
MAYANGAN – Sebuah kabar baik dalam upaya penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo terdengar pada Jumat (10/7), petang. Sebanyak sembilan pasien dinyatakan sembuh setelah dua hasil swab dinyatakan negatif. Diketahui, delapan diantara pasien yang sembuh itu adalah tenaga kesehatan (nakes).

Setelah menjalani masa isolasi selama kurang lebih 14 hari, nakes yang merupakan OTG (Orang Tanpa Gejala) ini akhirnya sembuh. Mereka adalah nakes RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh, yang berasal dari Kelurahan Sukabumi; Jrebeng Wetan; Mayangan dan Jrebeng Lor.

Sedangkan satu pasien sembuh lainnya adalah warga Kelurahan Sumber Taman yang dirawat di Surabaya. Kini, pasien konfirmasi positif COVID 19 yang dirawat di Kota Probolinggo ada 70 orang. Dirawat di Surabaya ada 2 orang, dirawat di Situbondo 1 orang, meninggal 3 orang. Total pasien yang sembuh mencapai 55 orang. Jumlah keseluruhan pasien COVID 19 131 orang.

b57af9b71eb22e9444b6a784bb199425 LMenanggapi kesembuhan pasien tersebut, Juru Bicara Satgas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo dr Abraar HS Kuddah menjelaskan, ia berharap nakes lebih berhati-hati dalam melakukan tugasnya.”Untuk pasien jujurlah kepada nakes dan berikan keterangan sedetail mungkin atau selengkap mungkin,” terangnya.

Untuk masyarakat, kata dr Abraar, yang akan berobat jangan sungkan kalau dilakukan skrining di RSUD. Ia menyadari kadang masyarakat yang akan dirawat inap menolak dan merasa terbebani dengan pembiayaan skrining yang saat ini belum dicover oleh BPJS.

Ia menegaskan, rawat inap bagi pasien di RSUD akan lebih diperketat tujuannya bukan untuk mempersulit tapi saling menjaga antara pasien dan nakes. Pasien yang tidak ditemukan masalah saat skrining lalu terpapar di RSUD jelas akan akan membahayakan pasien dan nakes. “Ayo sama-sama saling menjaga, perawat jaga dirinya demikian juga pasien,” tutur dr Abraar.

Kebijakan ini menjadi Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di RSUD mengingat kejadian sebelumnya banyak nakes yang dirawat karena terpapar dari pasien.

“Yang perlu digaris bawahi, tujuan skrining bukan menakut-nakuti. Tapi, untuk mengetahui kondisi dan menjaga nakes agar tidak terpapar. Edukasi ini yang harus diberikan kepada masyarakat. So far ini merupakan suatu resiko bagi nakes tapi harus saling menjaga agar nakes tidak tertular. Juga menjaga masyarakat agar tidak tertular dan menularkan,” jelas Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh ini.

IMG 20200710 WA0120dr Abraar menambahkan, delapan nakes yang sudah sembuh telah menjalani isolasi selama 14 hari. Saat dilakukan swab dan hasil belum keluar, nakes tersebut sudah diisolasi. Hingga dua hasil swab terakhir dinyatakan negatif, mereka akhirnya sembuh dan bisa menjalankan tugasnya kembali.

“Mereka diperbolehkan masuk hari Senin (13/7). Kami sudah memastikan kondisi para nakes dengan peraturan yang lebih ketat. Kalau tidak betul-betul clean, sembuh, kami tidak berani mengembalikan di tim jaga mereka. Sebelumnya mereka sudah isolated sebaik-baiknya,” terang dr Abraar, saat dihubungi melalui ponselnya, Jumat (10/7) malam.

Jubir satgas berharap untuk masyarakat tetap mengikuti protokol kesehatan, pergunakan masker, selalu cuci tangan dengan sabun, jaga physical distancing dan  social distancing.

“Yang terpenting mari bersama-sama berupaya untuk memperkecil penyebaran mata rantai COVID 19. Selama tidak mau disiplin, ya apapun resikonya nakes tidak akan menyerah merawat masyarakat,” tutur dr Abraar yang mengingatkan masyarakat tidak menjauhi penderitanya tetapi jauhi penyakitnya. (famydecta)


Good news regarding the efforts to deal with COVID-19 in Probolinggo City was released on Friday (10/7) as nine patients had recovered after two-swab results showing negative. It is known, eight of the patients who recovered were medical workers.

After undergoing a period of isolation for approximately 14 days, the medical workers who are asymptomatic (OTG) had finally recovered. They are the medical workers working at RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh, who came from Sukabumi; Jrebeng Wetan; Mayangan, and Jrebeng Lor urban village.

Meanwhile, another recovered patient was a resident of Sumber Taman urban village who was being treated in Surabaya. Now, there are 70 patients with positive confirmation of COVID-19 being treated in the city. There were also 2 patients treated in Surabaya, 1 in Situbondo, and 3 died. The total number of patients who recovered reached 55 people. The total number of COVID 19 patients is 131 people.

Responding to the patient's recovery, Spokesperson for the Probolinggo City COVID-19 task-force team, dr. Abraar HS Kuddah explained that he hoped the medical workers would be more careful in carrying out their duties.

For the community, said dr. Abraar, who will seek treatment, do not hesitate if screening is carried out at the hospital. He realized that sometimes people who were going to be hospitalized refused and felt burdened by the financing of screening, which BPJS had not currently covered.

He emphasized that inpatient care for patients at the RSUD would be tightened; the aim was not to make it difficult but to protect each other between patients and medical workers. Patients who do not find problems during screening and then exposed to the hospital will clearly endanger patients and medical workers. "Let's take care of each other together, nurses take care of themselves as well as patients," said dr. Abraar.

This policy has become a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in RSUD considering the previous incidence of many medical workers being treated because of exposure from patients.

"What needs to be underlined is that the purpose of screening is not to scare anyone, but to know the condition and keep the medical workers from being exposed. This education must be given to the community. So far, this is a risk for medical workers but we must protect each other so that medical workers will not be infected. It also keeps people from getting infected and transmitting,” explained the Acting Director of RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh.

dr. Abraar added that eight health workers who had recovered had undergone isolation for 14 days. When the swab was carried out and the results had not come out, the health worker had been isolated. Until the last two swabs tested negative, they finally recovered and were able to carry out their duties again.

"They are allowed to be on duty on Monday (13/7). We have confirmed the conditions of the medical workers with strict regulations. If they have not recovered, we will not put them back on duty. Previously, they had been isolated as well as possible,” explained dr. Abraar, when contacted via cellphone, Friday (10/7) night.

The task force spokesperson hopes that the community will continue to follow health protocols, wear masks, always wash their hands with soap, and to perform physical distancing and social distancing.

"The most important thing is to work together to minimize the spread of the COVID-19. As long as you don't want to be disciplined, yes, whatever the risk is, medical workers will not give up caring for the community," said dr. Abraar who reminded the public not to stay away from the patients but stay away from their disease. (alfien_tr)