
KANIGARAN – Dampak sosial dan ekonomi akibat dari penyebaran COVID 19 menjadi perhatian baik pemerintah pusat hingga pemerintah daerah. Di Kota Probolinggo, Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin sudah merampungkan pendataan kepada masyarakat yang kemungkinan bisa terdampak.

IMG 20200403 WA0117“Dampak sosial menjadi arahan dari Presiden. Kami tahu masyarakat banyak terdampak. Tetapi kami masih terus berupaya memvalidkan data. Proses masih berjalan, harus lebih teliti, lebih detail,” kata Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, dalam telekonferensinya bersama para jurnalis, Jumat (3/4) sore.  

Data yang dimaksud dari sejumlah OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) yakni Dinas Koperasi Usaha Mikro Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Dinas Sosial dan Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan.

Rencananya, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo akan memberikan bantuan. Tentu saja rencana tersebut harus melihat edaran dari kementerian, untuk mengetahui apa-apa saja yang boleh dilakukan pemerintah daerah dalam situasi seperti ini.

IMG 20200403 WA0122“Apakah akan memberikan bantuan secara langsung sehingga masyarakat merasakan manfaatnya, itu masih menunggu dari kementerian. Yang jelas, kami sudah melakukan pergeseran APBD untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pencegahan khususnya di Dinas Kesehatan dan RSUD,” beber mantan anggota DPR RI ini.

Proses pergeseran anggaran tersebut telah dilakukan sesuai petunjuk Menteri Keuangan dan Menteri Dalam Negeri. Sumber dana yang digeser antara lain belanja tidak terduga, Dana Insentif Daerah (DID), DBHCHT, Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) dan Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK). Jumlah pergeseran anggaran untuk Dinas Kesehatan sebesar Rp 18.434.000.000, sedangkan RSUD Rp 9.894.610.000. Total dana pergeseran untuk penanganan COVID 19 diproyeksikan senilai Rp 28.328.610.000. 

IMG 20200403 WA0115“Bukan masalah pencegahan saja tapi ada masalah sosial, ada masalah dampak ekonomi yang juga menjadi perhatian,” tegas Wali Kota Habib Hadi. Masalah yang dimaksud adalah dikhawatirkan terjadi putus kontrak atau PHK (pemutusan hubungan kerja) dampak dari COVID 19. 

Wali kota mencatat, di seluruh perusahaan yang ada di Kota Probolinggo ada 7.298 tenaga kerja (by name by addres) yang merupakan warga kota. Jumlah warga pekerja dengan pendapatan harian sebanyak 7009. Contohnya berprofesi sebagai ojek, nelayan, tukang becak dan pedagang.

“Insyaallah akan kami siapkan langkah. Mereka yang punya usaha harian dan jelas terdampak ini harus kita perhatikan,” jelasnya Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


The social and economic impact caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has been the major attention of both central and regional governments. In Probolinggo city, Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has collected the data of people who might be economically affected by the outbreak.


“The President has announced the instruction on how to deal with the social impact. We know many people impacted by the virus. But, we still attempt to have valid data on this. It’s still on process, needs to be careful, more detail,” Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said in the teleconference with the journalists on Friday (3/4).

The data is collected from several working units including the Agency of Cooperatives, Micro Business, Industry and Trade; Agency of Social Affairs, and the Agency of Agriculture, Food Security, and Fisheries.

The plan is, Probolinggo municipal administration will distribute the aid. The plan must be based on the circular letter of related ministries, to find out what the regional governments can do in this emergency.

“We still wait for the instruction from the ministries. The point is, we have reallocated several local budgets to fulfill the need of preventing the virus from spreading, especially in Health Agency and regional hospital’s budget,” the mayor said.

The budget reallocation has been conducted based on the instruction of the Finance Ministry and Home Affairs Ministry. The budget being reallocated includes unexpected expenditures, regional incentive funds (DID), DBHCHT, general allocation funds (DAU), and special allocation funds (DAK). The reallocation of the budget for the Health Agency reaches IDR 18,434,000, and regional hospital as much as IDR 9,894,610,000. The total for the reallocation for handling COVID-19 is IDR 28,328,610,000.

“We are not talking only about the preventive efforts, but we must deal with social and economic impacts,” the mayor said. The impact being concerned is the possibility of workers layoff that might be happened.

The mayor records, 7,298 people of Probolinggo city are registered to several companies. The number of people with daily income reaches 7,009, including fishermen, pedicab man, and traders.

“God willing, we are ready for it. We must concern about them who rely on their daily income,” Habib Hadi said. (alfien_tr)