
MAYANGAN – “Saya mau tanya dulu, sanggup atau tidak?,” tanya Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin kepada pelaku usaha yang hadir dalam penyerahan sertifikat adaptasi kebiasaan baru, sebagai destinasi wisata atau jasa usaha pariwisata yang telah diverifikasi dan memenuhi persyaratan sesuai protokol kesehatan COVID 19, Senin (10/8) pagi.

“Sanggup,” jawab 9 pelaku usaha sektor pariwisata yang menerima sertifikat, di TRA Bayuangga. Sembilan tujuan dan usaha wisata yang dimaksud adalah Bromo Park Hotel, Taman Wisata Studi Lingkungan (TWSL), Hotel Ratna, Pantai Permata Pilang, Orin Hall and Resto, DnC, Widya Harja, BJBR dan Paseban Sena. Meski mengaku sanggup, mereka akan tetap dilakukan pemantauan oleh tim assessment di Kota Probolinggo.

IMG 20200810 130228Wali Kota Habib Hadi menegaskan, pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan adaptasi baru untuk memulihkan sektor perekonomian yang terpuruk karena dampak COVID 19 salah satunya sektor pariwisata. Maka Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo pun harus mengambil langkah agar sektor pariwisata kembali bergerak. Tentunya, dengan menerapkan sektor protokol kesehatan.

”Jangan awal-awalnya saja ketat terus kendor lagi. Jangan salahkan kalau kami cabut izinnya, jangan karena sudah dapat sertifikat terus lengah atau tidak melaksanakan protokol kesehatan. Kami mengambil kebijakan terbaik untuk semua. Mudah-mudahan berjalan sesuai harapan,” imbau Habib Hadi.

Orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo ini mengingatkan, pengelola gedung atau penyelenggara acara yang bekerjasama dengan katering harus menyediakan petugas yang mengambilkan makanan atau minuman. Tamu tidak diperbolehkan mengambil sendiri-sendiri. Jika tetap terjadi maka pemilik gedung dan katering bakal dapat teguran.

Dari sisi pencegahan dengan jaga jarak, memakai masker dan menyediakan tempat cuci tangan, lanjut wali kota, penyebaran COVID 19 bisa dicegah. ”Tapi kalau jamuan makan ambil sendiri-sendiri, ini yang tidak boleh. Kami melarang ini sebagai upaya memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID 19. Semisal ada yang komentar, ribet, ya mau usahanya terus berjalan atau di-cut. Maka, saya harap ada pemahaman dari semua pihak yang terlibat sebagai kunci kebersamaan menghadapi pandemi ini,” tutur mantan anggota DPR RI dan DPRD Jawa Timur ini.

IMG 20200810 WA0024Hal yang sama juga berlaku pada pelaku sektor pariwisata seperti pengelola tujuan wisata di Kota Probolinggo. Mereka diminta tegas jika ada pengunjung yang tidak memakai masker untuk memberi kepastian berupa kenyamanan dan keamanan dari COVID 19.

Kepercayaan yang diberikan pemerintah kepada 9 tujuan dan usaha wisata ini akan terus dipantau dan ditegur oleh tim assesment adaptasi kebiasaan baru. ”Dibantu kepolisian dan TNI, kami saling menjaga dan mengawal kebijakan yang sudah diambil. Kami memberikan kebebasan aktivitas tentunya dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan,” ungkap Habib Hadi.

Setelah dibuka dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan mendapat sertifikat adaptasi kebiasaan baru ini, diharapkan memberi jaminan bahwa destinasi dan usaha pariwisata tersebut layak untuk dikunjungi. ”Sekarang Kota Probolinggo di zona oranye, semoga segera kuning dan kembali ke zona hijau seperti yang pernah kita rasakan beberapa waktu lalu meski hanya dua atau tiga hari,” ujar wali kota.

Pemantauan Bakal Dilakukan Secara Berkala
Kepala Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata (Dispopar) Kota Probolinggo Budi Krisyanto mengatakan, protokol kesehatan sektor pariwisata dan ekraf disahkan melalui Keputusan Menteri nomor : HK.O1.07/MENKES/382/2020 tentang protokol kesehatan bagi masyarakat di tempat dan fasilitas umum dalam rangka pencegahan dan pengendalian Corona Virus Disease (COVID) 2019. Protokol kesehatan di sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif disusun berlandaskan atas tiga isu utama yaitu kebersihan, kesehatan dan keamanan.

Tim assesment yang terdiri dari berbagai unsur seperti TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Dinas Kesehatan P2KB, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, PHRI telah melakukan verifikasi dan 9 tujuan dan usaha wisata dinyatakan siap dan sudah terverifikasi.

IMG 20200810 WA0041”Untuk menjamin konsistensi pengelola maka Bapak Wali Kota memberikan sertifikat kesiapan adaptasi kebiasaan baru. Dan, tentunya jadi catatan akan dilakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap pengelola destinasi tujuan wisata di Kota Probolinggo,” ujar Budi Krisyanto.

Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Jawa Timur, kata Budi Kris-sapaan akrabnya, menyatakan Kota Probolinggo termasuk kota yang melakukan akselerasi dalam pemulihan ekonomi. “Kepada pelaku usaha, tetap melihat surat edaran yang diterbitkan oleh pemerintah kota. Tetap menyimak informasi sesuai perkembangan yang berlaku,” imbuhnya.

Selain tujuan dan usaha wisata, dua kolam renang milik Pemkot Probolinggo yaitu TRA dan Olimpic di GOR Kedopok, sesuai ketentuan dari Dinas Kesehatan P2KB untuk mengecek kondisi air di laboratorium Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH). Hasilnya, pemeriksaan bisa dioperasionalkan dengan catatan kondisi air tetap dipantau dan dilaporkan ke DLH dan Dinkes P2KB.

