
KANIGARAN - Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo mengikuti video conference (vidcon) yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia, Rabu (9/9) pagi di Command Center terkait Program Pertashop milik PT. Pertamina. Vidcon ini mengundang gubernur, bupati dan wali kota se- Indonesia. Tidak ketinggalan juga Wali Kota Probolinggo, Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Sekda drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati dan Kepala DKUPP Fitriawati.

Dalam paparannya, Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menjelaskan Pertamina sebagai Badan usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) mengenalkan program pertashop, Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) mini resmi dari pertamina. “Pertamina serius mengembangkan pertashop. Pertashop adalah SPBU skala kecil. SPBU ini akan menjangkau desa-desa di seluruh Indonesia,” urainya.

IMG 20200909 WA0057Pertamina membangun pertashop di 3.827 kecamatan, tetapi hanya untuk kecamatan yang belum memiliki lembaga penyalur Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan LPG. “Kita dapat berinvestasi di pertashop sehingga dapat menggerakan perekonomian dengan merekrut orang-orang,” sambungnya.

Wanita berjilbab itu menjelaskan, ada tiga kategori konsep pertashop yang ditawarkan. Di antaranya, Gold (kapasitas 400 liter, luas lahan 144 meter persegi, lokasi minimum radius 10 km), Platinum (kapasitas 1.000 liter, luas lahan 200 meter persegi, lokasi harus berada di kecamatan yang belum memiliki SPBU), Diamond (kapasitas 3.000 liter, luas lahan 500 meter persegi, syarat dan lokasinya sama dengan platinum).

“Peluang investasi pertashop ini terbuka bagi pemerintah desa, koperasi dan UKM juga boleh berinvestasi membangun pertashop. Untuk menjadi mitra, ada 6 tahapan yang harus dilalui. Mulai dari pengajuan, verifikasi administrasi, dan izin ke pemerintah daerah. Hingga pengajuan desain, dan pembangunan pertashop serta kontrak kerja sama dengan pertamina berdurasi 20 tahun,” ungkap wanita berkacamata ini menjelaskan.

Menindaklanjuti vidcon, Kepala DKUPP Fitriawati memberikan komentarnya ditemui usai acara.  Fitriawati mewakili Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin menjelaskan, wilayah Kota Probolinggo merupakan wilayah kota yang telah memiliki SPBU Pertamina resmi, keberadaannya (SPBU) sudah mewakili radius kurang lebih 10 kilo meter dari setiap SPBU di masing-masing wilayah. Baik itu wilayah Kota Probolinggo bagian selatan, utara, barat dan timur.

“Pemerintah kota masih akan menjajaki kemungkinan adanya pertashop di Kota Probolinggo. Program ini bagus ya, untuk menjangkau masyarakat lebih dekat dengan SPBU. Kemungkinan bisa tidaknya ya kita jajaki dulu, karena persyaratannya tadi dijelaskan banyak, prosesnya pun juga banyak. Tentu pertamina juga akan melakukan survey lokasi sebelum pertashop itu didirikan. Kami dukung itu (pertashop), kalau memungkinkan bisa dibangun di pondok-pondok, di lingkungan masing-masing sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat,” timpalnya. (dewi)


Probolinggo city administration participated in a video conference held by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia on Wednesday (9/9) at the Command Center, city hall. The conference was held to discuss the Pertashop Program owned by PT. Pertamina. It was participated in by governors, regents, and mayors throughout Indonesia. Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, and Head of DKUPP Fitriawati were also involved in the meeting.

In her presentation, Pertamina's President Director Nicke Widyawati explained that Pertamina as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) introduced pertashop program, an official mini public fuel filling station (SPBU) from Pertamina. "Pertamina is serious about developing pertashop as a small-scale gas station. The gas station will be available in villages throughout Indonesia," she explained.

Pertamina has provided pertashop in 3,827 sub-districts, but these are only for sub-districts that do not have fuel and LPG distribution agencies. "We can invest in this program to increase the economy level by recruiting manpower," she continued.

The woman in the hijab explained, there are three categories of pertashop concepts being offered. These include Gold (400-liter capacity, 144 square meters land area, 10 km radius minimum location), Platinum (1,000-liter capacity, 200 square meters land area, the location must be in a sub-district that doesn't have a gas station), Diamond (3,000-liter capacity, a land area of 500 square meters, the terms and location are the same as platinum).

"The investment opportunity is open for village governments, cooperatives, and SMEs. To establish a partnership, there are 6 stages to get pass through, starting from submissions, administrative verification, and permits to local governments. And also the submission of design, construction of pertashop and cooperation contract with Pertamina for a duration of 20 years," said the woman in glasses.

Following up on the meeting, the Head of DKUPP Fitriawati gave her comments when met after the event. Fitriawati, representing Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, explained that the Probolinggo is a city that already has an official Pertamina gas station, its existence (SPBU) already represents a radius of approximately 10 kilometers from each SPBU in each region.

"The city administration will have to explore the possibility of having a pertashop in the city. This is a good program, getting people much closer to the gas stations. Yet, we must explore the possibility because the requirements were explained earlier, and there are also many processes to get through. Pertamina will, of course, also conduct a location survey before the facility is established. We support it (pertashop), if possible it can be built in Islamic boarding schools, in their respective neighborhoods according to community needs," she said. (alfien_tr)