
KANIGARAN - Memperingati Hari Buruh yang jatuh pada 1 Mei 2020, Federasi SP Kahut Indonesia Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) Kota Probolinggo melakukan aksi bagi-bagi masker gratis, Kamis (30/4). Aksi sore itu langsung dikomandoi Ketua SPSI Kota Probolinggo Faisol.

Sesuai motto SPSI Kota Probolinggo, “Solidaritas Tanpa Batas, Setia Kawan dan Militan” mereka bergerak  berbagi 2000 masker kepada sejumlah pengendara kendaraan bermotor maupun penarik becak yang melintas di depan Kantor Wali Kota Probolinggo, Jalan Panglima Sudirman nomor 19.

IMG 20200430 WA0043Dibantu dengan petugas kepolisian setempat, aksi ini mendapat perhatian dari Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin yang ikut turun tangan membagikan masker sambil memberikan edukasi pentingnya menggunakan masker di tengah pandemi COVID 19 ini.

Ya,  upaya ini dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penyebaran COVID 19 mulai dari menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan, menghindari kerumunan, sampai dengan disiplin memakai masker saat di luar rumah. Komitmen tersebut harus dijalankan bersama, baik itu masyarakat dan pemerintah.

“Saya mengapresiasi atas usaha SPSI Kota Probolinggo hari ini telah bagi-bagi masker secara gratis. Saya ucapkan terima kasih, mudah-mudahan niatan ini membawa manfaat. Lebih jauh kita dapat mengambil peran agar masyarakat tidak terpapar virus corona dengan disiplin memakai maskernya,” terang wali kota.

Ditemui usai acara, Kepala DPMPTSP dan Naker Dwi Hermanto mengatakan aksi ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian para pekerja atas pandemi yang sekarang terjadi. Diharapkan kegiatan-kegiatan seperti ini masih terus berlanjut.

“Buruh tidak hanya bisa demo-demo yang sifatnya anarkis. Buruh juga manusia biasa yang mempunyai rasa peduli atas wabah yang terjadi. Kurang lebih 20 perusahaan ikut terlibat dalam aksi ini,” papar Dwi. (dewi)


In commemorating Labor Day which falls on May 1, 2020, the Federation of Indonesian Kahut SP All Indonesia Labor’s Union (SPSI) of Probolinggo City took action, distributing free masks on Thursday (30/4). The action was immediately commanded by the Chairperson of the Probolinggo City SPSI, Faisol.


Under the SPSI motto of Probolinggo City, "Solidarity Without Limits, Faithful Friends and Militants" they moved to share 2000 masks to some motorized motorists and pedicab drivers who crossed in front of the Probolinggo Mayor's Office.

Assisted by local police officers, this action received the attention of the Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin who took part in distributing masks while providing education on the importance of using masks in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The effort was made to break the chain of COVID 19 ranging from maintaining personal hygiene and the environment, avoiding crowds, to the discipline of wearing masks when outside the home. This commitment must be carried out together, both the community and the government.

"I appreciate the efforts of the SPSI of Probolinggo City today to distribute masks for free. I thank you, hopefully, this intention brings benefits. Furthermore, we can take the role so that people are not infected by the coronavirus by using their masks in discipline," explained the mayor.

When met after the event, the Head of License Agency Dwi Hermanto said this action was a form of workers' concern over the current pandemic. It is hoped that such activities will continue.

"Labor can not only have demonstrations that are anarchist in nature. Workers are also ordinary people who have a concern for the outbreak that has been a pandemic. About 20 companies are involved in this action," Dwi explained. (alfien_tr)