
MAYANGAN – Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin – Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri menemui Kepala Staf TNI AD (KSAD) Jendral Andika Perkasa di tengah kesibukannya saat berada di Probolinggo, Sabtu (5/9). Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo dan Kapolres Probolinggo AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya pun ikut berbincang santai di salah satu lobby hotel di Kota Probolinggo itu.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 05 at 12.58.27 2Dalam pertemuan tersebut, disampaikan tentang kondisi di Kota Probolinggo baik secara ekonomi, penanganan COVID 19 hingga sinergitas forkopimda setempat. Dijelaskan kepada KSAD Jendral Andika, sebagai kota jasa, aktivitas perekonomian di kota ini sudah kembali berjalan namun tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Pemerintah juga mendorong sektor UMKM untuk terus bergerak. 

“Kami sosialisasikan kepada masyarakat tentang kedisiplinan protokol kesehatan agar lonjakan kasus COVID 19 tidak terlalu tinggi. Kegiatan ini kami lakukan bersama TNI-Polri, bersama Pak Dandim, Pak Kapolresta dan stakeholder lainnya,” kata Habib Hadi.

Setiap bulannya, lanjut Wali Kota Habib Hadi, bersama forkopimda mereka menggelar rapat koordinasi penanganan konflik sosial yang terjadi di Kota Probolinggo. “Selain rakor, kami juga ngopi di malam hari untuk membahas permasalahan di kota,” imbuhnya. 

“Ini yang penting, jangan sampai terjadi konflik sosial di kota. Anytime jika membutuhkan kerja sama (forkopimda) langsung saja,” ujar TNI bintang empat itu.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 05 at 12.58.27Jendral Andika Perkasa juga mengacungi jempol terkait pengembangan pelabuhan yang masuk di wilayah Kota Probolinggo. Katanya, Kota Probolinggo diuntungkan untuk pusat ekonomi baru. “Senang mendengarnya jadi saya tahu kondisi di daerah, karena saya yakin setiap daerah punya variabel tertentu,” tuturnya.

Perbincangan santai itu pun berlangsung dengan gayeng. COVID 19 dan pemulihan ekonomi hingga rencana pembangunan rumah sakit pun tidak luput dari pembahasan Jendral Andika bersama forkopimda.

“Dirgahayu Kota Probolinggo ke 661. Keberhasilan leadership Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo beserta forkopimda membuat Kota Probolinggo unggul. Jika Probolinggo unggul, daerah lain unggul maka Indonesia akan maju,” tegas Jendral Andika Perkasa dalam testimoninya untuk Hari Jadi Kota Probolinggo. (famydecta)


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin - Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri had an opportunity to meet the Army Chief of Staff KSAD General Andika Perkasa on Saturday (5/9) amid his busy schedule in Probolinggo. District Military Commander Dandim 0820 Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wibowo and Probolinggo city Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya also engaged in a casual conversation with the general at one of the hotels in the city.

During the meeting, the mayor explained the conditions in Probolinggo City both economically, the handling of COVID-19, and the synergy of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda. As explained to the Army Chief of Staff, General Andika, as a city of services, economic activities in the city are back on track with health protocols in top priority. The government also encourages the MSME sector to keep moving forward.

"We have dissemination to the public on the discipline of applying health protocols to prevent COVID-19 transmission from increasing. We do this activity together with the TNI-Polri, along with the district commander, police chief, and other stakeholders," said Habib Hadi.

Along with Forkopimda, Habib Hadi continued, he holds a monthly coordination meeting for handling social conflicts that occur in Probolinggo city. "Apart from the coordination meeting, we also have coffee time at night to discuss problems that occurred in the city," he added.

"This is important, not to let social conflict occur in the city. At any time, if you (Forkopimda) need cooperation, just do it straight," said the four-star General.

General Andika Perkasa also gives a thumb up for the development of the ports in the city. He said that Probolinggo city will have benefits from the new economic center. "It's nice to hear it so I know the conditions in the regions because I'm sure each region has certain variables," he said.

The casual conversation stylishly took place. COVID-19 handling, economic recovery, and the plan to open a new hospital were also being topics discussed by General Andika and the Forkopimda joining the conversation.

"Happy 661st Anniversary to Probolinggo city. The success of the leadership of Probolinggo city administration along with Forkopimda has made the city an outstanding. If Probolinggo is a success, and so are other regions, then Indonesia will go advance," said General Andika Perkasa in his testimony for the Anniversary of the Probolinggo city. (alfien_tr)