
Senin (17/08) pagi tadi, Pemkot Probolinggo melalui Dinas Pemuda Olahraga, Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Dispopar) merayakan kemerdekaan RI ke-75 dengan cara yang berbeda.

Berkolaborasi bersama dengan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, dan Tim Kerja Pantai Permata Pilang (TKP4). Sejumlah komunitas juga terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pringatan hari kemerdekaan ini.

IMG 20200817 WA0129Upacara dilaksanakan tepat dipukul 07.00 wib. Selaku inspektur upacara yakni Kadispopar, Budi Krisyanto.

"Bertepatan dengan memperingati hari Kemerdekaan ke-75 kolaborasi bareng-bareng. Kami bersinergi bersama Dinas lingkungan Hidup, dan TKP4 bersama mitra pemerintah kota berbagai paguyuban turut  memeriahkan kemerdekaan ke-75 di tahun 2020 ini," jelas Budi Krisyanto.

Lebih lanjut, Budi menjelaskan bersama dengan paguyuban peduli sampah; paguyuban peduli lingkungan dari abang tukang becak; paguyuban penyandang cacat peduli lingkungan; Paguyuban Kang-Yuk; Komunitas Bebek-Pro (Bersih-bersih kali Probolinggo) dan juga para pengelolah TKP 4 mengikuti serangkaian upacara kemerdekaan dengan tajuk tema 'Indonesia Maju'.

Ada kurang lebih 45 warga dari berbagai komunitas terlihat khitmad melaksanakan upacara di Pantai Permata, Kelurahan Pilang.

IMG 20200817 WA0127Bahkan, pada saat upacara berlangsung tiba-tiba air pasang. Ketinggian air terus meninggi hingga lutut para peserta upacara, namun peserta tetap semangat.

Sejumlah destinasi wisata lokal dipilih sebagai tempat untuk menggelar upacara. Tak hanya peringatan kemerdekaan saja, giat pagi tadi juga dilakukan edukasi lingkungan yakni bersih-bersih pantai dan  menanam bibit mangrove serta pembagian masker kepada para pengunjung disekitar pantai permata, sebagai edukasi untuk tetap disiplin dalam menjalankan protokol kesehatan.

Menurut Budi Kris, dalam mewarnai Kemerdekaan di tengah pandemi saat ini yang harus ditanamkan dalam jiwa yakni 3 hal diantaranya; Semangat memperingati peringatan kemerdekaan; Semangat mencintai lingkungan, dan tetap Semangat disiplin dalam menjalankan Protokol Kesehatan.

"Meskipun ditengah suasana pendemi ini, kita tetap masih punya semangat. Semangat dalam 3 hal; ada semangat  menghormati peringatan kemerdekaan; semangat mencintai lingkungan dan tetap semangat dalam menjalankan protokol kesehatan," jelasnya.

Usai melaksanakan upacara di Pantai Permata, mereka melanjutkan kegiatan yang sma di Sumber Mata Air Sentong di Kelurahan Jrebeng Kulon. (Devi)


Monday (17/08), Probolinggo city administration through the Agency of Youth, Sport, Tourism, and Culture (Dispopar) celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Indonesia Independence Day in a different way.

In a collaboration with the Agency of Environment, and the Working Team of the Permata Pilang Beach (TKP4). Several communities are also involved in the implementation of the commemoration of the independence day.

The ceremony was held at 07.00 am. The head of Dispopar, Budi Krisyanto acted as the inspector of the ceremony.

"To coincide with the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Independence Day, we made a collaboration. We work together with the Environment Agency, TKP4, and other associations to celebrate Independence Day in 2020," said Budi Krisyanto.

Furthermore, Budi explained that together with the association of waste care; community care environment from abang tukang becak; association of people with disabilities who care about the environment; Kang-Yuk Association; the Community of Bebek-Pro, and also the caretakers of TKP4 they participated in a series of independence day ceremonies, with the headline theme of 'Advanced Indonesia'.

There were approximately 45 residents from various communities look to participate in the ceremony held at the Permata Beach, Pilang urban village.

In fact, at the time of the ceremony took place, the tide suddenly occurred. The height of the water is constantly rising to the knees of the participants, but participants keep the spirit up.

Some tourist destinations in the city were selected as the place to hold the ceremony. Not only to hold a ceremony, but other activities of the educational environment were also conducted, including clean-up of beaches and planting of mangrove seedlings and distribution of masks to the visitors around the beach, as a form of education to keep discipline in the running of the protocol health.

According to Budi Kris, in celebrating Independence Day, amid the pandemic, three things must be instilled in our soul, including the Spirit of commemorating the anniversaries of independence day; the Spirit of loving the environment, and keep the Spirit of discipline in running of the Health Protocol.

"Although we are still in the middle of the pandemic, we still have the spirit. The spirit in 3 things; Spirit of respect in commemorating the independence day; the spirit of loving the environment and keep the spirit in running the health protocol," he explained.

Usai melaksanakan upacara di Pantai Permata, mereka melanjutkan kegiatan yang sma di Sumber Mata Air Sentong di Kelurahan Jrebeng Kulon. (alfien_tr)