
KEDOPOK – Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin berhasil memperjuangkan ribuan pelajar SD/SMP di Kota Probolinggo untuk mendapatkan bantuan Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) dari pemerintah pusat. Ini terbukti, dari 2.878 anak yang mendapat bantuan, berkat perjuangan wali kota akhirnya mendapatkan tambahan kuota sebanyak 3.331 anak. Jadi, total penerima menjadi 6.209 anak.

Upaya tersebut dilakukan wali kota demi warganya yang membutuhkan bantuan pendidikan. Fakta ini tersampaikan pada saat Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Probolinggo menggelar sosialisasi peran orangtua menuju merdeka belajar, penyerahan bantuan PIP dan transportasi angkutan pelajar gratis tahun 2020, Senin (3/2) di GOR Mastrip.

“Dengan adanya upaya dari Bapak Wali Kota yang telah mengawal usulan bantuan Program Indonesia Pintar, Alhamdulillah kuotanya dapat bertambah,” ujar Kepala Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Probolinggo M.Maskur dalam sambutannya.

Besaran bantuan PIP untuk siswa SD (86 SD) sebesar Rp 450 ribu per tahun, untuk siswa SMP (29 SMP) sebesar Rp 750 ribu per tahun. Sedangkan bantuan angkutan transportasi pelajar dari APBD sebesar Rp 150 ribu per orang setiap bulannya, untuk 103 siswa di SMP Negeri 8.

IMG 20200203 WA0015Bantuan PIP akan diterima oleh peserta didik melalui bank penyalur bantuan yaitu BRI, dengan cara pembuatan buku tabungan oleh wali murid. “Sekali lagi kami sampaikan terima kasih atas upaya Bapak Wali Kota Probolinggo dalam upaya peningkatan layanan, akses dan mutu pendidikan di Kota Probolinggo,” jelas Maskur.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi mengatakan, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo selalu berupaya menjamin kemudahan akses dan layanan pendidikan bagi seluruh warga. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan dengan memperjuangkan anak-anak jenjang SD dan SMP untuk mendapat pendidikan gratis, bermutu dan berkualitas.

“Dengan harapan tidak ada lagi anak usia sekolah di Kota Probolinggo yang putus sekolah karena keterbatasan biaya. Saya berharap bapak/ibu dapat memanfaatkan dana bantuan ini secara maksimal untuk kebutuhan pendidikan anak-anak kita. Kami juga berharap dukungan dari semua pihak terutama bapak/ibu orangtua selalu bersama kami dalam memajukan Kota Probolinggo,” terang kepala daerah yang pernah menjadi anggota DPRD Jatim dan DPR RI ini.

Bantuan angkutan pelajar yang diberikan melalui asosiasi sopir angkot, lanjut Habib Hadi, tentunya melalui seleksi yang mengedepankan kenyamanan layanan bagi pelajar. Program ini diharapkan menggairahkan kembali transportasi angkutan bagi pelajar secara umum di Kota Probolinggo.

Terkait merdeka belajar, Kota Probolinggo sangat mendukung perubahan melalui revolusi belajar peserta didik. Merdeka belajar bukan berarti bebas tidak belajar, tetapi justru belajar yang diliputi semangat memerdekakan peserta didik untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan memperdalam penguasaan kompetensi.

Merdeka belajar untuk menumbuhkembangkan kepercayaan diri dalam berekspresi sehingga dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang kreatif, memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, berkolaborasi, berbudaya literasi dan memiliki karakter kuat dengan harapan mampu bersaing dalam kehidupan.

Wiwik Wijayanti, salah seorang wali murid SMP Negeri 9 mengaku tidak menyangka putranya yang duduk di kelas 8 mendapat bantuan tersebut. ”Saya berterimakasih kepada pemerintah, kepada pak wali karena anak saya mendapat bantuan ini. Nantinya uang itu untuk kebutuhan anak sekolah seperti sepatu dan keperluan lain,” ungkap janda dua orang anak, warga Jalan Cangkring ini. (famydecta)


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin has successfully fought for thousands of elementary/junior high school students in Probolinggo City to get the assistance of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) from the central government. Of 2,878 children registered to receive the assistance, thanks to the struggle of the mayor, an additional quota of 3,331 children have been received. So, the total recipients will be 6,209 children.

The effort was carried out by the mayor for the sake of the people who needed educational assistance. This fact was conveyed when the Department of Education and Culture of Probolinggo City held dissemination on the role of parents towards freedom of learning, the delivery of PIP assistance and free transportation for students in 2020, on Monday (3/2) at Sports Center GOR Mastrip.

"With the efforts of the mayor who has been escorting the proposal for the Smart Indonesia Program, Thank God, the quota can be increased," said the Head of Education and Culture of the city, M.Maskur in his speech.

The amount of PIP assistance for elementary school students (86 elementary schools) is IDR 450,000 per year; for junior high school students (29 junior high schools) is IDR 750,000 per year. The student transportation assistance from the regional budget is worth to IDR 150,000 per person per month, for 103 students in the state junior-high-school SMP Negeri 8.

PIP assistance will be received by students through the selected bank, BRI, by making a savings account. "Once again we thank you for the efforts of the Mayor of Probolinggo in to improve services, access, and quality of education in Probolinggo city," Maskur explained.

Mayor Habib Hadi said, Probolinggo municipal administration always tries to guarantee easy access and education services for all people. One of the efforts made is for elementary and junior high school children to get free, quality and quality education.

"Hopefully, there will be no more school-aged children in the city who have dropped out of school due to limited funds. I hope they can make the most of this assistance fund for the educational needs of our children. We also hope that the support of all parties, especially the parents together with us to develop the city," explained the regional head who was once a member of the East Java DPRD and DPR RI.

Student transportation assistance provided through public transportation drivers associations, continued Habib Hadi, of course through a selection that prioritizes the convenience of services for students. The program is expected to revive public transportation for students in Probolinggo City.

Regarding freedom of learning, the city strongly supports a change through the student learning revolution. Freedom of learning does not mean free not to learn, but rather learning which is filled with the spirit of freeing students to explore and deepen the mastery of competencies.

Freedom to develop self-confidence in expression so that it can produce creative graduates, with critical thinking skills, communication skills, collaboration, literacy culture, and strong characters in the expectation of being able to compete in life.

Wiwik Wijayanti, one of the parents of students at SMP Negeri 9, claimed she did not expect his son, who was in grade 8, to receive this assistance. "I am grateful to the government because my son got this assistance. The money would be used for the needs of school children such as shoes and other needs," said the widow of two children, a resident of Jalan Cangkring. (alfien_tr)