
KANIGARAN – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo bersama jajaran forkopimda menggelar apel penegakan disiplin kesehatan sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran COVID 19 sekaligus operasi yustisi di kawasan Pasar Baru, Selasa (15/9) pagi. Alhasil, 37 warga yang kebanyakan tidak memakai masker pun harus menerima sanksi sosial usai mengikuti serangkaian sidang di tempat.

IMG 20200915 WA0047Apel yang dimulai pukul 08.00 dipimpin Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, didampingi Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib, Ketua PN Darwanto dan perwakilan Kejari. Sementara itu, peserta apel antara lain TNI, Polri, Satpol PP dan Dishub serta petugas pasar.

“Sekarang bukan saatnya untuk bersantai dengan menganggap COVID 19 ini tidak ada. Buktinya, angka kasus COVID 19 baik di Indonesia maupun di Kota Probolinggo terus bertambah setiap harinya,” kata Wali Kota Habib Hadi dalam amanatnya.

Ya, berdasarkan data yang rilis Dinas Kesehatan P2KB pada 14 September 2020, total kasus COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo sebanyak 386 orang, meninggal 19 orang sedangkan yang dirawat 62 orang. Sedangkan angka kesembuhan 79,02 persen.

IMG 20200915 WA0046Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Pergub Nomor 53 tahun 2020 tentang penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian COVID 19 dan Inpres Nomor 6 tahun 2020. Ditegaskan bahwa setiap orang wajib menggunakan APD (alat pelindung diri) berupa masker yang menutupi hidung dan mulut hingga dagu, mencuci tangan secara teratur menggunakan sabun dengan air mengalir atau hand sanitizer, pembatasan interaksi fisik dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dengan menerapkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS). 

Usai apel, forkopimda meninjau pasar untuk mengetahui bagaimana penjual dan pembeli menerapkan protokol kesehatan. “Di dalam pasar alhamdulillah sudah tertib semua, yang banyak justru yang diluar pasar dan yang melintas di jalan,” kata Habib Hadi.

Ya, setidaknya ada 37 orang yang kena operasi yustisi pagi itu. Mereka kebanyakan tukang becak atau orang yang melintasi di area Pasar Baru. Alasan mereka tidak memakai masker pun beragam, ada yang mengaku lupa tidak bawa dan lupa membawa namun tidak dipakai.

IMG 20200915 WA0045Warga yang kedapatan melanggar diperiksa oleh PPNS (Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil) Satpol PP, kemudian KTP mereka diminta untuk didata dan keterangannya dicatat dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Cepat. Setelah diperiksa mereka berpindah ke meja hakim, panitera dan jaksa.

Sebelum dikenai sanksi, hakim menanyakan beberapa hal seperti mengapa tidak memakai masker. “Sekarang harus pakai masker. Apa punya keluhan sesak nafas? Tidak ada kan? Anda sudah melanggar perda maka harus dijatuhi pidana sanksi menghafal Pancasila,” kata hakim kepada M Fauzi, warga Jalan Cempaka yang bekerja sebagai pengantar roti.

M Fauzi sempat berdalih ia punya masker tetapi di dalam tas. Saat mengeluarkan masker dari dalam tasnya, masker kain yang dipunya sudah kumal. Pemuda yang wajahnya dipenuhi amarah itu pun menjalani sanksi yang diberikan hakim dihadapan jaksa.

IMG 20200915 WA0050Jenis sanksi sosial lain yang harus diterima warga yang ketahuan melanggar adalah menyapu, memungut sampah, menyanyi Indonesia Raya, menghafal Pancasila, hormat ke bendera merah putih, mendampingi petugas parkir untuk menata kendaraan, mengimbau masyarakat untuk memakai masker dan memegang tulisan “Saya salah tidak memakai masker jangan contoh saya”.

“Selain disini petugas juga mobile. Dalam satu hari ada di dua atau tiga lokasi di titik-titik tertentu. Namun mengerahkan non yustisi kerja sosial menggunakan PPNS dari Satpol PP,” ujar Kepala Satpol PP Agus Efendi.

