
KANIGARAN – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo punya cara tersendiri untuk menampung aspirasi masyarakat terkait proses pembelajaran anak-anak sekolah di tengah pandemi COVID 19. Yaitu, melalui polling wali murid di sekolah masing-masing. Hal ini disampaikan secara terbuka dalam pertemuan secara virtual dan live di media sosial Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, Jumat (14/8) siang.

Secara tegas, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin tidak memperbolehkan lembaga pendidikan untuk Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini baik itu kelompok bermain atau TK melakukan pembelajaran secara tatap muka. Pasalnya, keputusan ini diambil lantaran anak balita sangat rentan terpapar COVID 19. Rencananya, PAUD baru boleh tatap muka usai vaksin COVID 19 ditemukan.

IMG 20200814 WA0074Sedangkan pembelajaran anak SD kelas 1, lanjut Habib Hadi, ada kendala karena mereka harus belajar menulis dan membaca. “Boleh tatap muka tapi harus sangat ketat protokol kesehatannya dan jumlah anak terbatas di satu ruangan kelas. Dan, orangtua harus ikut mendampingi. Kelas 1 SD kalau daring (dalam jaringan) itu memang agak kesulitan,” jelas wali kota.

Sementara itu, untuk SD dan SMP akan dikembalikan kepada wali murid apakah mereka setuju atau tidak pembelajaran tatap muka. “Kami serahkan sepenuhnya hasil polling wali murid di masing-masing sekolah. Kami tidak akan memaksa. Beri kami masukan dan akan kami persentase,” imbuh Habib Hadi.

Jika di lapangan ditemukan permasalahan anak yang tidak punya android, wali kota mempersilahkan anak tersebut datang ke sekolah untuk mengambil tugasnya. Soal paket data, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan setempat sudah memberikan ke masing-masing anak melalui sekolah sejak bulan April lalu.

Menjawab pertanyaan wali murid jika lebih banyak yang setuju tatap muka, Habib Hadi menegaskan, tatap muka bakal diberlakukan aturan secara ketat. Salah satunya, orangtua wajib antar-jemput anak ke sekolah. Jika tidak diantar maka keesokan harinya tidak boleh bersekolah.

Wali kota pun berjanji akan mendatangi sekolah dengan polling terbanyak setuju tatap muka. Ia akan membuktikan sendiri kesanggupan wali murid dan sekolah dalam menerapkan aturan ketat selama pembelajaran tatap muka berlangsung.

“Sebenarnya, saya pribadi setuju pembelajaran daring. Tapi, saya tidak ingin dibilang merusak tumbuh kembang anak. Maka saya mengajak diskusi live di medsos ini agar tidak ada pro dan kontra tentang kebijakan pemerintah kota,” jelas mantan anggota DPR RI ini.

IMG 20200814 WA0072“Sehingga dikembalikan ke masing-masing lembaga, jika banyak yang setuju tatap muka saya akan turun ke lokasi memastikan. Karena saya ikut bertanggung jawab sebagai Ketua Gugus Tugas Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo. Memang tidak ada sistem dan skema yang tepat, akan kami evaluasi untuk perbaikan karena saya tidak ingin kebijakan yang diambil justru menimbulkan lonjakan (kasus konfirm COVID 19),” imbuhnya.

Dalam vidcon yang digelar di Command Center, juga dihadiri Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Asisten Pemerintahan Paeni, Kepala Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah Probolinggo Kiswanto, Kepala Kemenag Mufi Imron Rosadi, Kepala Disdikbud Maskur dan perwakilan OPD terkait.

Pada kesempatan itu, kemenag menjelaskan pembelajaran di lembaga dibawah naungannya tidak melaksanakan tatap muka karena banyak wali murid yang tidak setuju. Selain itu, kemenag pusat juga mengingatkan agar daerah yang belum berstatus zona hijau tidak memaksakan diri untuk pembelajaran tatap muka.

Sementara itu, Kiswanto mengungkapkan pembelajaran di tingkat SMA/SMK yang menjadi kewenangan Provinsi Jawa Timur akan melakukan pembelajaran tatap muka mulai 18 Agustus mendatang di SMK Negeri 2 dan SMA Negeri 2. “Aturannya pun sangat ketat. Yang masuk nanti 25 persen, 75 persen tetap daring,” katanya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration has its own way to accommodate the aspirations of the community regarding the learning process of students in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, the city administration has held a virtual meeting on social media, Friday (14/8), at the Command Center, city hall, with lots of parents participating in.

Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has firmly stated not to allow educational institutions for Early Childhood Education (PAUD), be it playgroups or kindergartens, to have conventional, face-to-face learning methods. The reason is, toddlers are very vulnerable to being exposed to COVID-19. Such a method will be implemented after the COVID-19 vaccine is discovered.

Meanwhile, with the online method being applied, Habib Hadi continued, the students of the 1st grade of elementary school have problems because they have to learn to write and read. "Therefore, it can be done in the face-to-face method, but the health protocol must be strictly applied and the number of students participating in the method must be limited to one classroom, with parents attend the classroom to accompany the students. It’s difficult for them to have an online class,” the mayor explained.

For other grades of elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) students, the mayor carried out polling in which the parents can choose what kinds of learning methods their students must follow. "We fully submit the results of the polls of parents of each school. We will not insist. Give us input and we will make the results in percentage," added Habib Hadi.

Related to a report telling that the students have a problem buying android cellphones, the mayor will invite them to come to school to take up their assignment. Regarding the internet data package, the local Education and Culture Agency has provided them with the internet data starting in last April.

Responding to the fact that most parents demanding for conventional, face-to-face method, Habib Hadi emphasized that several rules will be strictly applied in this method. One of which is parents are obliged to take their children to school and pick them back home. Once the rule is being violated, they cannot go to school the next day.

The mayor also promised to go to the school with the most polls agreeing to have a face-to-face method. He will prove for himself the ability of parents and the school to apply strict rules during the method applied.

"I personally agree with online learning. But, I don't want to be said to be damaging the child's development. Therefore, I conduct a live discussion on social media so that there are no pros and cons about city administration policies,” explained the former member of the DPR RI.

"Now, it’s up to each institution. If many agree to have a face-to-face method, I will make a direct observation to the location to confirm, because I am also responsible as the Chairperson of the Probolinggo city’s COVID-19 Task-Force Team. There is indeed no proper system or scheme, but we will have an evaluation on it for improvement because I do not want the policies taken to cause a rising number of confirmed cases of COVID-19," he added.

The video conference held at the Command Center was also attended by the Regional Secretary, drg. Ninik Ira Wibawati, Assistant for Government Affairs Paeni, Head of the Regional Education Agency of Probolinggo Kiswanto, Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Mufi Imron Rosadi, Head of Education and Culture Agency (Disdikbud) Maskur, and related working unit’s representatives.

On that occasion, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Probolinggo city explained that the learning method applied at the institutions under its authority did not carry out a face-to-face method because many parents had disagreed. Besides, the ministry also reminded that only regions classified as a green zone which can perform face-to-face learning.

Meanwhile, Kiswanto revealed that the learning method at the high school SMA / SMK level which is the authority of East Java Province will conduct face-to-face learning starting from August 18 at SMK Negeri 2 and SMA Negeri 2. "The rules are very strict. Students who participated in the face-to-face method will be limited to 25%, while the rest 75% will remain to apply online method," he said. (alfien_tr)