
KANIGARAN – Satu dari dua pasien COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo akhirnya bisa bernafas lega setelah hasil swab terakhir dinyatakan negatif. P, yang masih pelajar sekolah menengah itu pulang ke rumahnya, Sabtu (18/4) siang. Sedangkan sang ayah, S, masih harus dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh menunggu hasil swab.

Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin bersama para tenaga kesehatan pun melepas P dengan sebuah acara seremonial sederhana. Ada balon dan bucket bunga. Wali kota menyaksikan kepulangan P ini untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat bahwa penyakit ini bukan aib. COVID 19 bisa disembuhkan asalkan mentaati protokol kesehatan.

IMG 20200419 WA0009“Terima kasih kepada tim kesehatan, saya memberikan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya. Ketekunan yang dilakukan, upaya yang terbaik dan atas ridho Allah SWT, alhamdulillah pasien sehat,” kata Habib Hadi yang berpesan kepada keluarga dan lingkungan di rumah P agar tidak mengucilkannya.

P, yang selama perawatan selalu bersama sang ayah itu sempat menitipkan pesan kepada seluruh masyarakat. Katanya, semua orang harus menjaga diri dan tetap di rumah saja, serta selalu memakai masker.

Sesaat sebelum meninggalkan ruang isolasi RSUD, P sempat berfoto dengan memegang secarik kertas bertuliskan “Saya mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada Bapak Wali Kota beserta jajarannya atas motivasi dan kepedulian yang telah diberikan kepada saya. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan bapak dan ibu semuanya”. 

Sementara itu, menurut Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah, kesembuhan pasien ini merupakan suatu keberhasilan bersama antara masyarakat, pemkot dan jajaran, semua pihak serta RSUD. Kesembuhan pasien bukan hanya keberhasilan RSUD melainkan keberhasilan bersama karena adanya kerjasama yang baik.

IMG 20200419 070447Penanganan tim medis di RSUD berplat merah ini menjadi lebih ringan karena kejujuran dari penderita sehingga bisa mampu menyembuhkan. “Masalah kesembuhan itu Allah yang menentukan, kita tidak bisa memprediksi,” kata dokter spesialis bedah ini.
Ia menceritakan, saat P datang ke RSUD langsung rapid tes dan hasilnya negatif. Untuk meyakinkan lagi maka P mengikuti tes swab dan hasilnya positif. P kemudian mendapat penanganan medis, diberi stimulan hingga dua kali swab hasilnya negatif. “Setelah dua kali swab negatif, baru kami yakin pasien bisa kita kembalikan ke masyarakat,” imbuh dr Abraar.

Sesampainya di rumah, P harus tetap menjaga diri di rumah dan tidak berinteraksi langsung. P wajib menjalani isolasi selama 8 hari di rumahnya dengan diberi obat-obatan, stimulan yang bisa merangsang antibody. “Tetap harus ada pengawasan dari pihak Dinas Kesehatan dan Satpol PP. Kami juga memberikan surat bebas COVID 19 secara swab,” tegasnya. (famydecta)


The Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Tito Karnavian released a budget allocation for handling COVID 19 on Friday (17/4) afternoon via video conference (vidcon) which was participated in by regional heads and legislative council’s DPRD officials throughout Indonesia, including Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin and DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib and several officials at the Command Center.


According to Minister Tito, the reaction of each region to budget handling COVID 19 is different. He understood the emergence of concerns when refocusing-reallocation the budget. Therefore, a coordination meeting through a video conference with the KPK, BPK, LKPP, and Kabareskrim was carried out. "Many regions seem relaxed. We cannot predict the rapid spread of COVID-19," he said.

Based on the Ministry of Home Affairs data, the five largest regions (provinces) allocating budget for handling COVID 19 are DKI Jakarta Province; West Java, East Java, Central Java, and Aceh. Whereas at the regency/city level the first highest in Makassar City; Jember Regency; Bogor Regency; Bengkalis Regency and Tangerang City.

The smallest budget allocation is Jambi Province; West Sulawesi; Bengkulu; NTB and North Maluku. At the district/city level, the five cities with the lowest budget allocation are Tual; Nias Regency; East Tanjung Jabung Regency; West Bandung Regency, and Sorong City. The Minister of Home Affairs also displayed 48 regions with 19 budget allocations for handling COVID under IDR 10 billion. Probolinggo city was not included.

In addition to the COVID-19 handling budget, it was also released that the region was allocating a health treatment budget. East Java Province is ranked third with a budget value of IDR 948,160.228050. Regions in East Java that are included in the top five largest budgets for health management are Jember and Lamongan Regency. As of Friday afternoon, 528 regions had budgeted for health management, 14 regions had not informed the Ministry of Home Affairs.

East Java re-entered the top five, to be ranked fourth precisely as the five regions allocating budgets for handling economic impacts. The allocated value reaches IDR 269,937,292,956, whereas the five highest regency versions of a city from East Java are Jember with a total of IDR 81,964,524,000.

The number of provinces, regencies/cities that have budgeted for handling economic impacts is 390 regions. 138 regions have not budgeted and 14 regions have not informed budgeting to the ministry.

Well, for the budget allocation for the provision of social safety nets (JPS), East Java Province ranked fifth with a budget of IDR 1,173,000,000,000. In the regency/city level, Surabaya is in the top five by providing JPS of IDR 160,600,000,000.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Sri Mulyani explained that the world is currently facing a major change in terms of the economy. COVID 19 has spread throughout the world and even Indonesia, which can have social and economic impacts. Economic growth was affected by investment, exports, and imports.

In 2020, economic development fell 2.3 percent. This is a severe scenario that is often conveyed by Sri Mulyani at work meetings or cabinet meetings. The government must prepare itself for the possibilities that result in poverty and unemployment.

"With this situation, COVID 19 is widely spread in Java. Java has the biggest impact and the government has issued Perppu number 1 in 2020 in response to health, social and economic conditions," Sri Mulyani said in the video, which was attended by 803 participants.

In essence, the minister stressed the physical delay of the DAK (Special Allocation Fund), the cessation of spending was not important and now prioritizing health, economic impacts, and social safety nets. "The construction of a sports building or library can be stopped because of this (the budget for the construction) can be cut," she said in the video conference attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri and Regional Secretary Drg Ninik Ira Wibawati.

Cutting or stopping unnecessary expenditures includes employee expenditure, goods, and services expenditure and capital expenditure. Such as reducing official travel, procurement, official clothing and attributes, maintenance of motor vehicles, eating/drinking to dissemination/technical guidance.

Minister of Finance also reminded that the Regional Budget will decrease according to the conditions because a lot of income from taxes has also declined. The video conference was also participated in by the Minister of Social Affairs and the Minister of Health. (alfien_tr)