KANIGARAN - Bertempat di Puri Manggala Bhakti Kantor Wali Kota, Jumat (4/9) berlangsung tasyakuran dalam rangka memperingati Hari Jadi ke 661 Kota Probolinggo tahun 2020, sekaligus launching rumah ibadah tangguh, serta rekor gerakan promosi pangan lokal melalui mangan bareng sego jagung dengan peserta terbanyak sekaligus menciptakan rekor baru Lembaga Prestasi Dunia (LEPRID).
Dihadiri Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri, Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib, Kajari Yeni Puspita, Wakapolres Kompol Teguh Firman, kepala OPD, para staf ahli dan asisten di lingkungan pemkot, itu berlangsung sederhana dan suka cita.
Penampilan pelajar SMPN 3 Kota Probolinggo, binaan Yayuk Wahyu Untari mempersembahkan Tari Hadrah Shof merupakan sebuah tarian kombinasi kebudayaan Islam yang populer di Indonesia, barisan para santri yang melantunkan sholawat nabi dengan disertai gerak tari yang indah.
Selanjutnya penyerahan Launching Rumah Ibadah Tangguh diberikan secara simbolis kepada pengurus rumah ibadah, diantaranya Masjid Raudlatul Jannah, Masjid At-Takwa, Masjid Al-Hikmah, Gereja Merah, Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan dan Gereja Katolik Bunda Maria.
Di penghujung acara, pemkot mendapat apresiasi dari Lembaga Prestasi Dunia (LEPRID), Ketua Umum sekaligus pendiri LEPRID Paulus Pangka, memberikan medali, piagam dan piala kepada Wali Kota Habib Hadi atas prestasi pemrakarsa rekor gerakan promosi pangan lokal melalui mangan bareng sego jagung dengan peserta terbanyak dalam rangka Hari Jadi 661 Kota Probolinggo.
“Rekor mangan sego jagung ini diikuti sebanyak 16.131 orang Kota Probolinggo dan angka tersebut diperkirakan masih terus bertambah. Data tersebut kami peroleh dari Dinas Pendidikan, sebelum saya melaporkan kegiatan ini,” ungkap Asisten Pemerintahan Paeni dalam laporannya.
Nasi jagung merupakan menu makanan khas masyarakat Kota Probolinggo dengan harga murah, mudah didapat dan dijangkau oleh masyarakat umum itu memberikan kesan mendalam Habib Hadi. Keprihatinan saat ini dalam situasi pandemi COVID 19, mangan bareng sego jagung dengan ribuan peserta itu mampu membantu perputaran roda perekonomian masyarakat Kota Probolinggo.
“Tasyakuran unik bareng instansi, OPD dan ASN non ASN serta masyarakat Kota Probolinggo alhamdulillah tercatat rekor terbanyak. Ini merupakan bukti kekompakan yang menjadi kunci awal pembangunan Kota Probolinggo. Mari kita sukseskan gerakan promosi pangan lokal sebagai bahan dasar pangan khas kota probolinggo sebagai penunjang destinasi wisata,” tegas Habib Hadi.
Dengan momentum ini ia mengajak bersama-sama mengajak masyarakat agar jangan terlena dengan masa pandemi COVID, tetap waspada virus korona itu nyata ada di tengah-tengah kehidupan. Ia mengajak masyarakat menghadapi tantangan dan rintangan dalam menghadapi COVID 19, bersama-sama concern terhadap penanganan dan pencegahannya. (dewi)
A thanksgiving party was held on Friday (4/9) in Puri Manggala Bhakti, city hall, to commemorate the 661st Anniversary of Probolinggo city, the launching of resilient worship place, and eating corn rice, as a promotion of local food, with most participants to break the new record of LEPRID, an independent institution that records Indonesia's human achievements in a professional, accountable and transparent manner.
Attended by Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, Kajari Yeni Puspita, Deputy Police Chief Commissioner Teguh Firman, head of regional working units, expert staff and assistants in the municipal government, the event was held in a simple, but joyful manner.
The students of junior high school SMPN 3 presented Hadrah Shof Dance, a dance that is a combination of Islamic culture which is popular in Indonesia, a line of students chanting the Prophet's prayers accompanied by beautiful dance movements.
Furthermore, the submission of the Launching of Resilient Worship Places was symbolically given to the management of worship places, including the Raudlatul Jannah Mosque, At-Takwa Mosque, Al-Hikmah Mosque, Red Church, Jawi Wetan Christian Church, and the Catholic Church.
At the end of the event, the city administration received appreciation from the World Achievement Institute (LEPRID). The chairman and founder of LEPRID Paulus Pangka, gave a medal, certificate, and trophy to Mayor Habib Hadi for the achievements of the initiator of the record for the local food promotion movement through eating corn rice with most participants, as it was one of the events to commemorate the 661st Anniversary of Probolinggo city.
"The record-breaking was participated in by 16,131 people and the number was estimated to increase. We get the data from the Education and Culture Agency before I reported about the event," said Assistant for Government Affairs Paeni in his report.
Corn rice, a typical food menu in the city, affordable and easy to buy, and accessible to the general public, has left Habib Hadi with a deep impression. With the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was considered a good move as thousands of participants can increase the economic circulation of Probolinggo city residents.
"It was a unique thanksgiving. We can hold such an event with several regional agencies, civil servants, and the city residents. And Thank God, we did it with most participants, breaking the record. This is proof of the solidarity that was the key to the development of Probolinggo city. Let us succeed the local food promotion movement as a basic ingredient for typical food of Probolinggo city as a support for tourist destinations," said Habib Hadi.
With this momentum, he asked the public not to underestimate the COVID-19 pandemic, to stay alert that the coronavirus is still accelerating. He asked the people to face the challenges and obstacles in dealing with COVID-19, together to be concern about handling and preventive efforts. (alfien_tr)