didampingi Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah, Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman dan perwakilan Dinas Kesehatan.

Masyarakat juga diminta tidak menstigma mereka yang sudah terpapar COVID 19, sebaliknya masyarakat menjadi penyemangat agar cepat sembuh. “Masyarakat harus tetap mengikuti anjuran pemerintah. Jangan bingung. Caranya dengan patuhi protap COVID 19. Semua sekarang berupaya menghidupkan roda ekonomi agar Kota Probolinggo jadi kota yang lebih hidup lagi,” jelas wawali yang punya basic pengusaha ini. 

Wawali Subri juga merasa iba dengan masyarakat yang tidak peduli dan merasa dirinya tidak bisa kena COVID 19. “Upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah bersama TNI dan Polri serta stakeholder lainnya tidak perlu dihargai dengan bentuk ucapan. Tapi dengan menjaga diri masing-masing seperti menggunakan masker secara baik dan benar serta jalankan protap COVID 19,” serunya.

2107 Peta COVID 19 prob perkel2Dalam vidcon tersebut juga dijelaskan terkait definisi kasus COVID 19. Istilah suspek menggantikan ODP (Orang Dalam Pemantauan) dan PDP (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan); Probable adalah suspek dengan gambaran klinis meyakinkan COVID 19 tapi belum ada hasil RT-PCR; Konfirmasi positif adalah seseorang dinyatakan positif COVID 19 dengan dibuktikan hasil laboratorium RT-PCR; Kontak Erat adalah orang yang mempunyai riwayat dengan kasus probable atau konfirmasi positif; Pelaku perjalanan seseorang yang sudah melakukan perjalanan dari dalam dan luar negeri pada 14 hari terakhir; Selesai isolasi adalah seseorang yang sudah menjalani isolasi dalam masa tertentu.

Data perkembangan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo per 21 Juli 2020 yang dirilis Dinas Kesehatan P2KB menunjukkan adanya penambahan konfirmasi positif 2 orang dan sembuh 1 orang. Total pasien konfirmasi sebanyak 163. Rinciannya, dirawat di Kota Probolinggo 43 orang (RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh 9 orang, gedung isolasi 8 orang, pasca isolasi 26 orang). Dirawat di Surabaya 1 orang dan di Situbondo 1 orang. Pasien sembuh 113 orrang dan meninggal 5 orang. (famydecta)


Probolinggo City is now categorized as a yellow zone. This means that the condition of the city is at low risk or under control in the spread of COVID 19. However, there is still the possibility of transmission of movement or movement in the spread of the virus.

"The status doesn’t mean that we are safe from the virus. We still have to prioritize the COVID-19 health protocol," said Mayor of Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri, during the release of the development of COVID-19 by video conference, Tuesday (21/7) evening.

With the current status, people can do activities outside the home by applying strict health protocols. Physical distancing must be performed both indoors and outdoors, one of which is when in public transportation or public spaces.

Industry and business activities can be opened with strict health protocols. Meanwhile, groups with a high risk of infection are still urged to stay at home. Who are they? They are children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those who have comorbidities.

However, with this zone change, in general, people who do not have urgent interests are urged to stay at home. "When the medical workers do their hard work, let's help them by staying at home," said Subri, who was accompanied by the Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, Acting Director of RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah, Head of Diskominfo Aman Suryaman, and other officials.

People are urged not to alienate those who have been confirmed with COVID-19, on the contrary, people must encourage them to recover quickly. "People must still follow the government's recommendations. Do not be confused. The method is to comply with the COVID-19 procedure. Everyone is now trying to turn on the economy so that Probolinggo city becomes economically alive,” explained the vice mayor.

Vice Mayor Subri is disappointed with people who do not care about the condition and underestimate the pandemic. "The efforts made by the government together with the military TNI and Polri and other stakeholders need not be appreciated in the form of words. But taking care of ourselves including wearing a mask properly and carrying out the COVID 19 procedure,” he exclaimed.

The video also explained the definition of the COVID-19 case. The term suspect replaces ODP (Persons under Monitoring) and PDP (Patient Under Supervision); Probable is a suspect with a convincing clinical picture of COVID-19 before undergoing a PCR swab test; Positive confirmation is someone tested positive for COVID 19, proven by the results of the RT-PCR laboratory; a Close Contact is a person who has a history of probable or positive confirmed cases; The traveler is someone who has traveled from within and outside the country in the last 14 days; After isolation is someone who has undergone isolation for a certain period.

Data on the development of COVID 19 in the city as of July 21, 2020, released by the Health Agency showed the addition of 2 positive confirmations and 1 recovered patient. The total number of confirmed patients was 163. In detail, 43 people were treated in the city (9 people at dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital, 8 people in an isolation facility, 26 people after isolation). 1 patient is treated in Surabaya and another in Situbondo. 113 people have recovered and 5 died. (alfien_tr)