
MAYANGAN – Sebanyak 90 tenaga kesehatan (nakes) di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh Kota Probolingo akhirnya bisa bernafas lega. Ini setelah pemerintah setempat mencairkan insentif bagi nakes yang menangani pasien COVID 19. Secara simbolis, insentif tersebut diserahkan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin kepada para nakes, Jumat (31/7) siang.

Setelah melalui lika-liku perjuangan dan proses yang panjang, dana insentif yang berasal dari 60 persen APBN dan 40 persen APBD Kota Probolinggo bisa dicairkan kepada nakes yang berhak. Insentif ini untuk periode Maret 2020 hingga Mei 2020.

IMG 20200731 WA0030“Insentif ini menjadi prioritas untuk disegerakan karena para nakes berada di garda terdepan menangani pasien COVID 19,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi, yang siang itu didampingi Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri dan Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/278/2020, sasaran penerima insentif adalah nakes baik ASN, non ASN maupun relawan yang menangani COVID 19 dan telah ditetapkan oleh pimpinan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan pimpinan institusi kesehatan.

Nakes yang menerima insentif di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh sebanyak 90 orang terdiri dari 11 dokter spesialis; 8 dokter umum; 54 perawat; bidan 4 orang; radiografer 6 orang; analis kesehatan 14 orang; ahli gizi 2 orang.

Jumlah yang diterima pun bervariasi sesuai dengan keputusan menteri kesehatan dan dipotong pajak. Untuk dokter spesialis Rp 15 juta; dokter umum Rp 10 juta, bidan dan perawat Rp 7,5 juta; tenaga medis lainnya Rp 5 juta.

“Total dana insentif untuk 90 nakes ini sekitar 1 milyar. Kalau ditanya kapan insentif bulan Juni sampai Juli, kami juga masih menunggu informasi dari pusat. Harapan kami bisa setiap bulan namun harus disesuaikan regulasi dari pusat. Kalau insentif nakes di puskesmas akan dicairkan insyaallah minggu depan,” jelas wali kota.

IMG 20200731 WA0028Pada kesempatan itu, orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo ini mengungkapkan rasa terimakasihnya kepada seluruh nakes yang telah membaktikan dirinya merawat pasien COVID 19 di Kota Probolingo. Pihaknya juga mengapresiasi dedikasi para nakes demi menjalankan tugas mulia.

“Gunakan insentif hasil dari peluh yang anda hasilkan selama tiga bulan ini untuk hal bermanfaat. Jangan lengah, terus semangat menjalankan tugas karena COVID 19 masih belum hilang dari Kota Probolinggo. Sabar saat menangani pasien dan selalu mengedukasi masyarakat tentang bahaya terpapar COVID 19 jika tdak menerapkan protokol kesehatan dengan tepat,” tegas Habib Hadi.

Sementara itu, Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh, dr Abraar HS Kuddah mengungkapkan rasa terimakasihnya atas komitmen wali kota, wawali dan sekda bersama jajaran pemkot sehingga insentif untuk nakes di RSUD bisa dicairkan.

“Kebanggaan tersendiri bagi kami karena kami tahu seperti apa perjuangan Bapak Wali Kota mengawal aturan menteri sampai harus berangkat sendiri ke Jakarta,” ucap dr Abraar saat sambutan, dalam acara yang digelar di Ruang Edelweis RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh itu. (famydecta)

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As many as 90 healthcare workers at the dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital of Probolingo city has finally relieved. This was after the local government disbursed incentives for healthcare workers who handled COVID-19 patients. The incentives were handed over symbolically by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin to healthcare workers on Friday (31/7).

After going through a long struggle process, the incentive funds originating from 60 percent of the national budget APBN and 40 percent of the local budget APBD could be disbursed to eligible healthcare workers. This incentive is for the period of March 2020 to May 2020.

"This (incentive) is a priority to be rushed because healthcare workers are at the forefront of handling COVID-19 patients," said Mayor Habib Hadi, who was accompanied by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri and Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 278/2020, the target recipients of incentives are healthcare workers, both civil servant and non-civil servant, and volunteers who participate in dealing with COVID-19 and have been appointed by the head of health service facilities and health institutions.

There are 90 healthcare workers who receive incentives at dr Mohamad Saleh Hospital, consisting of 11 specialist doctors; 8 general practitioners; 54 nurses; 4 midwives; 6radiographers; 14 health analysts; and 2 nutritionists.

The amount received varies according to the decree of the minister of health, with deductible s tax. For specialist doctors worth IDR 15 million; general doctor IDR 10 million, midwife and nurse IDR 7.5 million; other medical personnel IDR 5 million.

"The total incentive fund for 90 healthcare workers is around 1 billion. For the incentives of June to July, we are also still waiting for information from the central government. We hope that it can be done every month, but the central regulations must be adjusted accordingly. And, God willing, the incentives for healthcare workers at the community health center will be disbursed next week," explained the mayor.

On that occasion, the mayor expressed his gratitude to all healthcare workers who have devoted themselves to caring for COVID-19 patients in Probolingo city. He also appreciates the dedication of healthcare workers in carrying out noble duties.

“Use the incentives you earn from the sweat you've made over the past three months for something useful. Don't be careless, keep up the spirit of carrying out your duties because COVID-19 has not yet ended. Be patient when handling patients and always give education to the public about the dangers of being exposed to COVID-19 if health protocols are being ignored," said Habib Hadi.

Meanwhile, the Acting Director of RSUD dr. Mohamad Saleh, dr. Abraar HS Kuddah expressed his gratitude for the commitment of the mayor, vice mayor, and regional secretary along with the ranks of the municipal government so that incentives for healthcare workers in the RSUD can be disbursed.

"It is a special honor for us because we know what kind of struggle the mayor had in watching over the ministerial regulations, making him go to Jakarta all by himself," said dr. Abraar during his speech, at the event held in the Edelweiss Room of dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital. (alfien_tr)