Sementara itu, Wali Kota Habib Hadi menambahkan sanksi harus diterapkan untuk kedisiplinan masyarakat supaya masyarakat melaksanakan kebiasaan baru saat beraktivitas di luar rumah yaitu memakai masker.

“Mudah-mudahan operasi yustisi ini bisa meningkatkan kesadaran warga kota dan yang melintas di kota bisa disiplin. Karena vaksin belum ketemu, vaksinnya ya masker, karena masker ini untuk pencegahan. Kami akan berupaya melakukan edukasi massif kepada masyarakat,” tegasnya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration along with Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda officials held a roll call of health discipline enforcement as an effort to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, as well as an operation called Operasi Yustisi at the traditional market Pasar Baru on Tuesday (15/9) morning. 37 residents, mostly caught not wearing masks, had to receive social sanctions after attending a series of on-site trials.

A roll call before the operation was held as it started at 08.00 am with Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin leading the roll call, accompanied by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya, Commander 0820 Lieutenant Colonel Inf Imam Wibowo, DPRD Speaker Abdul Mujib, Chairman of District Court Darwanto, and representatives of the local Prosecutor’s Office. Meanwhile, the participants involved TNI, Polri, Public Order Agency Satpol PP, and Transportation Agency, as well as traditional market officers.

"It’s not time to relax, thinking that COVID-19 is not real. We can see that the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases both in Indonesia and in the city continues to increase," said Mayor Habib Hadi in his speech.

Based on data released by the Health Agency on September 14th, 2020, the total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Probolinggo City was 386 people, with 19 people died, 62 are under treatment, and the recovery was rated 79.02 percent.

The roll call was carried out based on Governor Regulation Number 53 of 2020 concerning the application of health protocols in the prevention and control of COVID-19 and Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2020. It emphasizes that everyone is obliged to wear PPE (personal protective equipment) in the form of masks that cover the nose and mouth to the chin, wash hands regularly with soap with running water or hand sanitizer, limiting physical interactions, and boosting the immune system by implementing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors (PHBS).

After having the roll call, Forkopimda observed the market to find out how sellers and buyers implemented health protocols. "Alhamdulillah everything inside the market is in order. We need to manage those who are outside the market and road users," said Habib Hadi.

At least 37 people were caught in the operation. They are mostly pedicab (three-wheel vehicle) drivers or people passing through the market area. Many admitted forgetting to bring masks or forget to wear them.

People caught violating health protocols were under investigation of Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) officers, before submitting their identity cards to collect the data from. Their statements were also written in a minute before attending an on-site trial.

Before being imposed with a sanction, some questions were being addressed to the violators. "Now we have to wear a mask. You don’t have asthma, do you? You have been caught violating a regional regulation, and therefore, are imposed with a sanction to read out national five pillars Pancasila,” said the judge to M Fauzi, a resident of Jalan Cempaka who works as a bread carrier.

M Fauzi had argued that he had a mask but it was in his bag. When he took out the mask from his bag, the cloth mask he had was dirty. The young man who was a bit angry was also serving the sanction given by the judge before the prosecutor.

Other types of social sanctions given for violating the health protocol are sweeping, picking up trash, singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, paying respect to the red-and-white flag, accompanying parking attendants to arrange vehicles, urging people to wear masks, and holding a paper saying "I was wrong not to wear masks. I’m not a good example”.

"Apart from here, the officers are also mobile. In a day, we carry out the operation in different locations. However, the sanction is still a social one," said Head of Satpol PP Agus Efendi.

Meanwhile, Mayor Habib Hadi added that sanctions must be applied for increasing the discipline so that people can perform health protocol in the ‘new normal’ era properly.

"Hopefully this operation can increase the awareness of the residents and those passing through the city. As the vaccine has not yet been found, a mask is now being one. It is used for prevention. We will try to provide massive education to the public, "he said.  (alfien_tr)