
PROBOLINGGO – Jumat (3/7), menjadi hari pertama pelaksanaan Bike To Work (BTW) yang sempat vakum beberapa bulan usai diberlakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo. Menguatkan kebijakan tersebut, BTW dilaksanakan seluruh ASN setiap bulan di pekan pertama.

Melalui surat edaran yang ditandatangani oleh Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati itu, pelaksanaan BTW di tengah pandemi COVID 19 ini harus tetap memperhatikan keselamatan ketika di jalan. Saat bersepeda memastikan kondisi tubuh fit, solo ride (bersepeda sendirian), jaga jarak fisik dan menggunakan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri).

Untuk memastikan bagaimana implementasi kebijakan tersebut, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin memerintahkan anggota Satpol PP untuk stand by di kantor-kantor Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) untuk melakukan pendataan.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 03 at 10.19.32Pagi ini, dengan solo ride wali kota sidak ke tiga OPD. Tiba-tiba orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo ini datang ke kantor Dinas Kominfo di Jalan Suroyo. Ia mengecek berapa banyak ASN (Aparatur Sipil Negara) yang bersepeda ke kantor.

“Ke depan tidak ada alasan tidak pakai sepeda. Tidak harus mahal sepedanya, yang penting olahraganya,” ujar Habib Hadi dihadapan sejumlah ASN Dinas Kominfo.

Dari Dinas Kominfo, Wali Kota Habib Hadi bergeser ke Kantor Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata (Dispopar) di Jalan Soekarno Hatta. Kali ini wali kota juga didampingi Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman. Kemudian menuju ke Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) di Jalan Anggrek bersama kepala Dispopar Budi Krisyanto.

Di sela kegiatannya pagi itu, wali kota menjelaskan BTW agar kedepannya bisa dilaksanakan lebih baik lagi. “Pendataan yang dilakukan Satpol PP sebagai data base untuk mengetahui apakah ada ASN yang udzhur (berhalangan bersepeda) akan dimaklumi, kami kecualikan,” ujar Habib Hadi.

Semua kepala OPD diharapkan bisa menggerakkan semua ASN di lingkungannya, dengan Dispopar sebagai leading sektor. Saat bersepeda, Wali Kota Habib Hadi mengimbau semua ASN tertib di jalan raya dan menghormati pengguna jalan lainnya.

“Ayo jaga kesehatan dengan bersepeda sebagai hobi. Terapkan protokol kesehatan saat berolahraga karena masih dalam masa pandemi. Tetapi, jangan sampai pandemi membuat lengah menjaga kebugaran tubuh,” kata Habib Hadi.

Sebagai OPD leading sektor BTW, Kepala DLH Budi Krisyanto mengungkapkan OPD-nya siap menjalankan komitmen dengan mengajak semua ASN di lingkungannya bersepeda di minggu pertama setiap bulan. “Kami siap juga mengingatkan OPD-OPD lain menjalankan kegiatan ini supaya berbudaya dan bermanfaat bagi kesehatan,” tuturnya. (famydecta)

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Friday (3/7) was the first day the policy of bike to work has been reactivated after being vacuum for the last few months. The policy was issued and effective for all civil servants in Probolinggo city administration. The policy requires the civil servants to go to work by bike on the first Friday of the month.

Through a circular letter signed by Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati, the implementation of the bike to work amid the pandemic must be performed with health protocols. To follow the policy, the civil servants must be in good condition of health, ride in solo, perform physical distancing, and wear Personal Protective Equipment (APD), including masks and other equipment.

To make sure the implementation of the bike to work, Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has ordered Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) to collect the data of civil servants riding a bike in each working unit.

He inspected three working units. The Agency of Communication and Information Technology was the first destination as he checked how many civil servants going to work by bike.

“I hope there will be no excuses for not riding a bike. You don’t need to buy an expensive one, but the most important thing is that we get healthier by riding a bike,” said Habib Hadi to several employees of the agency.

The mayor then moved to the Agency of Youth, Sport, and Tourism. He was accompanied by the head of Communication and Information Technology, Aman Suryaman, before going to the Agency of Environment.

The mayor expects the policy of bike to work can be better in the near future. “The data collected by Satpol PP will be a database to find out the reasons why the civil servants cannot implement the policy,” he said.

All working unit heads are expected to motivate their employees to implement bike to work, with the Agency of Youth, Sport, and Tourism as the leading sector. While on a bike, Habib Hadi urges the civil servants to order and respect other road users.

“Let us maintain our health by biking. Keep performing health protocol while having exercise as we are still in the pandemic. Yet, don’t let the pandemic makes us ignore the importance of having exercise and keeping our body fit,” said Habib Hadi.

As a leading sector of the bike to work, the head of Youth, Sport, and Tourism Agency, Budi Krisyanto admitted to being ready to show the commitment, motivating al civil servants to go work on bike on the first Friday of the month. “We are also ready to remind the working units to run the policy as it will give benefits to health,” he said. (alfien_tr)