
MAYANGAN - “Hari ini dunia kesehatan Kota Probolinggo kehilangan seorang pahlawan kesehatan. Beliau adalah senior, bapak kami, bapak kesehatan di Kota Probolinggo. Kami sangat berduka, tetapi kami yakin bahwa apa yang selama ini menjadi contoh baik perilakunya akan menjadi teladan dokter-dokter junior di Kota Mudah-mudahan amal dan segala perbuatan dokter Cholig diterima di sisi Allah SWT,” jelas Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh, dr Abraar HS Kuddah saat melepas pasien jenazah COVID 19 bersama rekan sejawat dan tenaga kesehatan, di kamar mayat RSUD, Kamis (2/7) sore.

dr Abd Cholig, 73 tahun merupakan dokter umum yang juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran (MKEK). Pria kelahiran Surabaya pada tahun 1947 tersebut berkiprah  di dunia kesehatan di Kota Probolinggo sejak tahun 1980.

IMG 20200702 WA0055Menurut penuturan sang istri, Wahyu menjelaskan, sejatinya dr Cholig akan memeriksakan sinusitis yang dideritanya ke RSUD Waluyo Jati Kraksaan, pada Rabu (1/7). “Rabu pagi masuk (RSUD Waluyo Jati), Rabu malam diantar ke RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh. Sebenarnya akan diopname ke Lavalet atau akan dibawa Madiun, karena Lavalet penuh, diusahakan disini bisa. Akhirnya dirawat disini,” tutur Wahyu yang didampingi anak lelakinya.

Masih menurut Wahyu, suaminya mengalami sesak nafas, diare dan tidak nafsu makan beberapa hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit untuk opname. Jenazahnya dr Abd Cholig disemayamkan di makam keluarga di daerah Benowo, Surabaya.

Sementara itu, ditemui usai melepas keberangkatan jenazah, dr Abraar mengungkapkan bahwa alharhum memiliki riwayat penyakit jantung dan penyakit bawaan diabetes. Saat pandemi COVID 19, dr Cholig sebagai pengambu di BPJS melayani banyak pasien.

Almarhum dinyatakan positif COVID 19 setelah IGM (Immunoglobulin) positif/reaktif oleh RSUD Waluyo Jati Kraksaan, Kabupaten Probolinggo. Kemudian dilakukan dua kali swab, hasilnya positif.

“Selanjutnya, almarhum dirujuk ke RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh. Selama disini dilakukan terapi COVID, namun karena kegagalan multi organ dalam tubuhnya, beliau tidak mampu bertahan hidup dan akhirnya meninggal dunia,” tutur dr Abraar yang juga juru bicara gugus tugas percepatan penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo ini. (dewi)


“Today, the world of health in Probolinggo city has lost a hero. He was a senior medical worker, our father, the father of health in the city. We are very sad, but we are sure that he can be a role model to others, and hopefully, what dr Choliq has done can be accepted by Allah SWT,” said the acting director of RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh, dr Abraar HS Kuddah.

dr Abd Cholig, a 73-year-old doctor who is also the Chairman of the Medical Ethics Honorary Council. He has been working in the health sector in Probolinggo city since 1980.

According to his wife, Wahyu, said that dr Cholig would have check sinusitis he had suffered to RSUD Waluyo Jati, Kraksaan, on Wednesday (1/7). “We went to RSUD Waluyo Jati on Wednesday morning, before being transferred to RSUD Mohammad Saleh on the evening. We got a recommendation to get treatment in Lavalet or Madiun. But, as the hospital was full of inpatient, my husband was then being treated here (RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh),” said Wahyu who was accompanied by her son.

dr Cholig was out of breath, got a diarrhea, and had no appetite for the last few days before being treated at the hospital. The dead body will be buried at a cemetery in Benowo, Surabaya.

Meanwhile, met after releasing the departure of the remains, dr Abraar revealed that dr Cholig had a heart disease and diabetes. He was confirmed positive for coronavirus after undergoing an immunoglobulin test at RSUD Waluyo Jati, Kraksaan, Probolinggo regency. A swab test was then carried out, with the test showing positive.

“He was then treated at RSUD dr Mohammad Saleh. COVID therapy has been carried out, but since he has comorbid, his body can stand against it, and he passed away,” said dr Abraar. (alfien_tr)