
MAYANGAN – Kota Probolinggo kini punya tim pemburu pelanggar protokol kesehatan COVID 19 dan kendaraan COVID hunter yang diinisiasi oleh pemerintah setempat, TNI dan Polri. Rabu (16/9) launching tim gabungan itu ditandai dengan apel di depan Alun-alun dipimpin oleh Kapolres Probolinggo Kota AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya.

Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin dan Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo hadir dalam apel tersebut. Para petinggi di Kota Probolinggo itu juga secara simbolis menyematkan rompi petugas penegak disiplin protokol kesehatan. Sementara kendaraan COVID hunter terdiri dari electric scooter, mobil SUV hingga truk.

Tim gabungan TNI-Polri dan Satpol PP ini bertugas menertibkan masyarakat di kehidupan sehari-hari agar patuh dan taat menerapkan protokol kesehatan sehingga COVID 19 bisa ditekankan dan diharapkan segera hilang dari Kota Probolinggo.

IMG 20200916 WA0095“Launching ini sebagai tanda agar masyarakat lebih perhatian dan menyadari bahwasanya Pemkot-TNI-Polri, semua unsur sepakat dan serius mencegah penyebaran COVID 19. Bukan untuk menakut-nakuti tapi melambangkan keseriusan kami. Setiap hari COVID 19 bukannya menurun tapi ada terus, kalau tidak menyikapi dengan keseriusan kami khawatir akan semakin parah,” tegas AKBP Ambariyadi saat menyampaikan amanat apel.

Menurut kapolresta, tim pemburu pelanggar protokol kesehatan ini juga memberikan sinyal imbauan pada masyarakat bahwa COVID 19 masih ada dan berbahaya. “Harapannya masyarakat sadar bahwa kami tetap semangat membantu masyarakat supaya sehat dan menekan penyebaran COVID 19,” imbuhnya.

IMG 20200916 WA0096Sasaran tim pemburu ini sesuai dengan perda dan Inpres nomer 6 tahun 2020 bahwa protokol kesehatan berlaku dimana saja di semua kegiatan masyarakat. Seperti pusat keramaian, pasar, kafe, warung, sarana pelayanan publik hingga perkantoran. Sanksi yang diberikan teguran tertulis, lisan dan denda. Tim akan beroperasi terpusat dan mobile di berbagai sasaran.

“Minggu ini sifatnya sosialisasi serta sanksi sosial, target ke depan bisa ada denda. Berapa dendanya? Kami akan berkoordinasi kira-kira yang sesuai berapa dan besaran denda bisa mendidik masyarakat,” terang kapolresta.

Wali Kota Probolinggo Habib Hadi menambahkan, melalui tim pemburu ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat di Kota Probolinggo supaya tidak ada penambahan penyebaran COVID 19.
“Lebih bagus mencegah daripada kewalahan menangani COVID ini. Dan yang perlu diketahui, bahwa kami (pemerintah) bersama TNI-Polri selalu melakukan evaluasi perkembangan, penanganan dan dampak COVID 19 untuk mengambil langkah yang tepat,” katanya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city now has a team hunting down COVID-19 health protocols, supported with COVID hunter vehicles. This is an effort initiated by the local government, TNI, and Polri. The joint team was officially launched on Wednesday (16/9), marked with a roll call in front of the city square led by the Chief of the Probolinggo City Police, AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya.

Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin and Military District Commander 0820 Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wibowo attended the roll call as they symbolically dressed the officers with a vest. Meanwhile, the COVID hunter vehicles consist of electric scooters, SUVs, and trucks.

The joint team has a duty to make the people discipline in applying health protocol in their daily days so that COVID 19 can be stopped and it is expected to have an end.

"The launching is a sign that the public will pay more attention and realize that the city administration-TNI-Polri, all elements agree and are serious about preventing the spread of COVID-19. We are not trying to make people frightened, but it shows our seriousness. Every day, COVID-19 confirmed cases keep accelerating. If we do not take it seriously we are worried that it will get worse," said AKBP Ambariyadi when delivering the speech of the roll call.

According to the police chief, the hunting team for health protocol violators also gave a warning signal to the public that COVID-19 still exists and is dangerous. "The hope is that people will realize that we are still serious about helping people to be healthy and reduce the spread of COVID-19," he added.

The target of this hunting team is under regional regulations and Presidential Instruction number 6 of 2020 that the health protocol applies everywhere in all community activities, including the center of the crowd, markets, cafes, stalls, public service facilities to offices. Sanctions given are in the form of written, verbal warnings and fines. Teams will operate centrally and mobile across multiple targets.

"In the first week, we only give dissemination and social sanctions. But, fines would be other sanction given in the future. How much is it? We will have coordination about how much the fines would be and how it can make people in order,” explained the police chief.

Probolinggo Mayor Habib Hadi added, by having the team, it is expected to raise public awareness in the city so that there is no increase in COVID-19 transmission.

"It's better to prevent than dealing with COVID-19. And what needs to be known is that we (the government) together with the TNI-Polri always evaluate the development, handling, and impact of COVID-19 to take the right measures," he said. (alfien_tr)