
KADEMANGAN – Sebuah pabrik garmen di Kota Probolinggo, Putrateja Sempurna di Jalan Brantas memproduksi Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) pesanan dari pemerintah pusat. Selasa (31/3) siang, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin bersama Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo dan Camat Kademangan Pujo Agung Satrio meninjau pabrik tersebut.

Sejak merebaknya COVID 19, Putrateja Sempurna menerima pesanan pembuatan APD berstandar WHO. Bahan baku mereka terima dari pemerintah pusat, di pabrik ini tinggal diproduksi. Dalam waktu satu hari mereka bisa memproduksi 4000 piece APD berbahan Dupont Tyvek dengan ukuran L dan XL.

“Dengan dua pabrik kami bisa memproduksi sehari sebanyak 10 ribu piece,” ujar Supriyono, Owner Putrateja Sempurna Probolinggo yang punya dua pabrik di Jalan Anggrek dan di Desa Lemah Kembar, Kabupaten Probolinggo.

c3eca43d ec36 4cbb 90fa 3aa6e5f182aaSupriyono menambahkan, pihaknya secara spontanitas berpartisipasi dan mendapat jatah membuat 2 juta piece. Pabriknya tidak dikenai batas waktu kapan APD harus terselesaikan namun prinsipnya lebih cepat lebih baik.  

Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin menjelaskan, APD menjadi kebutuhan bangsa dalam menangani virus korona. Saat ada garmen yang memprioritaskan pembuatan APD ketimbang produksi fashion biasanya, wali kota sangat mengapresiasi.

“Karena ini yang menjadi harapan untuk saat-saat ini dalam penanganan COVID 19. APD menjadi pelindung diri paling utama bagi tim medis dan lainnya. Pesanan ini untuk kebutuhan Indonesia, Jawa Timur dan Kota Probolinggo,” seru Habib Hadi.

Sementara itu, Jubir Tim Satgas Penanggulangan Bencana Non Alam dan Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo dr Abraar HS Kuddah menjelaskan, ada tiga kelas APD (Alat Pelindung Diri). Yaitu Dupont Tyvek, sponge dengan ketebalan 75 gram dan polyester. Namun yang direkom oleh World Health Organization (WHO) adalah Dupont Tyvek.

“Yang pertama karena Dupont Tyvek tidak terlalu tebal, sehingga partikel sangat kecil ukuran 0,3 ml tidak masuk dan tidak menyerap air,” ujar dr Abraar.

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Wali Kota Minta Lebih Banyak Pabrik Garmen Terlibat

Setelah dari Putrateja Sempurna, Wali Kota Habib Hadi bersama Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo menuju salah satu pabrik garmen terbesar di Kota Probolinggo, PT Eratex Djaja Tbk. Disana, wali kota ditemui Direktur Independen  Mandeep Singh dan jajaran manajemen.

“Saya berharap PT Eratex bisa memproduksi APD, karena saat ini kebutuhan APD sangat mendesak. Saya rasa mesin dan tenaga di Eratex sudah siap, tinggal bahannya saja,” ujar Habib Hadi.

Menurutnya, jutaan APD dibutuhkan secara nasional, sedangkan di Kota Probolinggo membutuhkan sekitar 500 piece APD. Jika Eratex siap, Habib Hadi akan menyampaikan ke Gubernur Jawa Timur terkait kesiapan pabrik di Kota Probolinggo.

“Kami dimintai masukan oleh gubernur, daerah-daerah mana yang ada pabrik garmen untuk ikut peduli dan ikut serta. Di Kota Probolinggo sudah ada pabrik yang memproduksi, apa Eratex memungkinkan ikut memproduksi?. Saya harap Eratex mengambul peran ikut sumbangsih untuk Negara kita,” terang wali kota yang berkomitmen mengajak pengusaha garmen di kota ini.

“Kami akan berusaha. Berapapun akan bikin tapi untuk APD butuh kain yang khusus. Kami ada pabrik di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah sudah buat. Dari Eratex kami full support disini. Sekarang masalah kain, kalau kami dapat kain, kami akan bikin,” ujar Mandeep Singh menyambut baik ajakan Habib Hadi.

Alhamdulillah ada respon yang baik, maka akan kami sampaikan ke Ibu Gubernur Jawa Timur bahwa disini siap tinggal bahannya saja. Kita komit. Tentunya, ada kebanggaan tersendiri jika ada pabrik garmen terlibat,” sambung Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


A garment factory in Probolinggo city, Putrateja Sampurna is now producing protective health gear (APD), as was ordered by the central government. Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin along with the head of Regional Development Planning and Research Rey Suwigtyo, and the head of Kademangan Sub-district Pujo Agung Satrio visited the factory on Tuesday (31/3).

As the number of patients with COVID-19 keeps increasing, Putrateja Sampurna receives the order of WHO-standardized protective health gear. The central government sent them the material before being produced in the factory. Each day, they can produce 4,000 pieces of Duppont Tyyek protective gear, with L and XL size.

“With two factories available, we can produce 10,000 pieces a day,” Supriyono, the owner of Putrateja Sampurna told the reporters. He has two factories, one which is in Probolinggo Regency.

Supriyono added, he spontaneously participates in the producing process and got orders of 2 million pieces. There is no deadline for him and the factory to finish the production, yet the sooner the better it would be.

Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin explained the protective gear has been one of the national needs as the equipment required in handling the coronavirus pandemic. The mayor appreciates the factory prioritizing to produce the gear instead of ordinary cloth.

“Because this is what we urgently need in handling COVID-19. APD is the main protective gear for medical workers and others. The orders are for Indonesia, East Java Province, and Probolinggo city,” Habib Hadi said.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson of Probolinggo city’s Task Force Team for Non-natural Disaster and Acceleration in Handling COVID-19, dr Abraar HS Kuddah explained, there are three classes of protective health gear. These include Duppont Tyyek, sponge with 75 mm thickness, and polyester. Yet, according to WHO, the most recommended material is Dupont Tyyek.

“This is because Dupont Tyyek is not to thick so that a very small 0.3 ml particle would not infiltrate the material, and it doesn’t absorb water,” dr Abraar said.

Mayor Expects More Garment Factories Involved

The mayor then moved to one of the largest garment factories in Probolinggo City, which is Eratex Djaja, Ltd. At the factory, he was welcomed by the Independent Director Mandeep Singh and management officers.

“I expect Eratex Djaja can produce APD because it is an urgent need at the moment. I think the machines and the human capital are ready for it, you just need the material,” Habib Hadi said.

The mayor said, millions of pieces of protective health gear are now needed nationally, and Probolinggo city needs 500 pieces. If Eratex is ready, Habib Hadi will make coordination with East Java Governor related to the readiness of the factory in Probolinggo city.

“We were asked by the governor to check if there is any garment factory in East Java ready to produce the protective gear. In Probolinggo city, we have one. Now, is Eratex ready to participate in the production? I hope Eratex can take part in giving a contribution to the nation,” the mayor said.

“We will try for it. But, we will need special material to produce gear. We have factories in West Java and Central Java producing the gear. We are ready to produce when we have the material,” Mandeep Singh said responding to what Habib Hadi wishes for.

“Thank God, we have a good response, and we will tell the governor the good news. We only need the material then. I’d say we are committed to it. And, of course, we are proud to have garment factories in Probolinggo city involved in producing the gear,” Habib Hadi added. (alfien_tr)