KANIGARAN – Wali Kota Probolinggo menerima kedatangan rombongan PLN Unit Pelaksana Pelayanan Pelanggan (UP3) Pasuruan di Lobby Kantor Wali Kota, Rabu (12/8). Siang itu, PLN menyerahkan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) berupa 135 baju hazmat dan 5000 sachet vitamin.
“Ini adalah CSR PLN dan dari Yayasan Baitul Maal. Mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat membantu penanggulangan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo,” jelas Manager PLN UP3 Pasuruan, Maria GI Gunawan. Diketahui, pelayanan PLN di wilayah Kota Probolinggo masuk dalam UP3 Pasuruan.
Wali Kota Habib Hadi mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya atas kepedulian yang diberikan oleh PLN. Ia tidak melihat banyak atau sedikitnya, tetapi bantuan yang diberikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. “Manusia yang bermanfaat adalah manusia yang mau berbagi pada situasi dan kondisi yang ada. Dimana keberadaannya (manusia) bisa membantu yang lain,” katanya.
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dibutuhkan bagi tenaga kesehatan ketika memberikan pelayanan pada pasien yang terpapar COVID 19. “Terima kasih kepedulian PLN, Alhamdulillah. Mudah-mudahan apa yang dilakukan menjadi amal ibadah kita semuanya,” tutur Habib Hadi.
Rencananya, APD diberikan kepada nakes, sedangkan vitamin untuk mereka yang ada di karantina, lembaga atau yayasan di wilayah Kota Probolinggo. Habib Hadi menegaskan, bantuan yang diterima oleh Pemkot Probolinggo harus diterima secara resmi dan transparan agar tidak ada tumpang tindih antara APBD dan CSR.
Saat penyerahan, Wali Kota Habib Hadi didampingi Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan Inspektur Tartib Goenawan. (famydecta)
Probolinggo Mayor welcomed the arrival of the Pasuruan Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) of the PLN group on Wednesday (12/8), at the city hall Lobby. On that occasion, PLN handed out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the form of 135 hazmat suits and 5,000 sachets of the vitamin.
"This is PLN's CSR and also collected from the Baitul Maal Foundation. Hopefully, this can be useful in helping to combat COVID-19 in Probolinggo city,” explained the Manager of PLN UP3 Pasuruan, Maria GI Gunawan. As information, PLN services in Probolinggo city are included in UP3 Pasuruan.
Mayor Habib Hadi expressed his gratitude for the care provided by PLN. He did not see the amount of the aid but appreciated that the aid was given according to need. "Good people are they who are willing to share in the existing situations and conditions, where they (humans) can help others, "he said.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed for healthcare workers when providing services to patients exposed to COVID-19. "Thank you for the care of PLN, Alhamdulillah. Hopefully, what we do will become all of our acts of worship," said Habib Hadi.
The PPE will be given to healthcare workers, while vitamins for those in quarantine, institutions, or foundations in the city. Habib Hadi emphasized that the assistance received by the Probolinggo city administration must be received officially and transparently so that there is no overlap between the local budget APBD and CSR.
During the handover, Mayor Habib Hadi was accompanied by the Regional Secretary, drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, and Inspector Tartib Goenawan. (alfien_tr)