KANIGARAN – Setelah satu Pasien Dalam Perawatan (PDP) dinyatakan negatif COVID 19, sehat dan sudah dipulangkan, Senin (30/3), Tim Satgas Penanggulangan Bencana Non Alam dan Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo menyatakan ada satu warga berstatus PDP. “Untuk jumlah pasien penderita yang kami curigai PDP ada 2, yang ODP (Orang Dalam Pengawasan) 112,” jelas Jubir Tim Satgas, dr Abraar HS Kuddah.
Satu PDP berjenis kelamin laki-laki itu berusia sekitar 24 tahun, tinggal di Kelurahan/Kecamatan Kademangan. Pasien diketahui pernah perjalanan ke daerah berzona merah dan memiliki gejala.
“Kami terus menyampaikan ke masyarakat untuk disiplin. Melindungi diri dengan tidak banyak aktifitas di luar karena Kota Probolinggo dikepung oleh zona merah,” tegas dr Abraar saat rilis didampingi Sekda dr Ninik Ira Wibawati, Plt Dinkes dr NH Hidayati, Kalaksa BPBD Sugito Prasetyo, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo, Kepala Satpol PP Agus Efendi, Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman dan Kabag Ops Polres Probolinggo Kota.
Saat ini kondisi di Jawa Timur semakin banyak zona merah. Sejumlah daerah tetangga seperti Banyuwangi, Jember dan Lumajang pun didapati pasien positif COVID 19. Antisipasi yang dilakukan oleh Kota Probolinggo, secara medis, RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh sudah menyiapkan alat bernama NAAT.
“Sensifitasnya hampir menyamai swab. NAAT ini sejenis PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), bermainnya di DNA. RSUD melakukan kombinasi antara alat ini dengan PCR sehingga ketepatannya lebih tinggi,” ujar dr Abraar yang juga menjabat sebagai Plt RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh ini.
Secara teknis, lanjut dr Abraar, RSUD akan melakukan kriteria siapa yang harus diperiksa dan mendapatkan tes tersebut. Jika tidak masuk ODP maka tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan karena alat ini jumlahnya tidak banyak.
“Kami akan membagi di beberapa kriteria, ODP atau PDP. Kalau masuk PDP maka dilakukan rawat di rumah sakit, di ruang isolasi. ODP kemungkinan akan disiapkan tempat yang mana khusus untuk masyarakat Kota Probolinggo,” imbuh jubir, saat video conference (vidcon) di ruang rapat Dinas Kominfo.
Kendati belum ada yang positif COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo, dr Abraar menegaskan di Kota Malang semua pasien bisa sembuh. Ia menjelaskan, masyarakat harus memahami bahwa COVID 19 adalah virus yang menyebabkan sekunder infeksi. “Dengan adanya infeksi, selama bisa menangani infeksi dan tidak ada faktor yang lain mudah-mudahan bisa diatasi,” serunya.
Sementara itu, dr Ninik Ira Wibawati kembali menekankan kepada RT dan RW agar lebih memantau keberadaan warganya apabila ada yang datang dari wilayah zona merah COVID 19. “Laporan itu tolong disampaikan ke puskesmas agar petugas dari puskesmas segera melakukan langkah-langkah yang sesuai,” imbuhnya.
Dalam vidcon tersebut, dr Abraar memberikan closing statement,”Jaga kesehatan, bersihkan diri dan paling penting bagi anda masyarakat Kota Probolinggo cukup berjuang di rumah, biar kami yang jalan.
Kepala Dinas Kominfo Aman Suryaman menambahkan, rilis melalui vidcon semacam ini akan dilaksanakan untuk menyampaikan update dari data tim satgas. “Karena sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan, kita menghindari pertemuan dan kami mohon rekan-rekan dapat bergabung,” tutur Aman yang menjadi host dalam vidcon tersebut. (famydecta)
After one Patient under Surveillance (PDP) has been tested negative for coronavirus, the Probolinggo city’s Task Force Team for Mitigation of Non-natural Disaster and Acceleration on Handling COVID-19 has announced another Patient under Surveillance in the city. “There are 2 suspects for PDP, with 112 others are People under Surveillance (ODP),” the spokesperson of the task-force team, dr Abraar Kuddah said.
One PDP is a 24-year-old male, lives in Kademangan urban village. He just got back from a red-zone city, showing some symptoms.
“We’d like to always urge the people to be disciplined. Protect yourself by not having many activities outside because Probolinggo city is surrounded by the red-zone areas,” dr Abraar said firmly in the press conference. He was accompanied by Regional Secretary drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, acting head of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati, the head of BPBD Sugito Prasetyo, the head of Regional Development Planning and Research, Rey Suwigtyo, the head of Satpol PP Agus Efendi, the head of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman, the head of Operative Department of the Probolinggo city Police Unit.
Many regions in East Java is are highly vulnerable - or red zones - including neighboring areas Banyuwangi, Jember, and Lumajang which have confirmed to have patients tested positive for COVID-19. Probolinggo city has made anticipation to respond to the situation by providing a tool called NAAT.
“The sensitivity is as close as a swab test. NAAT is a kind of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), using a DNA. The regional hospital has made a combination of NAAT with PCR so it has high accuracy,” dr Abraar said.
Technically, dr. Abraar continued, the Regional Hospital will carry out the criteria for who should be examined and get tested. If it is not included in the ODP, there will be no inspection because there are not many of these tools.
"We will divide the criteria, ODP or PDP. If you are categorized PDP, you will be treated at the hospital, in the isolation room. ODP would be provided with a place, and it will be only for the people of Probolinggo City," the spokesperson added, during a video conference (VIDCON) in the meeting room of the Communication and Information Technology Agency.
Although there has not been a positive COVID 19 in the city, dr. Abraar asserted that in Malang all patients could recover. He explained, the community must understand that COVID 19 is a virus that causes secondary infections. "With the infection, as long as the patient can deal with the infection and no other factors worsening the condition, then the patient will recover," he said.
Meanwhile, drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati re-emphasized the neighborhood organization RT and RW to better monitor the presence of the residents if they come from the COVID 19 red zone area. "Please report it to the community health center (puskesmas) so that the health officers will immediately take the appropriate steps," she added.
In the video conference, dr. Abraar gave a closing statement, "Take care of your health, maintain hygiene and most importantly for you, the people of Probolinggo City, just simply stay at home, we will take care of the rest,” he said.
The head of Communication and Information Technology, Aman Suryaman, added that the press release using video conference would be carried out to deliver updates from the task force team data. "Because according to the health protocol, we must avoid meetings and we ask colleagues to join in," said Aman, who was the host of the video conference. (alfien_tr)