
KANIGARAN – Gugus Tugas Penanganan COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo merilis pergerakan pasien terkonfirmasi positif COVID 19 yang mengalami kemajuan luar biasa karena sempat zero pasien yang dirawat. Empat pasien di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dinyatakan sembuh pada Senin, (8/6). 

“Kabar cukup menarik sekaligus patut disyukuri. Sampai pukul 17.00 kasus positif di Kota Probolinggo yang dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh semua sudah dipulangkan. Artinya, sempat dalam keadaan 0 perawatan. Ini tanda bahwa kesungguhan dan kerja keras selama ini dalam menyembuhkan pasien yang dirawat,” jelas Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, dalam rilis secara virtual tersebut.

Namun, Wawali Subri mengungkapkan, beberapa saat sebelum rilis dilaksanakan Tim Gugus Tugas mendapatkan informasi dari Provinsi Jawa Timur bahwa ada pasien baru yang terkonfirmasi. Selain itu, di saat bersamaan satu PDP (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan) menjadi konfirm COVID 19 setelah hasil swab keluar sore ini.

Dua pasien tersebut adalah 1 dewasa laki-laki dari Kecamatan Kanigaran yang tertular istrinya. Pasien ini kini dirawat di sebuah rumah sakit di Surabaya tetapi data tetap masuk Kota Probolinggo. Sedangkan 1 anak-anak perempuan usia 11 tahun (sebelumnya PDP) dari Kelurahan Mayangan.

“Dari pasien tersebut sudah dilakukan tracing (sejak pertama kali hasil rapid test keluar) sudah dapat kontak erat 8 orang dan sekarang di karantina di rusunawa,” terang wawali, yang saat rilis malam itu didampingi Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dr Abraar HS Kuddah, Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman dan Plt Kepala Dinkes dan P2KB dr NH Hidayati.

IMG 20200608 WA0025Dengan demikian, per 8 Juni jumlah Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP) 333 orang, selesai pemantauan 316 orang sedangkan dalam pemantauan 17 orang. PDP 23 orang, dalam pengawasan 2 orang, 17 orang selesai pengawasan dan 4 meninggal. Pasien positif COVID 19 total 23 orang, rinciannya 18 pasien sembuh, 1 dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dan 3 dirawat di RS Surabaya serta 1 meninggal.

“Tentu saja kami harus berterima kasih kepada semua tenaga kesehatan dan gugus tugas dalam menangani penyebaran COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo. Mari berdoa supaya seluruh masyarakat Kota Probolinggo senantiasa dalam lindungan Allah SWT,” tutur Wawali Subri.

Sementara itu, Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh mengatakan satu pasien baru  COVID 19 sudah beberapa hari dirawat di RSUD dengan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Kemudian statusnya menjadi PDP lalu dilakukan swab dengan alat PCR yang dimiliki oleh rumah sakit. “Langsung keluar sore hasilnya positif. Dan perlu diketahui infeksi ini tidak terjadi saat pasien dirawat di RSUD,” jelasnya.

Pada kesempatan itu, dr Abraar juga menyampaikan masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir berobat ke RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh. Pasalnya, saat ini semua pasien COVID 19 maupun PDP sudah ditempatkan di gedung tersendiri. Bahkan pelayanan terpadu khusus COVID 19 ada di satu blok tersebut, mulai dari laboratorium, foto rontgen hingga perawatan baik yang menggunakan ventilator atau tidak. Kini RSUD plat merah ini juga punya alat swab dengan akurasi tinggi yaitu PCR dan alat apheresis (terapi pemisah komponen darah).

“Kami pisahkan dari pasien biasa. Kemudian mari sama-sama berdoa di Kota Probolinggo semakin berkurang penderita COVID 19. Bukan berarti dengan hal semacam ini kita lupa atau terlena, tetap ikuti aturan pemerintah,” kata dokter spesialis bedah ini.

dr Abraar juga berpesan agar masyarakat tetap ikuti aturan pemerintah mengenai prosedur new normal yang akan disosialisasikan. “Dan saya berharap tetap disiplin, jujur dan selalu mengikuti arahan dari satgas kota. Keberhasilan (tim gugus tugas) kuratif dan preventif bukan karena kami, tetapi karena seluruh masyarakat dan dukungan satgas dan pemerintah kota. Kami tidak bisa jalan sendiri tanpa dukungan dari semua,” tegasnya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city’s COVID-19 Task-force Team released the development of patients confirmed positive for coronavirus, stating the city had no COVID-19 patients treated at regional hospital RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh, with 4 confirmed patients at the hospital have recovered from the virus on Monday (8/6).


“Great news, we have to be grateful. Till 5 pm today, all COVID-19 patients treated at the hospital have recovered and returned home. It means we had zero patients in the city for a couple of hours, although we have others in Surabaya. This signifies the hard work we have done in recovering the patients,” said Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri in a virtual press release.

Yet, Vice Mayor Subri revealed in seconds before the release took place, the city’s task-force team got information from East Java Province on a new confirmed case. In the meantime, one Patient under Supervision (PDP) has turned to be confirmed positive as the swab test result came out this afternoon.

Both patients are a man from the Kanigaran sub-district who was infected by his wife. He is now treated at a hospital in Surabaya. Meanwhile, another one is an 11-year-old girl (previously PDP) from Mayangan urban village.

“We have conducted the tracing, 8 people found to have close contact with them and now under quarantine in a low-cost apartment,” said the vice mayor who was in the release accompanied by Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, Acting Director of the regional hospital, dr Abraar HS Kuddah, head of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman, and acting head of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati.

Thus, as of June 8, the number of People under Monitoring (ODP) is 333, with 316 completed monitoring, 17 under monitoring. The number of PDP is 23 patients with 2 of them are still under treatment, 17 have completed the progress, and 4 died. 23 people confirmed positive for coronavirus, 18 have recovered, 1 being treated at RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh, and 3 are treated at a hospital in Surabaya, and 1 died.

“We all thank medical workers and the task-force team in handling the spread of COVID-19 in the city. Let us pray that all the residents healthy,” Vice Mayor Subri said.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh, revealed one of the two new confirmed cases in the city has been treated for a few days at the hospital, diagnosed to have dengue fever. She was a PDP before a swab test using PCR kits was carried out. “The result was then positive, and I can make sure the infection did not occur at the hospital,” he explained.

On that occasion, dr Abraar also explained that people do not need to worry to go to the hospital for medical treatment. All COVID-19 patients and PDP have been isolated in other buildings. An integrated service, special for COVID-19, has been carried out in the building. The hospital has now a swab test kits with high accuracy of result called PCR and apheresis (blood component separator therapy kits).

“We split COVID-19 patients from other (ordinary) patients. Let us pray that the number of COVID-19 patients in the city can be decreased. We need to always obey the government’s rules,” said the surgeon.

dr Abraar also urges the people to keep an update on new normal procedures that will soon be published. “And, I hope you all to remain discipline, be honest, and follow the directions of the city’s task-force team. The success depends on all of us, the governments and all people. We cannot do this alone without your support,” he said.  (alfien_tr)