
KEDOPOK – Bertempat di RS Nahdlaul Ulama Jalan Mastrip, ratusan santri putra Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid berasal dari Kota Probolinggo dan sekitarnya yang akan kembali ke pondok, dilepas secara seremonial. Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin pun ikut menghadiri undangan pelepasan santri tersebut, Sabtu (11/7).

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 11 at 11.22.08Para santri yang didampingi wali santri meletakkan tas mereka didekat kendaraan. Kemudian petugas menyemprot semua barang bawaan santri menggunakan cairan disinfektan. Ya, agar tidak berbondong-bondong ke pondok semua santri diantar secara rombongan dengan kendaraan milik NU dan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo.

Selain santri yang berkumpul di RSNU, ada beberapa santri yang menunggu di titik-titik tertentu sejalan menuju pondok yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo itu. Pelepasan semacam ini diharapkan dapat menghindari kerumunan di pondok dan meminimalisir penyebaran COVID 19 di lingkungan pondok.

Kepada wali santri dan santri, wali kota mengimbau saat mengirim ke pondok jangan hari Jumat dan melakukan salat Jumat disana. “Bukan karena apa, semata-mata demi menjaga lingkungan pondok betul-betul clear tidak ada virus. Itu harapan saya. Memang belum terbiasa dan belum pernah menghadapi seperti ini, tapi perlu dipahami untuk kebaikan semuanya,” imbaunya.

Di pondok, kata Habib Hadi, santri menuntut ilmu dan menjadi harapan keluarga. Selama kembali ke pondok santri diharapkan semangat belajar, menjalankan protokol kesehatan. Saat keluar lingkungan pondok harus bisa menjaga diri. Jangan sampai lengah dan menjadi penyebab penularan COVID 19 di lingkungan pesantren.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 11 at 11.22.08 1Seperti yang diterapkan di Pondok Pesantren Riyadlus Sholihin milik keluarga wali kota, apabila ada acara kecil di rumah, wali santri supaya tidak menjemput kecuali darurat. Wali santri tidak usah repot-repot mengirim barang, jika butuh uang cukup mengirim uang saja. “Bersama-sama di situasi seperti ini harus bisa memahami. Harus punya pikiran menahan diri supaya tidak menjadi penyebab,” tuturnya.

Melihat wajah para santri yang agak sayu, Wali Kota Habib Hadi pun menyemangati mereka. Kondisi ini sudah biasa terjadi saat santri libur panjang dan berkumpul dengan orangtua serta keluarga.

“Orangtua pasti kehilangan tapi tunjukkan bahwa kalian bisa membanggakan orangtua. Bisa membuat orangtua tersenyum. Perpisahan memang berat tapi suatu keharusan orangtua memberi bekal agama bagi anaknya. Karena orangtua ingin anak lebih baik dari orangtuanya,” pesan Habib Hadi.

“Jangan punya pikiran dipaksa mondok karena orangtua tidak sayang. Justru karena sayang orangtua ingin memberi bekal agama. Semangat ya, semoga diberi kelancaran dan kesuksesan sehingga membuat orangtua tersenyum bangga di dunia dan akhirat,” sambungnya saat memberikan arahan.

Pelepasan ratusan santri hari ini merupakan gelombang kedua. Sebelumnya, ada pelepasan khusus santri putri. Kegiatan ini juga dihadiri alumni sepuh Nurul Jadid Kiai Al Qof dan alumni lainnya seperti anggota DPRD Kota Probolinggo Hamid Rusdi dan anggota DPRD Kabupaten Probolinggo Umil Sulistyoningsih. (famydecta)

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Located at Nahdlaul Ulama Hospital, hundreds of male students of the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School of Probolinggo City who was returning to the Boarding School were released ceremonially. Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin also attended the invitation to release the students, Saturday (11/7).

The students who are accompanied by the parent put their bags near the vehicle. Then the officers sprayed all the belongings of the students with disinfectant liquid. All students were escorted in groups by vehicles belonging to NU and the City Government of Probolinggo.

Apart from the students who gathered at the RSNU, there were several students waiting at certain points along the way to the school which is located in Paiton Sub-district, Probolinggo Regency. The process of release is expected to avoid crowds and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

To the parents, the mayor appealed not to take the students on Frida and have a Friday prayer at the school. "It’s for the sake of keeping the school environment completely clear of the virus. That's my hope. It is true that we are not used to and have never faced something like this, but it needs to be understood for the good of everyone,” he appealed.

At the boarding school, said Habib Hadi, the students studied and became the family's hope. While returning to the Islamic boarding school students are expected to be enthusiastic about learning, carrying out health protocols. When leaving school, you must be able to take care of yourself. Do not let your guard down and become the cause of COVID-19 transmission.

As applied at the Riyadlus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School, which belongs to the mayor's family, if there is a small event at home, the parents should not pick them up unless it's an emergency. They don’t have to bother sending goods, or they can just send money to the students to fulfill their needs. "Together in a situation like this, we must be able to understand. You have to have thoughts of holding yourself back so you don't become the cause of a new cluster,” he said.

Seeing the slightly wistful faces of the students, Mayor Habib Hadi also encouraged them. This condition is common when students have long holidays and gather with their parents and family.

"Your parents will definitely lose but show that you can be your parent’s pride, to make them smile. This is hard, but it is a must for parents to provide religious provisions for their children. Because parents want their children to be better than their parents,” said Habib Hadi.

"Don't have the thought of being forced to go to a boarding school because your parents don't care about you. This is the way your parents show their love, by preparing you all with religious education. Hopefully, it will all go well so that it will make parents smile proudly in this world and the hereafter,” he continued when giving directions.

The release of hundreds of students was the second wave. Previously, there was a special release for female students. This activity was also attended by the graduation of Nurul Jadid Kiai Al Qof and other graduations including Probolinggo City DPRD member Hamid Rusdi and Probolinggo Regency DPRD member Umil Sulistyoningsih. (alfien_tr)