
KANIGARAN – Per tanggal 3 April 2020, jumlah Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP) di Kota Probolinggo mencapai 151, 102 diantaranya masih dalam pemantauan, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 49 sudah melewati masa pemantauan oleh tim kesehatan. Sementara itu, jumlah PDP (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan) tetap 2 orang.

Data ini dirilis oleh Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin bersama Tim Satgas Bencana Non Alam dan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo, saat telekonferensi dengan para jurnalis, Jumat (3/4) sore.

“Positif masih nol. Secara rapid test ada yang positif 1 orang, kami ajukan pemeriksaan lagi ke Surabaya dengan swab. Hasilnya menunggu tiga sampai empat hari kerja,” ujar Jubir Tim Satgas dr Abraar HS Kuddah.

Peta sebaran COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo terbagi di lima kecamatan. Dua PDP berasal dari Kecamatan Mayangan dan Kecamatan Kademangan. Sedangkan sebaran ODP terbanyak di Kecamatan Mayangan (67), disusul Kecamatan Kanigaran (32), Kecamatan kademangan (31), di Kecamatan Wonoasih 13 ODP dan paling rendah di Kecamatan Kedopok hanya 8 orang.

IMG 20200403 WA0119Wali Kota Habib Hadi menjelaskan, jumlah ODP memang semakin naik karena banyaknya warga baru saja datang dari daerah lain khususnya zona merah  yang melaporkan ke petugas kesehatan. Mereka inilah yang statusnya dimasukkan dalam ODP untuk kemudian dipantau secara intensif oleh petugas hingga melewati batas waktu pemantauan.

“Kota Probolinggo tidak akan masuk zona merah asalkan warganya disiplin. Peduli terhadap lingkungan. Banyak warga yang melakukan langkah secara mandiri agar terbebas dari zona merah. Mungkin banyak yang tidak peduli dan menganggap upaya preventif ini berlebihan, biarkan saja. Pada waktunya nanti mereka akan mengerti dan memahami apa yang sudah kita lakukan untuk kebaikan bersama,” jelas wali kota.

Telekonferensi itu juga diikuti Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kepala Dinas Kominfo Aman Suryaman, Kepala DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi, Plt Kepala Dinkes dr NH Hidayati, Kalaksa BPBD Sugito Prasetyo, Kepala Dinas Satpol PP Agus Efendi, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigto, perwakilan Polres Probolinggo Kota dan Kodim 0820. (famydecta)


As of April 3rd, 2020, the number of Persons under Investigation (ODP) in Probolinggo city has reached 151 in total, 102 of them are still under investigation, with the 49 rest of them have passed the investigation. Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 suspects (PDP) remains 2 persons.


The data was released by Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin and the Task Force Team for Non-natural Disaster and COVID-19 Handling of Probolinggo city, on a teleconference on Friday (3/4).

“We have no positive cases for coronavirus. COVID-19 rapid test showed a positive result for 1 person and will undergo further screening by PCR test using swab in Surabaya. The result will be announced in three to four days,” the spokesperson of the task-force team dr Abraar HS Kuddah said.

The map showing the spread of COVID-19 in Probolinggo city is divided into five sub-districts. Two suspects of COVID-19 are known from Mayangan and Kademangan sub-district. Meanwhile, the sub-district with the most Person under Investigation (ODP) is Mayangan (67), with Kanigaran sub-district (32), Kademangan (31), Wonoasih (13), and Kedopok sub-district (8) showing the lowest number of ODP.

Mayor Habib Hadi explained, the number of ODP is increasing due to many people coming from red-zone regions who reported to the health authorities. They are the ones categorized as Persons under Investigation (ODP), being monitored intensively by the officers for a certain period.

“Probolinggo city would not turn into a red-zone area as long as the people keep discipline, to concern more on the neighborhood. Many people taking measures independently to avoid the status of a red-zone area. Many do not care about this and consider it as overprotective, let be it. Sooner or later, they will understand what we have done is for everybody’s sake,” the mayor explained.

The teleconference was participated in by Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, the head of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman, the head of DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi, the acting head of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati, the head of Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Sugito Prasetyo, and other officials. (alfien_tr)

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