
KANIGARAN –  Mengatasi dampak sosial di masyarakat akibat COVID 19, Kementerian Sosial RI berencana membuat program bantuan sosial untuk mengurangi beban pemerintah daerah terkait pengamanan sosial. Ini disampaikan saat video conference (vidcon) Menteri Sosial Juliari P Batubara kepada Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa bersama 38 kepala daerah kota/kabupaten, Rabu (15/4) siang.

“Program bansos tunai tahun 2020, bantuan tunai yang diberikan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka pencegahan dampak COVID 19,” katanya. Bantuan ini diberikan kepada 9 juta warga, dengan jumlah Rp 600 ribu setiap bulannya. Diberikan selama tiga bulan mulai April, Mei dan Juni 2020.

Mekanisme pelaksanaan bansos tunai antara lain Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS) sebagai acuan sasaran penerima bansos tunai pusat disiapkan Pusdatin Kesos (Pusat Data dan Informasi Kesejahteraan Sosial).

IMG 20200415 WA0056Mensos juga menyatakan untuk alokasi awal KPM (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat) bansos tunai per kabupaten/kota oleh Kementerian Sosial. Kabupaten/kota diminta mengirimkan usulan calon KPM bansos tunai kepada Kemensos melalui persetujuan bupati/wali kota dan diketahui oleh gubernur. Namun penetapan jumlah KPM bansos tunai berdasarkan kewenangan Kemensos.  

Anggaran yang disediakan Kemensos dengan proses penyalurannya dilakukan melalui mitra kerja yaitu PT POS dan Himbara (Himpunan Bank Milik Negara) dengan dukungan pemerintah daerah. Sosialisasi bansos tunai ini disebutkan dilakukan oleh pusat hingga pemerintah daerah.

“Kami ingin saling bekerjasama antara kabupaten dan kota. Kami sedang alokasi, satu sampai dua hari kabupaten/kota bisa usulkan nama-nama KPM karena bapak/ibu di daerah yang paling tahu kondisi di daerahnya,” jelas Menteri Juliari, yang menggelar vidcon bersama sejumlah pejabat kementerian. 

Mensos juga menegaskan berapa alokasi penerima bansos diserahkan ke masing-masing daerah. Kementerian mempercayakan keseluruhan calon penerima, apabila suatu saat ada pemeriksaan siapa yang menerima bansos tunai, mereka adalah keluarga yang benar-benar terdampak dan belum menerima bantuan dari pusat maupun daerah.

“Kami ingin membantu kehidupan masyarakat di daerah-daerah. Kami berharap dengan sumber daya yang terbatas semua bansos tunai tidak tebang pilih dan tergopoh-gopoh,” tegasnya kepada semua kepala daerah. Menteri Juliari pun berharap COVID 19 segera selesai dan semua masyarakat bisa kembali ke kehidupan normal sebelumnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Sosial Zainullah yang ikut dalam vidcon yang dihadiri Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Inspektur Tartib Goenawan, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo serta sejumlah pejabat terkait menjelaskan pihaknya akan menyiapkan data seperti yang diminta kementerian.

“Nanti datanya kita padankan. Perkiraan sisa BTKS yang dicover daerah dan terdampak COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo mencapai sekitar 20 ribu KPM/rumah tangga (ruta),” ujarnya singkat.

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KPK Ingatkan Pentingnya Refocusing dan Realokasi Anggaran

Sebelum vidcon dengan Kementerian Sosial, Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan sejumlah kepala OPD mengikuti vidcon dengan anggota KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) bersama pemkab/pemkot di Jawa Timur.

Sekda menceritakan, beberapa pembahasan yang disampaikan para anggota KPK seperti mengingatkan kebutuhan rumah sakit dan APD yang harus sesuai dengan fungsinya. Misalnya soal masker, sekda mengatakan bahwa jika daerah akan pengadaan masker harus jelas masker untuk tenaga kesehatan atau masyarakat.

“Soal masker ya dibahas, masker N95 untuk tenaga medis. Kalo kita ini cukup dengan masker kain. Saya juga menanyakan soal pengadaan sembako apa tetap ada PPN dan PPh, pihak KPK belum bisa menjawab,” tutur mantan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan itu.

