
KANIGARAN - Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Probolinggo menggelar tes Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Formasi Tahun 2019, hari ini (26/9). Tes ini sempat tertunda akibat adanya wabah Covid-19.

Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kota Probolinggo Ninik Ira Wibawati yang datang meninjau pelaksanaan SKB itu mengingatkan peserta untuk percaya diri dan tenang dalam mengisi soal-soal ujian yang ada. Dan tak mudah percaya pada oknum yang menawarkan, bisa meluluskan peserta ke jenjang berikutnya dalam perekrutan CPNS dengan imbalan-imbalan tertentu.

“Itu hoaks ya. Jangan mudah terpedaya pada hal-hal seperti itu. Percaya diri, tenang dan pasrah saja, “ katanya.

IMG 20200926 WA0009Kepala Kantor Regional II Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) Surabaya Tauchid Djatmiko, didampingi Kepala Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Kota Probolinggo Gogol Sudjarwo dan Kepala Bagian Pemerintahan Pudi Adji, pun membenarkan apa yang disampaikan Ninik, dengan mengatakan bahwa perekrutan pegawai dilakukan tanpa adanya pungutan apapun. Jadi, apabila peserta mendapatkan iming-iming menggiurkan dari oknum tak bertanggungjawab, sebaiknya tak mengindahkan, bahkan harus berani melaporkan. “Jangan percaya. Laporkan saja!,” tegasnya.

Tauchid menambahkan, pelaksanaan tes SKB CPNS pada tahun ini berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Pasalnya, situasi dan kondisi di tengah wabah pandemi Covid-19, membuat agenda perekrutan calon pegawai dilakukan sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan.

Tercatat, jumlah peserta yang mengikuti SKB Penerimaan CPNS Formasi Tahun 2019 di lingkungan Kota Probolinggo itu, menyentuh angka 120 orang per sesinya.

IMG 20200926 WA0008Pelaksanaan SKB yang dilangsungkan di GOR Kedopok Jalan Mastrip itu, dimulai pukul 08.30 WIB untuk sesi pertama. Kedua, pukul 11.30 WIB dan pukul 14.30 WIB untuk pelaksanaan sesi terakhir. Dimana sebelum memasuki ruang ujian, masing-masing peserta harus melakukan registrasi terlebih dahulu.

"Total peserta SKB CPNS formasi tahun 2019 yang mengikuti seleksi berbasis CAT BKN hari ini, berjumlah 361 orang," kata Kepala BKPSDM Kota Probolinggo.

Ternyata jumlah itu tak termasuk mereka yang mengikuti SKB di luar Kota Probolinggo. Pasalnya, ada 14 peserta lain yang melakukan tes di luar kota, tepatnya di kantor regional terdekat dengan domisili mereka. Seperti Bandung, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Mataram, Palembang, Semarang, Serang bahkan ada yang di Jakarta, yakni di BKN Pusat.

Adapun untuk peserta yang tak hadir atau terlambat mengikuti SKB, Gogol menyampaikan, jika kepesertaan CPNS itu, otomatis gugur karena sistem.

Seperti diketahui, SKB merupakan tes yang berpengaruh bagi seseorang yang mengikuti seleksi CPNS. Hal ini karena bobot nilai SKB adalah 60 persen. Sedangkan, Seleksi Kompetensi Dasar (SKD) adalah 40 persen.
Pelaksanaan SKB Penerimaan CPNS Tahun Formasi 2019 di lingkungan Pemkot Probolinggo sendiri menggunakan Computer Assisted Test (CAT) yang berlangsung hari ini. (Sonea)


Probolinggo city administration conducted Field Competency Selection (SKB) for the Recruitment of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) for the Formation of 2019, today (26/9). This test was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Regional Secretary of Probolinggo City, Ninik Ira Wibawati came to monitor the implementation of the SKB, encouraging the participants to be confident and calm in taking the test. She also reminded them not to trust anyone who offers the participants to easily pass the test by providing a certain sum of money.

"That's a hoax. Don't be easily get into such things. Be confident, calm, and to entrust it all to God Almighty," she said.

Head of Regional Office II of the Surabaya State Civil Servants Agency (BKN) Tauchid Djatmiko, accompanied by the Head of the Probolinggo City Civil Servants and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Gogol Sudjarwo and Head of the Department of Government Affairs Pudi Adji, also confirmed what Ninik said, saying that the recruitment was carried out without any charges. So, if participants get some offers from any irresponsible persons, they must ignore them, and make a report if necessary. "Do not trust such things. Just report it!" he said.

Tauchid added, the implementation of the SKB test is different from the previous years as the situation and conditions amid the COVID-19 pandemic have made the recruitment agenda for civil servant candidates carried out under health protocols.

It is recorded that the number of participants who took part in the SKB test of 2019 Formation CPNS Recruitment in Probolinggo city has reached 120 people per session.

The implementation of the SKB, which was held at the Sports Center Kedopok started at 08.30 am for the first session; at 11.30 am for the second one; and 14.30 for the last session. Before entering the exam room, each participant must fill out the registration form.

"The total number of CPNS SKB participants for the formation of 2019 who participated in the CAT BKN-based selection today is 361 people," said the Head of BKPSDM Probolinggo city, Gogol Soedjarwo.

It turned out that this number did not include those who took the SKB outside the city. This is because 14 other participants took the test in outer cities, at the regional office close to their domicile: Bandung, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Mataram, Palembang, Semarang, Serang, and some even in Jakarta.

As for the participants who did not attend or were late in taking the SKB, Gogol said, based on the rules, they are automatically failed by the system.

As is known, SKB is an influential test for someone who participates in CPNS recruitment. This is because the value of the SKB is as much as 60 percent. Meanwhile, the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) worth 40 percent.

Implementation of the SKB for CPNS Recruitment for the 2019 Formation Year in the Probolinggo city administration used the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) which took place today. (alfien_tr)