
KANIGARAN – Usai melaunching tempat ibadah tangguh saat Hari Jadi ke 661 Kota Probolinggo, 4 September lalu. Pemkot Probolinggo bersama TNI dan Polri meninjau ke tiga tempat ibadah tangguh, yakni tiga gereja yang tengah menggelar ibadah di hari Minggu (6/9) pagi.

Tempat ibadah disebut tangguh jika sudah menerapkan tempat cuci tangan (mengalir) dan sabun, hand sanitizer, thermogun, stok masker, tanda jaga jarak, pembagian tugas pengurus tempat ibadah, ada tulisan (banner atau spanduk) tentang protokol kesehatan di area tempat ibadah, disinfektan secara berkala. 

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 06 at 09.17.22Peninjauan pagi itu, dilaksanakan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Kasdim 0820 Mayor Inf Meeftah Puaddi dan anggota Satgas Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo. 

Lokasi pertama tempat ibadah tangguh yaitu Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan (GKJW). Secara keseluruhan, gereja ini sudah menerapkan persyaratan tempat ibadah tangguh. Bahkan, semua petugas gereja memakai sarung tangan dan jarak tempat duduk antar jemaat sudah dibatasi. 

Di gereja ini, sebelum pandemi, saat ibadah diikuti 300 orang sedangkan sekarang dibagi menjadi dua dengan pembatasan tempat duduk. Ibadah tetap dilaksanakan setiap pagi dan sore tetapi lebih tertata. 

Pada kesempatan itu, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya menyerahkan masker kain kepada pengurus gereja. “Ini sesuatu yang berharga dan akan kami kenang terus,” ujar salah seorang pengurus GKJW. 

“Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo ini kami semua bertanggung jawab. Ada pemerintah kota, TNI dan Polri serta semua pihak terkait. Maka harus ada penerapan protokol kesehatan dan bila terjadi pelanggaran maka ada sanksi. Apa yang kami lakukan saat ini adalah melakukan pencegahan,” pesan Habib Hadi kepada pihak gereja. 

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 06 at 09.17.22 1Bergeser ke lokasi kedua, tim mengecek di Gereja Merah di Jalan Suroyo. Sebelum COVID 19 per minggu jemaat yang beribadah sekitar 120 orang, sekarang hanya 50 sampai 60 orang. Gereja Merah sudah mulai beribadah sejak Juni (setelah ada surat edaran wali kota) diawali jemaat terbatas hanya majelis dan keluarganya. 

Gereja Katolik Maria Bunda Karmel Probolinggo menjadi jujugan terakhir peninjauan tempat ibadah tangguh. Pembatasan jemaat sudah dilaksanakan yang semula 700 jemaat dalam sekali misa, sekarang sekitar 120 orang saja. Ibadah dilaksanakan selama tiga kali di hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Selebihnya, jemaat mengikuti misa melalui live streaming. 

“Masalah protokol kesehatan kami percayakan kepada pengurus gereja karena kami, TNI dan Polri bertanggungjawab penuh. Jika tidak mematuhi aturan akan ada peringatan, nanti sewaktu-waktu juga akan ada yang mengecek,” ujar wali kota. Seperti di GKJW, kapolres juga membagikan masker ke semua gereja yang ditinjau kala itu. 

Ditemui usai melakukan peninjauan, Wali Kota Habib Hadi menyimpulkan hasil kegiatannya bahwa tiga gereja (tempat ibadah tangguh) sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Pembatasan usia rentan terpapar COVID 19 yaitu anak-anak dan lanjut usia yang datang ke gereja pun diapresiasi oleh wali kota. 

“Kami berpesan kepada semua pengurus untuk sama-sama saling menjaga SOP (standar operasional prosedur) protokol kesehatan. Karena kami tidak ingin ada klaster baru. Mudah-mudahan itu tidak terjadi di Kota Probolinggo,” harapnya. 

