
MAYANGAN - Suasana hujan mewarnai agenda pertemuan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin dan Bupati Tantriana Sari di pendapa kabupaten, Rabu (29/4) malam. Keduanya sepakat untuk transfer data dalam menangani covid 19.

Bupati Probolinggo Puput Tantriana Sari membuka forum diskusi yang juga Wakil Wali Kota Mochammad Soufis Subri, Forkopimda, Sekda serta tim satgas covid 19 kota maupun kabupaten.

"Perkembangan sebaran covid 19 selalu bertambah sehingga membutuhkan kerja sama dan sinergitas kedua belah pihak. Karena kita menjadi bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Apa yang terjadi di kabupaten juga berdampak di wilayah kota," ujar Tantri, panggilan akrab bupati.

Ia mencontohkan, kasus konfirmasi positif kemarin merupakan warga kota yang bekerja di kabupaten. Karena merupakan klaster Sukolilo, maka yang bersangkutan langsung dikarantina 14 hari dan hasil rapid test negatif dua kali. Namun setelah pulang ke kota diketahui hasil swabnya positif.

"Dampak seperti inilah yang membutuhkan kekompakan agar bisa sinergi dalam penanganan dan perawatannya. Termasuk kajian bersama jika opsi PSBB diberlakukan sebagai langkah terakhir. Diperlukan keterbukaan dalam akses data dan informasi bagi dua pemerintahan," imbuhnya.

IMG 20200429 WA0054Hal serupa juga diungkapkan Wali Kota Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin. Menurutnya, koordinasi ini sangat penting karena posisi kota berada di tengah kabupaten sehingga pasti berimbas.

"Kesepakatan bersama dalam menghadapi covid 19 harus ada transparansi informasi dan data. Begitu positif langsung diumumkan supaya masyarakat turut mengendalikan," pintanya.

Habib Hadi berkaca dari kejadian sebelumnya, sehingga dia berharap data  warga kota yang di karantina diberikan agar bisa di tracing keluarganya. Begitu pula sebaliknya pihak kota akan menyerahkan data warga kabupaten yang kerja di kota dan dikarantina.

"Ini harus dilakukan  bersama sehingga bisa melakukan kontrol dengan cepat memutus mata rantai penyebaran covid 19. Saya khawatir jika terlambat tenaga medis tidak bisa mengatasi, karena jumlahnya terbatas. Kalau perlu ada grup khusus antara tim satgas covid 19 kota dan kabupaten guna mempermudah koordinasi," ujar wali kota.

Sedangkan kebijakan lain seperti PSBB, perlu ada kajian bersama searah yang tidak berdampak ekonomi. Langkah yang paling tepat namun tujuannya sama, mirip PSBB. Koordinasi juga diperlukan dengan daerah perbatasan lainnya, seperti Kabupaten lumajang dan daerah lainnya.

Selanjutnya Forkopimda juga diberikan waktu untuk analisa dan evaluasi saling memberikan masukan. Jika ada kelemahan kedua wilayah bisa mencarikan solusi lainnya. TNI dan Polri siap mendukung apapun kebijakan pemerintah daerah demi percepatan penanganan covid 19 terutama dari sisi pengamanan.

Sebelum berakhir, jubir covid 19 kota dr Abrarr HS Kuddah juga meminta tim satgas kabupaten untuk duduk bersama membahas secara teknis serta berbagi informasi terkait SOP (standar operasional prosedur) yang diberlakukan sehingga ada kesamaan dalam penanganan. Permintaan ini pun disetujui oleh wali kota maupun bupati guna saling melengkapi. (yuli)


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin attended a meeting with Regent Tantriana Sari in the regency hall on Wednesday (29/4) evening. In the meeting, both sides have agreed to transfer each data in handling COVID 19.


Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari opened a discussion forum that was also attended by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Forkopimda, Regional Secretary, and the COVID 19 Task-Force Team of each city and regency.

"The development of the distribution of COVID 19 is increasing so it requires cooperation and synergy between the two sides because we are an inseparable part. What happens in the regency also affects the city area," said Tantri.

She gave an example of the positive confirmation case who is a city resident who works in the regency. Because it is a Sukolilo cluster, the person was immediately quarantined for 14 days and the results of the rapid test were negative. However, after returning to the city, the swab test was positive.

"Impacts like these require cohesiveness to be able to synergize in handling and maintenance including a joint study if the Large Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) option is implemented as a final step. Required openness in accessing data and information for the two governments," he added.

The same thing was expressed by Mayor Habib Hadi Zainal Abidin. According to him, this coordination is very important because the position of the city is in the middle of the regency so that it will definitely make an impact.

"In a mutual agreement dealing with COVID 19, there must be transparency of information and data. Once a person confirmed positive, it is immediately announced so that the community has a role to take control," he pleaded.

Habib Hadi learned from the previous incident, so he hoped that the data of the quarantined city residents would be given so that they and their family could be traced. On the other side, the city will submit data on residents of the regency who work in the city and are quarantined.

"This must be done together so that they can control quickly to break the chain COVID 19. I am worried that if we are late in handling this problem, the medical staff will not be able to cope because the numbers are limited,” said the mayor.

Whereas other policies such as the PSBB, it needs a joint study which would not affect the economic condition. The government needs to apply the most appropriate step but has the same goal as PSBB. Coordination is also needed with other border areas, such as Lumajang Regency and other regions.

Furthermore, Forkopimda was also given time for analysis and evaluation to provide input to one another. If there are weaknesses, the two regions can find other solutions. The TNI and Polri are ready to support any local government policy to accelerate the handling of COVID 19, especially in terms of security.

Before it ended, the spokesperson of the COVID 19 team, dr Abrarr HS Kuddah also asked the regency task force team to sit together to discuss and share information related to standard operating procedures (SOP) that were put in place so there would be similarities in handling the outbreak. This request was approved by the mayor and regent to complement each other. (alfien_tr)