Inti dari vidcon tersebut, lanjut drg Ninik adalah berkaitan dengan aturan mendagri nomor 1 tahun 2020 juga inpres nomor 4 tahun 2020 tentang refocusing. KPK menjelaskan, semua daerah harus refocusing dan realokasi anggaran. Ada daerah yang tidak mau melakukan refocusing-realokasi tetapi tidak diperbolehkan oleh KPK.

“Tetap harus refocusing-realokasi. Karena tidak akan tahu apa yang terjadi, iya sekarang (zona penyebaran COVID 19) hijau kalau besok-besok merah akan bingung anggarannya,” cerita sekda. (famydecta)


To overcome social impacts on the community due to COVID 19, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia plans to create a social assistance program to reduce the burden on local governments regarding social security. This was conveyed during the video conference (vidcon) of the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara to the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa with 38 regional / city heads on Wednesday (15/4) afternoon.


"2020 social assistance program, cash assistance provided to the community to prevent the effects of COVID 19," he said. This assistance was given to 9 million residents, with a total of IDR 600,000 per month, being distributed for three months starting April, May, and June 2020.

The mechanism for implementing cash assistance is the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as a reference for the recipient of the central cash assistance prepared by the Social Welfare Center (Data and Information Center for Social Welfare).

The Minister of Social Affairs also stated that for the initial allocation of KPM (Beneficiary Family) in the form of cash assistance per regency/city by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Regencies/cities are asked to send proposals for KPM candidates for social assistance in cash to the Ministry of Social Affairs through the approval of regents/mayors and known by the governor. But the determination of the number of KPM is based on the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The budget provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs through its distribution process is carried out through partners namely PT POS and Himbara (Association of State-Owned Banks) with the support of local governments. The dissemination of the cash assistance was mentioned by the central government to the regional government.

"We want to cooperate between regencies and cities. We are allocating, one to two days regencies/cities can propose the names of KPM because they in the regions who know the most conditions in their area," explained Minister Juliari, who held a video conference with several ministry officials.

The Minister of Social Affairs also emphasized how much the allocation of social assistance recipients was given to each region. The Ministry entrusts the whole prospective recipient, if at any time there is an examination of who receives cash assistance, they are families who are truly affected and have not received assistance from the central or regional government.

"We want to help the lives of people in these areas. We hope that with limited resources all-cash social assistance can be carried out properly," he stressed to all regional heads. Minister Juliari also hopes that COVID 19 will be ended soon and all people can return to their previous normal lives.

Meanwhile, Head of the Social Affairs Agency Zainullah who participated in the video conference attended by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary Drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Inspector Tartib Goenawan, Head of Research and Development Agency Rey Suwigtyo and a number of relevant officials explained that they would prepare data such as those of requested by the ministry.

"We will match the data later. The estimated remaining BTKS that are covered by regions and affected by COVID 19 in Probolinggo city reach around 20 thousand KPM/households (households)," he said simply.

KPK Reminds the Importance of Budget Refocusing and Reallocation

Before the vidcon with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Regional Secretary Drg Ninik Ira Wibawati and several working unit heads attended the vidcon with members of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) together with the regency/city government in East Java.

Secretary said several discussions were conveyed by KPK members such as reminding the needs of hospitals and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that must be under their functions. For example about the mask, the regional secretary said that if the region would procure a mask, it must have a clear mask for health workers or the community.

"We have also discussed the mask. The thing is N95 masks for medical workers and cloth masks for common people. I also asked about the procurement of basic food items, whether there are PPN and PPh, but the KPK cannot answer it yet," said the former Head of the Health Service.

The essence of the video conference, continued Drg Ninik, is related to the Minister of Home Affairs regulation number 1 of 2020, also Presidential Instruction number 4 of 2020 concerning refocusing. KPK explained, all regions must be refocusing and reallocating the budget. Some regions do not want to refocus-reallocate but are not allowed by the KPK.

"It must still do budget refocusing-reallocation. Because they will not know what happens next. They cannot guarantee to stay in a green zone. When they turn red, they will confuse to allocate the budget," said the secretary. (alfien_tr)