
MAYANGAN – “Apa yang dilakukan (pemuda yang menghinanya) berakibat persoalan hukum, tapi saya tidak ingin permasalahan ini berlanjut dan dia sudah memahami kesalahannya. Saya pun sudah memaafkan,” tutur Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Senin (11/5) siang saat rilis di Polres Probolinggo Kota.

Ya, Minggu (10/5) malam, beredar foto screenshoot chating seorang pemuda di media sosial facebook yang isinya mencemarkan nama Wali Kota Habib Hadi. Postingan itu sekitar pukul 19.00, Habib Hadi baru mendengar pukul 21.00 dari rekannya dan alumni Pondok Pesantren Riyadlus Sholihin.

Saat itu juga diketahui pemuda yang dimaksud adalah Karim, 20 tahun, warga Desa Sepuhgembol, Kecamatan Wonomerto, Kabupaten Probolinggo. “Saya langsung ke lokasi, saya kesana untuk meredam hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi. Lalu kami minta amankan ke polsek sambil menunggu dari polresta,” cerita Habib Hadi.

Di depan para media, Karim mengaku chating itu iseng ia lakukan dengan seorang perempuan. “Saya tidak ada niatan menjelek-jelekkan. Saya mendekati cewek itu biar ceweknya simpati gitu,” ujar Karim.

Obrolan itu kemudian di screenshoot dan ada yang menyebarkan ke medos hingga informasi itu sampai ke wali kota. “Saya minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya ya Pak,” sambung Karim. Pemuda ini pun mengaku kapok dan tidak akan mengulangi perbuatannya. Ia juga sadar keisengannya ternyata bisa berbuntut ke kasus hukum.

Dari kejadian ini, wali kota meminta masyarakat bijak dalam bermedia sosial. Katanya, media sosial (medsos) adalah ruang publik yang banyak dibaca dan dilihat oleh masyarakat. “Maka jangan sampai jadi media perundungan, provokator atau hal-hal lain yang bisa memecah belah. Ayo bermedsos dengan bijak, di situasi dan kondisi saat ini kita harus saling menghargai,” harapnya.

Sementara itu, Kasat Reskrim Polres Probolinggo Kota AKP Heri Sugiono menyatakan, sejak Minggu malam pihaknya sudah mengamankan dan melakukan pemeriksaan kepada Karim.

“Kami sudah mengambil langkah dan mengamankan barang bukti. Namun Bapak Wali Kota tidak melakukan pelaporan dan nanti pelaku akan kami pulangkan,” imbuhnya. (famydecta)


“What he had done (insulting the mayor) has made him arrested, but I have no intention of taking this problem further and he has realized his mistake. I myself have forgiven him,” Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said on a release in the police office on Monday (11/5).


A screenshot of chatting of a young man with his friend has been viral on social media on Sunday (10/5). On the screenshot, the young man insulted Mayor Habib Hadi who then knew about this from his colleague.

It was Karim, a 20-year-old young man from Sepuhgembol, Wonomerto Sub-district, Probolinggo Regency, who insulted the mayor. “I went to the location directly to control the situation, make sure nothing bad happened. We asked the sub-district police unit to secure him while waiting for the city police unit to handle the situation,“ Habib Hadi said.

Before the press, Karim admitted the chatting with a girl was just for fun as he was trying to impress the girl. “I don’t have the intention to insult the mayor. It’s just a trick to impress the girl so that she thinks I know the mayor well,” Karim said.

The chatting was then captured in a screenshot and someone spreads the screenshot before being viral. “I apologize profusely for what I did, Sir,” Karim said to the mayor. He also admitted to being sorry and will not do it again. He also realizes that what he did can put him under arrest.

Learning from this case, the mayor asks people to be wise in using social media. He said social media is a public area where many people can see or read. “Don’t let your posting bullied or provoked by other people. Let us use social media wisely, especially in this situation, we must respect each other,” he hopes.

The head of the criminal investigation unit of Probolinggo city Police Unit, AKP Heri Sugiono stated Karim has been arrested and under investigation since Sunday evening.

“We have taken the necessary measures and collected the evidence. But, the mayor did not file any report, and therefore, Karim can go home,” he added.  (alfien_tr)