
KANIGARAN – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo kembali menandatangani kerja sama dengan Perum Bulog Subdivre Probolinggo terkait program Bantuan Sosial Pangan tahun 2020. Penandatanganan tersebut merupakan tindaklanjut dari kerja sama yang sudah dijalin sejak tahun 2019 lalu.

IMG 20200203 WA0019Penandatangan dilaksanakan di ruang transit kantor wali kota, Senin (3/2) dihadiri Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo, Kepala Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Zainullah, Kabag Hukum, Kabag Pemerintahan, lima camat dan Pimpinan Perum Bulog Sudivre Probolinggo Krisna Murdiyanto.

Program bantuan pangan ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi beban pengeluaran Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) melalui pemenuhan sebagian kebutuhan pangan dan memberikan gizi seimbang kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Di Kota Probolinggo, bantuan sosial pangan dari dana APBD diberikan untuk 1300 KPM dengan nilai Rp 110 ribu per bulan, berupa beras dan telor.

“Kami berharap Bulog dapat menjalankan amanah, berikan kualitas terbaik untuk masyarakat,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi, usai melakukan penandatanganan. Sebagai penyedia komoditas, Bulog diminta mengedepankan 6T yaitu tepat sasaran, tepat jumlah, tepat harga, tepat waktu, tepat kualitas dan tepat administrasi.

Pimpinan Perum Bulog Sudivre Probolinggo Krisna Murdiyanto berterimakasih atas kepercayaan wali kota kepada pihak Bulog untuk melakukan pelayanan tersebut. “Kami siap melayani KPM yang ada di Kota Probolinggo. Dan, Alhamdulillah sejak kerja sama tahun 2019 tidak ada kendala,” katanya.

Selain bertanggungjawab terhadap komoditas bantuan sosial pangan dari APBD, Bulog juga menyalurkan bantuan dari dana APBN senilai Rp 150 ribu per KPM untuk 13 ribu lebih KPM di Kota Probolinggo. Rinciannya, Rp 110 ribu untuk beras dan telor, sisanya Rp 40 ribu dapat dibeli di e-warung binaan Bulog. “KPM bisa membeli daging, sayur, kacang-kacangan dan lain-lain di e-warung,” imbuh Krisna.

Sementara itu, Kepala Dinsos P3A Zainullah menjelaskan, ada perbedaan antara KPM yang sudah mendapat bantuan dari APBD dan APBN. Dari APBN, setiap KPM menerima Rp 150 ribu, sedangkan APBD masih Rp 110 ribu, untuk 1300 KPM karena disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anggaran Pemkot Probolinggo.

“Mudah-mudahan PAPBD 2020 nanti ada tambaan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anggaran. Saat ini, sesuai rilis BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) persentase penduduk miskin di Kota Probolinggo sudah menurun. Di tahun 2018-2019 dari rilis BPS warga miskin sebesar 7,9 persen. Pemkot menargetkan akan turun 7,1 persen pada tahun 2021, tapi realisasinya di awal tahun 2020 sudah menurun ke angka 6,9 persen. Jadi, target kita sudah terlewati. Namun Bapak Wali Kota meminta kami untuk mengecek kondisi di lapangan, tidak puas dengan angka itu saja,” jelas Zainullah.

Tidak hanya Bantuan Sosial Pangan, menurut Zainullah, upaya menekan angka kemiskinan yang dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo dengan memberikan bantuan pada anak jalanan, disabilitas hingga ODGJ (Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa).

“Tahun mendatang, satu sisi upaya mengurangi kemiskinan melalui ULT-PK yang akan kami verifikasi faktual terus menerus. Mudah-mudahan semakin berkurang dan yang belum dapat bantuan dari kementerian bisa ditambah lagi,” kata Zainullah, sesaat usai penandatanganan. Launching Bantuan Sosial Pangan bakal dilaunching pada awal Maret 2020 nanti. (famydecta)


Probolinggo municipal administration has again signed the cooperation with the Probolinggo’s State Logistics Agency (Perum Bulog) on the Food Social Assistance program in 2020. The signing is a follow-up to the collaboration that has been established since 2019.

The signing was carried out in the transit room of the mayor's office on Monday (3/2), attended by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Head of Research and Development Agency Rey Suwigtyo, Head of the Social Service, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Dinsos P3A) Agency Zainullah, Head of Legal Affairs Department, Head of Governance Affairs Department, five sub-district heads and the head of Probolinggo Bulog, Krisna Murdiyanto.

The program is expected to reduce the expenditure of Beneficiary Families (KPM) by meeting most food needs and providing balanced nutrition for those in need. In the city, social assistance from the local budget (APBD) is provided for 1,300 families worth to IDR 110,000 per month, in a form of rice and eggs.

"We hope that Bulog can carry out the mandate, provide the best quality for the community," said Mayor Habib Hadi, after signing. As a commodity provider, Bulog can prioritize 6Ts which means right on target, the right amount, the right price, right time, right quality and right administration.

Probolinggo Bulog Head Krisna Murdiyanto is grateful for the trust given by the mayor to carry out the service. "We are ready to serve KPM in Probolinggo City. And, Thank God, there has been no obstacle since cooperation was made in 2019," he said.

Besides being responsible for social assistance allocated in the APBD, Bulog also disbursed assistance from the national budget worth to IDR 150,000 per KPM for more than 13 thousand KPM in the city. The details, IDR 110,000 for rice and eggs, the remaining IDR 40,000 can be spent at an e-shop built by Bulog. "KPM can buy meat, vegetables, beans, and others in the e-shop," Krisna added.

Meanwhile, Head of Dinsos P3A Zainullah explained, there were differences between KPM that had received assistance from the APBD and APBN. From the APBN, each KPM receives IDR 150,000, while from the APBD, they receive IDR 110,000 for 1300 KPM because it is adjusted to the budget capacity of the Probolinggo municipal administration.

"Hopefully, in the 2020 revised budget PAPBD, the budget would be increased. At present, according to the Statistic Center Agency (BPS) release, the percentage of poor people in Probolinggo City has decreased. Based on the release in 2018-2019 the poor population was 7.9 percent. The municipal government has targeted the percentage to decrease at 7.1 percent in 2021, but in early 2020, it has decreased to 6.9 percent. “So, our target has been accomplished more than expected. But the mayor asked us to check the conditions on the ground, not just being satisfied with the numbers," explained Zainullah.

Not only Food Assistance, according to Zainullah, but efforts to reduce poverty rates are also carried out by Probolinggo municipal administration by assisting street children, disabilities to ODGJ (People with Mental Disorders).

"Next year, the effort to reduce poverty through ULT-PK would be verified factually continuously. Hopefully, the poverty rate would be decreased, and the ones who haven’t been covered would be involved in the program," said Zainullah, shortly after the signing. The launch of the Social Food Assistance will be in early March 2020. (alfien_tr)