
MAYANGAN – Peninjauan tempat ibadah tangguh COVID 19 masih terus dilaksanakan oleh tim Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo bersama jajaran forkopimda. Seperti Jumat (11/9) siang, tim meninjau ke tiga masjid tangguh sesaat sebelum menggelar sholat Jumat.

Peninjauan dipimpin Wakil Wali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri didampingi Wakapolresta Kompol Teguh Santoso, perwakilan Dandim 0820 serta OPD terkait. Masjid pertama yang dikunjungi adalah Masjid Agung Roudlotul Jannah, Masjid At Taqwa Kebonsari Kulon dan Masjid Al Hikmah Perum Bromo Ketapang.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 11 at 16.20.31Pada kesempatan itu, Wawali Subri dan Wakapolresta Kompol Teguh memberikan rompi kepada pihak keamanan masjid sebagai penegak disiplin kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan COVID 19 di area masjid. Takmir juga diberi masker dan diminta untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat.

Saat meninjau kesiapan masjid sebagai masjid tangguh, Wawali Subri mengatakan ada beberapa saran dan temuan. Seperti jumlah thermo gun yang perlu ditambah, area serambi masjid perlu diberi penanda jarak dan durasi kutbah harus disesuaikan.

“Rata-rata takmir masjid yang kami kunjungi mengaku siap menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Mereka juga berterimakasih atas kunjungan dan saran yang diberikan oleh tim. Karena apa yang kami sampaikan demi keselamatan jamaah sendiri,” jelas Wawali Subri usai peninjauan.

“Kami berharap jamaah yang akan melaksanakan ibadah di masjid agar tetap mematuhi protap kesehatan. Masker jangan lupa. Sebab semua jamaah ingin beribadah dengan khusyuk dan nyaman,” sambungnya. (famydecta)


Probolinggo city administration and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda continue to observe the implementation of resilient worship places amid COVID-19. As was seen on Friday (11/9), the team visited three resilient mosques.

The visit was led by Probolinggo Vice Mayor, Mochammad Soufis Subri, accompanied by Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Teguh Santoso, representatives of Military District Command 0820 and related working units. The first mosque visited was the Great Mosque Roudlotul Jannah before going to At-Taqwa Mosque, Kebonsari Kulon, and Al-Hikmah Mosque in Bromo Ketapang.

On that occasion, Vice Mayor Subri and Kompol Teguh distributed vests to mosque security as the health discipline enforcers to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in the mosque area. They also distributed masks to the mosque caretakers (takmir) to implement strict health protocols.

When reviewing the readiness of the mosque as a tough mosque, Subri said there were several suggestions and findings while on the observation. The vice mayor suggests that the number of thermo guns needs to be increased, the mosque foyer area needs to be marked with a distance, and the duration of the speech (Kutbah) must be adjusted or shortened.

"Most of the mosque caretakers admit to being ready to implement strict health protocols. They are also grateful for the visit and advice provided by the team. What we have suggested is for the safety of the people," explained Vice Mayor Subri after the visit.

"We hope that people who will carry out worship at the mosque will continue to comply with health procedures. Don’t forget to wear masks because all people want to have worship solemnly and comfortably," he continued. (alfien_tr)