
KANIGARAN – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo punya rencana untuk membantu masyarakat yang terdampak kebijakan di rumah saja sebagai upaya penanganan penyebaran COVID 19. Pasalnya, bantuan berupa kebutuhan sehari-hari akan melibatkan perusahaan, BAZNAS hingga ASN di lingkungan pemerintah setempat.

Seperti dijelaskan Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, untuk UMKM di Kota Probolinggo wali kota punya program khusus. Untuk menindaklanjuti hal tersebut wali kota telah menugaskan DKUPP, Dinsos dan Dipertahankan mendata warga kurang mampu termasuk UMKM.

“Bapak wali kota menugaskan kepala OPD terkait untuk mengidentifikasi, akan disiapkan anggaran untuk itu,” terang sekda, saat video conference (vidcon) dengan awak media, Senin (30/3) di kantor Dinas Kominfo. 

Selain itu, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo juga melibatkan CSR memberikan bantuan kepada masyarakat. Hal ini dibenarkan Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo, yang ikut hadir dalam vidcon dengan Tim Satgas Penanggulangan Bencana Non Alam dan Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo.

“Pemerintah ingin menggugah pelaku industri serta perbankan untuk peduli atas dampak yang dirasakan masyarakat di tengah mewabahnya virus COVID 19 ini,” kata Tiyok-sapaan akrabnya.

Pemerintah, lanjut Tiyok, juga berencana mengeluarkan bantuan dari BAZNAS. Selain itu, kepala Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), pejabat eselon III-IV dan fungsional pun akan dilibatkan memberikan bantuan untuk masyarakat. Jumlah paket bantuan pun berbeda pada setiap tingkat jabatan.

“Misalnya terpaksa harus lockdown lokal pasti akan berdampak dari berbagai sisi, mulai dari petani, nelayan, mlijo hingga warga kurang mampu. Saat ini sedang didata melibatkan tiga pilar kelurahan,” imbuh Tiyok.

“Target kami 10 ribu sembako lebih, nanti kami kolaborasikan dari dana APBD. Untuk warga kurang mampu saja di kota ada 16 ribu, dengan bantuan-bantuan bersama, sekian ribu kepala keluarga kurang mampu bisa tercapai,” sambungnya. Bantuan kebutuhan pokok yang dimaksud antara lain berisi beras, minyak, kecap, gula dan sebagainya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo municipal administration is planning to help the people affected by the policy appealing to people to stay at home by distributing aid as an effort to stop COVID-19 from spreading. The aid, in the form of groceries, will involve companies, BAZNAS, and the civil servants of the local government.

As was explained by drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, the mayor has a special program for SMEs in Probolinggo City. To follow up on this, the mayor has assigned the Agency of Cooperatives, Micro Business, Industry and Trade (DKUPP), Social Affairs Agency, and the Agency of Agriculture, Food Security, and Fisheries to collect the data of poor people including MSMEs.

"The mayor has assigned the head of the related working units to identify; the budget will be prepared," explained the Secretary, during a video conference (VIDCON) with the media crew on Monday (30/3) at the office of the Communication and Information Technology Agency.

Besides, the municipal administration has also invited CSR associations to participate in the action, giving aid to the people. This was confirmed by the Head of Regional Development Planning and Research Agency, Rey Suwigtyo, who was present at the video conference with the Non-Natural Disaster Management Task Force and Progress in Handling the 19th Probolinggo COVID.

"The government would like to encourage the industries and banking to be aware and concern of the community amid the outbreak of the COVID-19," Tiyok said.

The government, Tiyok continued, also plans to involve BAZNAS in distributing the aid. Besides, the head of the regional working units (OPD), including the structural and functional officials in the municipal administration will also be involved in giving aid to the community. The number of aid packages is different at each level of the position.

"Since the policy to stay at home has been issued, it has affected the economy of many people including farmers, fishermen, poor people, and others. We are currently collecting the data of those people in need," Tiyok added.

"Our target is more than 10,000 people, and then we will attempt to use the local budget APBD to increase the fund. We have 16,000 poor people; and hopefully, distributing the aid will help thousands of poor families," he continued. The aid will include rice, oil, soy sauce, sugar, and others. (alfien_tr)