Sementara itu, Kepala UPTD IPLH selaku pengelola TWSL Kota Probolinggo Akbarul Huzaini, salah satu tujuan wisata yang menerima sertifikat pagi itu menyatakan pihaknya tetap akan menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara ketat tidak peduli berapapun jumlah pengunjungnya.

“Kami sudah menyiapkan face shield petugas, thermo gun, bilik disinfektan, jalur satu arah sudah kami atur,” ujar Akbarul. Sejak dibuka pada 1 Juli hingga saat ini, jumlah pengunjung TWSL berkurang dibanding sebelum pandemi. Penurunan terjadi 50 sampai 60 persen. Kini, promosi terus dilakukan TWSL melalui berbagai media sosial untuk menarik minat pengunjung. (famydecta)

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"I want to ask first, can you all do it?," asked the Mayor of Probolinggo, Hadi Zainal Abidin, to the business actors who attended the submission of certificates of adaptation to new normal, as tourist destinations or tourism business services that have been verified and meet the requirements according to the COVID 19 health protocol on Monday (10/8).

"Yes," answered 9 tourism sector entrepreneurs who received certificates, at TRA Bayuangga. The nine destinations and tourism businesses in question are Bromo Park Hotel, Environmental Study Park (TWSL), Ratna Hotel, Permata Pilang Beach, Orin Hall and Resto, DnC, Widya Harja, BJBR, and Paseban Sena. Although they claim to be capable, they will still be monitored by the assessment team of Probolinggo city administration.

Mayor Habib Hadi emphasized that the government is implementing a new adaptation policy to restore the economic sector that has been impacted by COVID-19, one of which is the tourism sector. Probolinggo city administration must take steps to make the tourism sector revived, by implementing health protocol.

"We have to show our commitment to it. Do not blame it if we revoke the permit. Once you get the certificate, you all must follow the rules, don’t be careless. We take the best policy for all. Hopefully, it goes according to expectations," said Habib Hadi.

The mayor reminded that building managers or event organizers in collaboration with caterers must provide officers who get food or drinks. Guests are not allowed to collect their own meals. If this happens, the building owner and the caterer will receive a warning.

In terms of prevention by keeping a distance, wearing masks, and providing a place to wash hands, the mayor continued, the spread of COVID-19 could be prevented. "But if you take the banquet separately, this is not allowed. We prohibit this as an effort to break the chain of the spread of COVID 19. For example, if someone thinks that this is complicated, they might have their business stopped. So, I hope there is an understanding from all parties involved as the key to togetherness in facing this pandemic," said the former member of the DPR RI and DPRD of East Java.

The same thing goes to tourism sector actors such as managers of tourist destinations in the city. They are asked to be firm if there are visitors who do not wear masks to provide assurance in the form of comfort and safety from COVID-19.

The trust given by the government to these 9 tourism destinations and businesses will continue to be monitored and admonished by the new habit adaptation assessment team. "Assisted by the Police and TNI, we protect each other and guard the policies that have been taken. We provide freedom of activity, of course, by prioritizing health protocols," said Habib Hadi.

After being opened by implementing health protocols and receiving a certificate for the adaptation of the new normal, it is expected that it will guarantee that the tourism destinations and businesses are worth visiting. "Now Probolinggo city is categorized as orange zone, and hopefully it will get yellow soon and return to the green zone as we have experienced some time ago even though it was only for a couple of days," said the mayor.

Monitoring Will Be Done Periodically

Head of the Probolinggo City Youth Sports and Tourism Agency (Dispopar) Budi Krisyanto said the health protocol for the tourism and the creative economy sector was ratified by Ministerial Decree number: HK.O1.07 / MENKES / 382/2020 regarding health protocols for the community in public places and facilities in the context of prevention and control of Corona Virus Disease (COVID) 2019. Health protocols in the tourism sector and the creative economy sector are prepared based on three main issues, including cleanliness, health, and safety.

The assessment team consisting of various elements such as the TNI, Polri, Public Order Agency Satpol PP, Health Agency, Environment Agency, PHRI has verified and 9 tourism destinations and businesses are declared ready.

"To ensure the consistency of the manager, the mayor gave a certificate of readiness for the adaptation of the new normal. And, of course, it will be noted that there will be regular monitoring of the managers of tourist destinations in the city," said Budi Krisyanto.

The East Java Provincial Tourism Agency, said Budi Kris, said that Probolinggo City was one of the cities that had accelerated its economic recovery. "To business actors, keep looking at the circular letter issued by the city administration. Keep listening to information according to the prevailing developments," he added.

In addition to tourism destinations and businesses, two swimming pools owned by the city administration, namely TRA and Olympics at the Kedopok Sports Hall, are in accordance with the provisions of the Health Agency to check water conditions in the Environment Agency (DLH) laboratory. As a result, the inspection can be operationalized as long as the water condition is monitored and reported to the DLH and Health Agency.

Meanwhile, the Head of UPTD IPLH as the manager of TWSL City of Probolinggo Akbarul Huzaini, one of the tourist destinations that received a certificate that morning said that his party would still apply strict health protocols no matter the number of visitors.

"We have prepared a face shield for the officers, a Thermo gun, a disinfectant booth, and we have arranged a one-way route," said Akbarul. Since opening from July 1 until now, the number of visitors to TWSL has decreased during the pandemic. The decrease was 50 to 60 percent. Now, TWSL continues to carry out promotions through various social media to attract visitors. (alfien_tr)