MAYANGAN - Minggu (2/2) pagi, Semarak Pagi Kota Probolinggo (SPKP) Episode I Kecamatan Mayangan Tahun 2020 sukses digelar.
Mengusung tema “Refleksi 1 (satu) Tahun Membangun Bersama Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo, Dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik yang Baik, Inovatif dan Mensejahterakan Masyarakat”, giat itu sukses menyedot animo masyarakat untuk berbondong-bondong datang ke lokasi di sepanjang kawasan Jalan Ikan Paus.
Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, pada kesempatan itu menyampaikan bahwa dalam satu tahun kepemimpinannya, beberapa terobosan telah dilakukan bersama dengan Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri. Diantaranya, pendidikan gratis bagi murid di tingkat SD dan SMP Negeri, dan pendidikan murah berkualitas bagi murid sekolah SD dan SMP swasta.
“Hal itu disertai dengan pembagian seragam gratis untuk murid kelas satu SD dan murid kelas tujuh setingkat SMP. Sementara untuk murid-murid swasta kami upayakan menyusul, di tahun ini juga,” ujarnya.
Lalu terkait Perpres Nomor 75 Tahun 2019 tentang perubahan atas Perpres Nomor 82 Tahun 2018 tentang Jaminan Kesehatan, maka iuran BPJS Kesehatan mengalami penyesuaian (kenaikan). Dalam hal ini, lanjut Habib Hadi, pihaknya membuat terobosan dengan meng-cover masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah melalui program Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
“Namun hingga saat ini, masih ada seribu seratus enam puluh jiwa yang dalam hal ini belum tercover karena kendala NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan, red),” katanya.
Masih di dunia kesehatan, wali kota juga mengumumkan rencana pembangunan rumah sakit baru milik pemerintah kota, yang berlokasi di kawasan selatan kota. “Pembangunan rumah sakit ini Insya Allah akan dimulai pada bulan Maret mendatang,” tandasnya.
Terakhir, orang nomor satu di Kota Probolinggo itu pun tak lupa menyampaikan pendistribusian 18 ambulance siaga, sebagai wujud dari komitmennya untuk meningkatkan akses pelayanan masyarakat dalam rangka mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang cepat, tepat dan berkualitas.
Adapun peserta SPKP kali ini, Camat Mayangan Muhammad Abas melaporkan, diikuti sebanyak 12 Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), 1 perusahaan, 1 perbankan dan sebanyak 200 dukungan dari UKM dan PKL.
Tak sendiri, Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin tadi pagi menghadiri pembukaan SPKP Kecamatan Mayangan bersama istri dan keluarga tercinta. Tampak pula, Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri beserta istri, dan Ketua DPRD Kota Probolinggo Abdul Mujib. Turut pula hadir, jajaran Forkopimda diantara barisan kepala OPD dan undangan. (Sonea)
The SMEs exhibition Semarak Pagi Kota Probolinggo (SPKP) Episode I of Mayangan Sub-district in 2020 was successfully held on Sunday (2/2).
With the theme "Reflection of 1 (one) Year Developing Together with the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Probolinggo, In the Context of Creating Good, Innovative, and Prospering Public Service", the event succeeded in drawing community interest to flock to locations.
Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin, on that occasion said that in one year of his leadership, several breakthroughs had been made together with Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri. Among them, free education for students at the elementary and junior high school level, and high-quality inexpensive education for private elementary and junior high school students.
"This was accompanied by the distribution of free uniforms for first-grade students and seventh-grade students at the junior high school level. While for the private-school students, we will try to complete the program this year," he said.
Related to Presidential Decree Number 75 of 2019 concerning amendments to Presidential Decree Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance, the BPJS Health Insurance tuition has been adjusted (increased). In this case, continued Habib Hadi, his party made a breakthrough by covering low-income people through the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program.
"But until now, there are still one thousand one hundred and sixty people, which in this case have not been covered due to NIK (Population Identification Number, red) constraints," he said.
Still in the world of health, the mayor also announced plans to open a new hospital, located in the southern region of the city. "The construction of this hospital, God willing, will begin in March," he said.
Finally, the mayor did not forget to convey the distribution of 18 ambulances, as a manifestation of his commitment to improving health access to public services to obtain fast, appropriate and quality health services.
As for the SPKP participants this time, Mayangan District Head Muhammad Abas reported that 12 Regional Working Units (OPD) were participated, 1 company, 1 banking and 200 support from SMEs and street vendors.
The mayor attended the opening of SPKP Mayangan Sub-district with his beloved wife and family. It was also attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri along with his wife, and Probolinggo City DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, and Forkopimda members. (alfien_tr)