
WONOASIH - Sebagai upaya tindaklanjut atas imbauan Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin dalam mengantisipasi penyebaran Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), Pemkot Probolinggo secara resmi akhirnya menutup pasar sapi yang berlokasi di Jalan Kyai Syafi’i. Selasa (5/5) sore sampai dengan batas waktu yang belum ditentukan.

Penutupan itu sendiri resmi ditutup dan diumumkan oleh Kepala Dinas Pertanian, Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan (Dispertahankan) Kota Probolinggo Sudiman, dengan didampingi Camat Wonoasih Deus Nawandi, Kepala Bidang Peternakan sekaligus Pengelola Pasar Hewan Suryanto dan unsur Tiga Pilar Kecamatan (Tripika) Wonoasih, yang diwakili oleh Babinsa dan Babinkamtibmas, Selasa (5/5) sore.

Kepala Dispertahankan Sudiman menyampaikan bahwa, keputusan itu diambil karena  terpantau di pasar yang berlokasi di area Kelurahan Jrebeng Kidul Kecamatan Wonoasih itu, masih dijumpai banyaknya pedagang dan pembeli yang tak mematuhi imbauan wali kota beberapa waktu lalu. Yakni, tidak menggunakan masker dan melakukan cuci tangan di wastafel yang telah disediakan di pintu masuk dan keluar pasar.

“Dari hasil evaluasi beberapa minggu terakhir terkait aktivitas di pasar sapi Wonoasih, dan melihat banyaknya (pedagang dan pembeli) yang tidak mengindahkan imbauan wali kota, dengan sangat menyesal saya harus menyampaikan bahwa mulai Selasa pekan depan (12/5), pasar sapi Wonoasih dinyatakan ditutup,” serunya.

Penutupan itu, lanjut Sudiman, dilakukan dalam rangka pelaksanaan sosial distancing dan physical distancing, guna memutus rantai penyebaran virus corona. Dan sekaligus sebagai upaya mengantisipasi jumlah penderita pasien yang terpapar di Kota Probolinggo.

Seperti diketahui, Selasa (14/4) lalu, Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin berkenan memantau langsung seperti apa kondisi pasar hewan tersebut. Ketika itu, Habib Hadi mengimbau semua pengunjung baik pedagang, blantik maupun pembeli, harus mengenakan masker.

Keputusan menutup pasar itu sendiri, memerlukan banyak pertimbangan yang mendalam dan masukan dari semua pihak. Karena dampaknya cukup besar bagi masyarakat. (Sonea)


As a follow-up effort on the appeal of Probolinggo Mayor in anticipation of the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), Probolinggo city administration officially closed the cattle market located at Jalan Kyai Syafi'i on Tuesday (5/5) afternoon for an indefinite period of time.


The market was officially closed and announced by the Head of the Agriculture, Food Security and Fisheries (Dispertahankan) Agency, Sudiman, accompanied by the head of Wonoasih Sub-district Deus Nawandi, Head of the Animal Husbandry Division Suryanto who is also the manager of the market, and elements of the Three Pillars of the Sub-district (Tripika) Wonoasih, represented by Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas.

Head of Dispertahankan, Sudiman said that the decision was taken because it was monitored in the market located in the Jrebeng Kidul Sub-district, Wonoasih District, there were still many traders and buyers who did not obey the mayor's appeal. Most people in the market do not wear a mask and wash their hands in a washstand provided at the entrance and exit point of the market.

"From the evaluation results of the last few weeks related to activities at the Wonoasih cattle market, and seeing the number of traders and buyers who do not obey the appeal of the mayor, I am very sorry to say that starting next Tuesday (12/5), the market is closed," he exclaimed.

The closure, continued Sudiman, was carried out in the context of implementing social distancing and physical distancing, to break the chain of coronavirus spread. At the same time, it is as an effort to anticipate the number of patients getting infected by a coronavirus in the city.

As is known, on Tuesday (14/4), Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin has managed to monitor directly what the cattle market was like. At that time, Habib Hadi appealed to all visitors, merchants, consumers, and buyers, to wear masks.

The decision to close the market itself requires a lot of in-depth consideration and input from all sides because the impact is quite large for the community. (alfien_tr)