
KANIGARAN –Pelindo III Cabang Probolinggo menyerahkan bantuan berupa 600 alat rapid test ke Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Selain memberikan bantuan tersebut, Pelindo menjanjikan jumlah lebih besar untuk melakukan rapid test massal di kota ini.

Hal itu disampaikan General Manager Pelindo III Cabang Probolinggo Adji Djoko Wibowo dan Kepala Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan (KSOP) Capt Subuh Fakkurochman saat bertemu Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kamis (11/6) di kantor Pemkot Probolinggo.

“Kami diminta bersurat ke Pelindo dan mudah-mudahan bisa secepatnya. Karena alat rapid tes itu nantinya untuk santri yang akan mulai berdatangan di Kota Probolinggo,” ujar sekda. Menurutnya, di Kota Probolinggo ada 17 ponpes (pondok pesantren) dengan jumlah sekitar 8000 santri.

Bantuan alat rapid itu nantinya akan menyokong kebutuhan Dinas Kesehatan setempat. Pasalnya, Dinkes sebenarnya sudah menganggarkan 8500 alat rapid tes yang digunakan untuk tempat karantina, ODP, PDP, OTG baik itu hasil tracing atau pelaksanaan di masyarakat (tidak termasuk RSUD).

Masih menurut Sekda Ninik, Dinkes pun telah membuat prioritas siapa yang harus mengikuti rapid test. Dimulai dari kepala daerah, forkopimda, DPRD, kepala OPD dan selanjutnya rencananya santri yang tiba di ponpes hingga pedagang pasar.

Sementara itu, dalam pertemuan tersebut juga dibahas tentang hasil rapid tes yang diselenggarakan di Pelindo III Cabang Probolinggo. Dari 1800 tes, hanya dua yang menunjukkan hasil reaktif.

“Dua orang reaktif itu dari luar kota. Sudah di tindaklanjuti oleh Dinkes setempat dan dikarantina sambil menunggu hasil swab,” kata Plt Kepala Dinkes dan P2KB dr NH Hidayati yang ikut mendampingi pertemuan siang itu. Ia pun membenarkan terkait rencana melakukan tes rapid massal serentak di Kota Probolinggo. (famydecta)


State-owned port operator Pelabuhan Indonesia III, Probolinggo, handed out COVID-19 aid in the form of 600 rapid-test kits to Probolinggo city administration. They also promised to give more aid to hold a mass rapid test in the city.


This was stated by General Manager of Pelindo III, Adji Djoko Wibowo, and the Head of Probolinggo Port Authority, Capt Subuh Fakkurochman as they met Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati on Thursday (11/6) at the city hall.

“We have been asked to send an official letter to Pelindo and hopefully, we can have the rapid-test kits as soon as possible because we are going use them to test ‘santri’ (Islamic boarding school students) who will start arriving in Probolinggo city,” she said. The city has 17 Islamic boarding schools with 8,000 students, according to the regional secretary.

The rapid-test kits will support the equipment that Health Agency needs. The agency has previously bought 8,500 rapid-test kits that will be used at quarantine facilities, and for the ODP, PDP, or OTG (asymptomatic patients) both resulted from tracing and from others (regional hospital are excluded).

According to Regional Secretary Ninik, the agency has a qualification on who has to undergo a rapid test, starting from the regional head, Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), Regional House of Representative (DPRD), head of working units, ‘santri’ who will be arriving soon and the traditional market vendors.

Meanwhile, in the meeting, the result of the rapid test held in Pelindo III Probolinggo was also being discussed. Of all 1,800 tests, only two results were reactive.

“These two people are from out of town; the health agency has made follow-up actions and both of them are now in quarantine while waiting for the swab-test result,” said the acting director of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati who also attended the meeting. She confirmed a plan to have a mass rapid test in Probolinggo city. (alfien_tr)