
KANIGARAN – Akhir Agustus lalu, Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan telah mengumumkan penemuan cadangan gas terbesar di negaranya. Dan siapa yang menyangka tim penemu cadangan energi itu ada keterlibatan 8 orang WNI (Warga Negara Indonesia), satu diantaranya warga Kota Probolingo.

Ialah Ravi Mudiatmoko, 42 tahun, warga Jalan Kapten Patimura, Kelurahan Mangunharjo, Kecamatan Mayangan. Senin (28/9) pagi, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin mengundang Ravi ke kantornya. Pertemuan itu disela kepulangan Ravi dari tempat kerjanya di Turki sejak sepekan lalu.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 28 at 15.08.22Di pertemuan itu, Ravi menceritakan bagaimana dirinya bisa tergabung dalam kapal pengeboran minyak Turki, Fatih, yang berlayar sejak 29 Mei 2020 dari Istanbul. Setelah pelepasan dari dermaga, baru sekitar 1,5 bulan tim berhasil menemukan titik gas tersebut.

Ravi Mudiatmoko lulusan Politeknik Elektronika ITS Surabaya, adalah tenaga ahli pengeboran Indonesia yang bekerja di Turkiye Petrolery Offshore Technology Center, anak perusahaan Turkiye Petroleri yang merupakan perusahaan minyak pertama di Turki. Ravi dan tujuh temannya membuktikan Indonesia mampu bersaing di pasar tenaga kerja teknologi tinggi di dunia.

“Kami ikut berbangga juga karena ada warga Kota Probolinggo yang melakukan hal membanggakan dan menjadi apresiasi di negara itu. Kebetulan beliaunya datang dan saya ingin ketemu. Saya harus mengapresiasi bahwa warga Kota Probolinggo bisa bermanfaat di luar negeri, mudah-mudahan ke depannya (bermanfaat) untuk Indonesia,” harap Habib Hadi.

Menurutnya, banyak anak bangsa yang punya potensi namun tidak pernah diberi kesempatan di negeri sendiri. Katanya, semua potensi yang ada dari sisi SDM (sumber daya manusia) anak-anak Indonesia harus mendapatkan ruang di negaranya sendiri.

WhatsApp Image 2020 09 28 at 15.08.21“Karena Indonesia kekayaannya luar biasa banyak potensinya. Maka pemerintah harus hadir untuk mendukung seluas-luasnya sumber daya manusia yang ada,” imbuhnya, saat bertemu Ravi di Ruang Transit Kantor Wali Kota.

Habib Hadi pun menyadari walaupun pihaknya tidak ada kaitan dengan keberhasilan Ravi, namun ayah dua anak itu patut mendapat apresiasi karena sudah mewakili Kota Probolinggo. “Meski kami (pemerintah kota) belum pernah melakukan apa-apa untuk Pak Ravi, tapi harus diakui bahwa beliau ini luar biasa,” serunya.

Sementara itu, alumnus SMP Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo itu mengaku senang dapat bertemu dengan Wali Kota Habib Hadi. “Senang sih karena masih dilihat (mendapat perhatian) dari Pak Wali Kota. Saya tidak menyangka waktu sampai di kantor (Turki) setelah kembali dari kapal kalau saya dapat salam dari Pak Wali,” imbuhnya.

Jebolan SMA Negeri 1 Kota Probolinggo itu pun ikut menyemangati anak-anak muda Indonesia agar jangan pernah malu untuk mencari tantangan baru. “Biar pun tidak sesuai bidang kita, tapi paling tidak kita punya skill. Jangan pernah menyerah mencari tantangan baru,” tegas suami dari Rina ini. (famydecta)


President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the discovery of the largest gas reserves in his country at the end of last August. And, who would have thought that the team succeeded in discovering the energy had involved 8 Indonesian, of which one of whom was a resident of Probolingo City.

It is Ravi Mudiatmoko, 42, a resident of Jalan Kapten Patimura, Mangunharjo urban village, Mayangan Sub-district. Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin invited Ravi to his office on Monday (28/9). The meeting was taken place amid Ravi's days off while he was returning from his workplace in Turkey a week ago.

At the meeting, Ravi told how he joined the Turkish oil drilling vessel, Fatih, which sailed since May 29, 2020, from Istanbul. After releasing from the dock, it took about 1.5 months for the team to find the gas point.

Ravi Mudiatmoko, a graduate of ITS Surabaya Electronics Polytechnic, is an Indonesian drilling expert who works at the Turkiye Petrolery Offshore Technology Center, a subsidiary of Turkiye Petroleri, which is the first oil company in Turkey. Ravi and seven of his friends proved that Indonesia can compete in the high technology labor market in the world.

"We are also proud because there are residents of Probolinggo City who do something proud and become an appreciation in that country. What an opportunity that we have the opportunity and I wanted to meet him. I have to appreciate that the citizens of Probolinggo City can do something great abroad, hopefully in the future (you can do something great) for Indonesia," hoped Habib Hadi.

According to him, many Indonesian people have potential but have never been given the opportunity in their own country. He said, all the potential that existed in terms of human resources of Indonesian people must have their own opportunity in their own country.

"Indonesia has an extraordinary wealth of potential. So the government must give more attention to support the widest possible human resources," he added when meeting Ravi in the transit room of the Mayor's Office.

Habib Hadi also realized that although his side had nothing to do with Ravi's success, he deserves appreciation for representing the city. "Although we (the city administration) have never done anything for Ravi, we must admit that he is extraordinary," he exclaimed.

Meanwhile, the alumnus of SMP Negeri 2 Probolinggo city admitted that he was happy to meet Mayor Habib Hadi. “I am happy because I got the mayor’s attention. I was surprised that when I arrived at the (Turkey) office after returning from the ship, I got greetings from the mayor," he added.

The graduate of SMA Negeri 1 Probolinggo city also encouraged Indonesian young people to never be hesitating to look for new challenges. "Even if it doesn't match our field, at least we have the skills. Never give up on looking for new challenges,” said the husband of Rina.  (alfien_tr)