
KANIGARAN – Operasi penegakan disiplin protokol kesehatan di Kota Probolinggo tidak hanya berlaku untuk masyarakat saja. Tim gabungan pun fokus pada perkantoran Organisasi Perangkat Daerah di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo.

Seperti yang dilakukan oleh tim dari Satpol PP, Kodim 0820, Polresta, Sub Denpom dan Damkar, Kamis (17/12) yang sidak ke kantor Dispertahankan (Dinas Pertanian Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan), Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip, dan Kelurahan Tisnonegaran.

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Hasilnya, petugas menemukan seorang  pegawai perempuan di sekretariat Dispertahankan saat berbincang dengan rekannya tidak memakai masker. Sedangkan pegawai lelaki di Kelurahan Tisnonegaran yang saat razia berada di parkiran pun kedapatan tidak pakai masker.

“Kami menemukan dua pegawai tidak memakai masker saat beraktivitas. Kartu identitasnya kami amankan kemudian kami data untuk proses lebih lanjut. Sanksi kami samakan dengan (masyarakat) sidang yustisi atau non yustisi menggunakan denda administrasi. Kalau sanksi kepegawaian kami serahkan ke masing-masing OPD,” terang Kasi Ops Dinas Satpol PP Hendra Kusuma.

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Menurut Hendra, razia ke perkantoran di pemkot sudah dilaksanakan sejak awal pekan lalu. Dengan hari ini, total kantor yang sudah dirazia ada delapan, namun hanya menemukan dua pegawai saja. Razia ini akan terus dilakukan secara acak dan tidak memungkinkan di perkantoran swasta sebagai upaya mencegah penyebaran COVID 19.

“Fokus razia ini tidak hanya di masyarakat saja karena banyak sekali klaster baru berasal dari OPD. Untuk itu, kami bersama tim merasa perlu fokus razia sebagai bentuk edukasi kepada pegawai pemerintah yang notabene harus memberikan contoh untuk masyarakat,” imbuh Hendra.

Sejak razia penegakan prokes COVID 19 sesuai Perda Provinsi Jawa Timur No 2 tahun 2020 diterapkan pada September hingga November lalu, tercatat ada 1.932 pelanggar. Sanksi sosial 1.110 orang, denda yustisi 97 orang, denda administrasi non yustisi 527 orang. Dari KTP yang disita, 661 KTP sudah diambil, sisa 134 belum diambil oleh pemiliknya. Nilai denda yang masuk ke kasda Rp 8.940.000, sedangkan denda non yustisi Rp 20.080.000. (famydecta)


The operation to enforce the health protocol discipline in Probolinggo City is not only effective for the people, but the joint team also focused on the offices of the working units of the Probolinggo City Administration.


As was carried out by a team from Public Order Agency Satpol PP, Kodim 0820, City POlice, Sub Denpom, and Fire Fighters on Thursday (17/12), they had a raid at the Agency of Agriculture, Food Security, and Fisheries (Dispertahankan); Library and Archives Agency; and Tisnonegaran Urban Village.

As a result, they found a female employee at the Dispertahankan who was not wearing a mask while having a conversation with her workmate. Meanwhile, a male employee in the Tisnonegaran urban village who was caught in the parking lot was also not wearing a mask.

"We found two employees who did not wear masks while doing their activities. We keep their identity card for further processing. The sanctions are all the same as those imposed on the people. We will hand over the employment sanctions to each working unit,” explained the Head of Ops for Satpol PP, Hendra Kusuma.

According to Hendra, raids to offices in the city administration have been carried out since early last week. As of today, the total number of offices that have been raided is eight, but only two employees have been caught. These raids will continue to be carried out randomly and not possible in private offices to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

"The focus of this raid is not only on the community because a lot of new clusters come from the working unit offices. Therefore, we together with the team feel the need to focus on raids as a form of education for government employees who in fact have to set as a role model to the community," added Hendra.

Since the raids on the enforcement of the COVID 19 health protocol were implemented from September to November, there were 1,932 violators. Social sanctions were imposed on 1,110 people, 97 people were fined, and administrative fines were imposed on 527 people. Of the confiscated identity card, 661 had been returned, while the remaining 134 had not. (alfien_tr)