Sementara itu, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya menilai masyarakat di Kota Probolinggo sudah banyak yang memakai masker. “Jika dipersentasikan hampir 80 sampai 90 persen sudah pakai masker. Artinya, masyarakat Kota Probolinggo peduli pada kesehatan meskipun ada peningkatan COVID 19 tapi masih bisa dikontrol,” tegasnya. 

AKBP Ambariyadi berharap semua masyarakat lebih meningkatkan lagi penggunaan masker dimanapun. “Kami (TNI-Polri) khususnya Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo sudah mengizinkan membuka kembali tempat usaha seperti kafe dan resto, tapi tolong pakai maskernya,” imbuh kapolresta. 

Kasdim 0820 Mayor Inf Meeftah Puaddi menambahkan bahwa saat ini vaksin COVID 19 belum ditemukan, maka vaksin saat ini adalah protokol kesehatan. “Semua wajib melaksanakan seperti yang ditegaskan dalam inpres 6 tahun 2020,” ungkapnya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration along with the Indonesian Military TNI and Polri observed resilient worship places after the launching was announced simultaneously with the 661st anniversary of Probolinggo city, September 4th. They visited three churches on Sunday (6/9).

The worship places are called resilient as they have applied health protocols in performing their activity. These include washing hands with soap and flowing water, preparing signs to perform physical distancing, distributing duties to caretakers, hanging out a banner on health protocols in the area of worship places, and spraying disinfectant periodically.

The observe was carried out by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Military District Chief of Staff (Kasdim) 0829 Major Inf Meeftah Puaddi, and the member of the city’s COVID-19 task-force team.

The first location being visited was Christian Church Jawi Wetan (GKJW). The church has fulfilled the requirements to be classified as resilient. All officers are even wearing medical gloves and the seat distances have already been set.

The church, which was being a worship place for 300 people, is now being limited to 150 with applying health protocols, carried out in the morning and afternoon.

On that occasion, Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya handed out cloth masks to the church caretakers. “This (assistance) is something precious and we will remember it for good,” said one of the church caretakers.

“We are responsible for the handling of COVID-19 in Probolinggo city. All stakeholders including city administration, TNI, and Police unit are involved. Health protocol is a must, and a sanction will be imposed on any breach of the protocol,” Habib Hadi told the church caretakers.

The entourage was then moving to the second location at Red Church. It was recorded to have a weekly 120 people coming to the church. And, as the pandemic is still accelerating, the number is limited to 50-60 people. The church has been reactivated since June (following a circular letter issued by the mayor) with the congregant limited to the council and family.

Catholic Church Maria Bunda Karmel was the last to visit. The church now is limiting the number of congregants to 120 people. the worship is carried out three times in a week on Saturday and Sunday. Other congregants can follow the worship activity via live streaming provided by the church.

“I believe that the church can apply health protocols. Otherwise, there will be a warning. And, at any time, an inspection might be carried out,” the mayor said. The police chief also distributed cloth masks to all churches being visited.

Met after having the observation, Mayor Habib Hadi concluded that three churches he visited have applied health protocols. An effort to separate the congregants who are vulnerable to COVID-19 (children and elderly) has been appreciated by the mayor.

“We urge all caretakers to perform worship activity based on SOP of health protocols. We don’t want any new cluster to appear from the activity, not in Probolinggo city,” he hopes.

Meanwhile, Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya admits that people in the city are now aware of wearing masks. “80-90% of people are now wearing masks. It means they are now aware to maintain health. Although there is an increasing number of confirmed cases, the situation is still under control,” he said.

He hopes people can increase the awareness of wearing masks. “We (TNI-Polri), especially Probolinggo city administration have let café and restaurants open, but please, wearing masks is a must,” he added.

Kasdim 0820 Major Inf Meeftah Puaddi added that the COVID-19 vaccine has yet not been found, insisting that health protocol is the only vaccine that can be applied. “All must do what has been mentioned in Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2020,” he said. (alfien_tr)