
Berbeda dengan pelaksanaan pengibaran bendera pada pagi hari (17/8) sebelumnya, upacara penurunan Bendera Merah Putih pada peringatan HUT ke 75 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di Kota Probolinggo Tahun 2020, diikuti secara virtual dari gedung Command Center (CC), kantor Wali Kota Probolinggo.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Wakil Wali Kota Muhammad Soufis Subri, Sekda Kota Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kasdim 0820/Probolinggo Mayor Inf Meftah Puaddy, Kabag Sumda Polresta Kompol Saiful Rizal, Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Darwanto dan Komandan Kompi (Danki) Zipur B Yon Zipur 10/JP/2 Kostrad Kapten Czi M. Fariz Zain.

IMG 20200817 WA0153Tampak pula perwakilan Pengadilan Agama, perwakilan Kejaksaan Negeri,  serta kepala OPD di lingkungan Pemkot Probolinggo, yang secara fisik diwakili oleh Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Aman Suryaman dan Kepala Bakesbangpol Ahmad Sudiyanto.

Sementara itu, dari layar monitor yang terpasang di Command Center, pelaksanaan upacara itu juga diikuti secara virtual oleh semua pejabat di lingkungan Pemkot Probolinggo, mulai dari Asisten dan Staf Ahli hingga  Sekretariat  Dewan, camat dan lurah. Tak terkecuali masyarakat yang juga turut  mengikuti melalui live streaming stasiun televisi dan akun media sosial facebook @Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo.

Seperti diketahui, upacara penurunan Bendera Merah Putih berlangsung di Istana Negara, tadi sore. Dalam upacara itu, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memimpin langsung prosesi penurunan Bendera Merah Putih.

Upacara penurunan Bendera Merah Putih diikuti oleh 34 Provinsi seluruh Indonesia, juga diikuti kepala daerah kota/kabupaten pada pukul 16.30 WIB sampai dengan selesai.
Dari pantauan layar virtual, mulai pejabat pusat hingga pemain orkestra, marching band dan paduan suara, dilakukan secara terbatas dan ditempat yang berbeda.

Semua itu dilakukan untuk mengurangi terjadinya kerumunan di massa di tengah wabah pandemi Covid-19. Namun, meskipun dilakukan dari tempat yang berbeda, semuanya berjalan lancar  dan berlangsung dengan khidmat sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan.

Usai pelaksanaan upacara penurunan Bendera Merah Putih, Wali Kota dan segenap jajaran pejabat yang hadir, kemudian melakukan shalat maghrib berjamaah di Masjid Al Ikhlas, yang berada didalam komplek kantor Wali Kota. (Sonea)


Different from the implementation of the flag-raising ceremony on the morning of the day (17/8), the flag-lowering ceremony on the 75th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in Probolinggo City in 2020, was followed by virtual at the Command Center (CC), Probolinggo city hall.

Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, accompanied by Vice Mayor Muhammad Soufis Subri, Regional Secretary Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kasdim 0820 Probolinggo Mayor Inf Meftah Puaddy, Head of Sumda division of the city Police Unit Saiful Rizal, the Head of the District Court Darwanto, and the Company Commander (Danki) of Zipur B Yon 10/JP/2 Kostrad Captain Czi M. Fariz Zain.

There were also representatives of the Religious Court, representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, as well as the head of the working units of Probolinggo city administration, represented by the Head of the Agency of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman and Head of Bakesbangpol Ahmad Sudiyanto.

Meanwhile, from the screen of the monitor installed at the Command Center, the implementation of the ceremony was also attended virtually by all officials of Probolinggo city administration, starting from Assistant and Expert Staff to the Secretariat of the Council, heads of sub-district and urban village. The public was also able to follow the ceremony via live streaming television stations and social media accounts Facebook @Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo.

As is known, the flag-lowering ceremony took place at the State Palace this afternoon. In the ceremony, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) lead the procession of the ceremony.

It was participated in by 34 Provinces throughout Indonesia, with the regional head of the city/regency following the live streaming starting from 4.30 PM.

From the virtual screen, the officials of the central government to the orchestral players, marching band, and choir performed on a limited basis and in different places.

It was all done to reduce the possibility of a crowd of mass amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, although it is done from a different place, everything runs smoothly and in a solemn atmosphere following the health protocol set.

After the ceremony, the mayor and all the officials performed the Maghrib prayer at the Al-Ikhlas mosque, located in the complex of city hall. (alfien_tr)