
PROBOLINGGO – Rabu (1/4) pagi, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin mendatangi sejumlah perusahaan dan perbankan di Kota Probolinggo. Tujuannya, untuk memantau sejauh mana penerapan protokol kesehatan, kendala perusahaan akibat Covid 19 hingga mengajak perusahaan berkontribusi pada misi sosial dan kemanusiaan.

Wali kota didampingi sejumlah pejabat teras. Diantaranya, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo; Kepala DPMTSP dan Tenaga Kerja Dwi Hermanto; Kepala DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi; Kepala Diskominfo Aman Suryaman dan Kepala Dinsos Zainullah.

2d39978b 4a46 4006 aa2f 90bb17ffa53bTujuan pertama adalah perusahaan produksi lem PT Pamolite Adhesive Industry (PAI) di Jalan Brantas. Disana, wali kota ditemui Manajer Plan PT PAI Bachtiar Fauzi dan pihak manajemen. Perusahaan tersebut diketahui telah memberlakukan langkah sesuai protokol kesehatan. Seperti penyemprotan disinfektan, menyediakan tempat cuci tangan dan hand sanitizer.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo mengajak perusahaan bersama-sama bisa menghadapi situasi dan kondisi yang banyak berdampak pada masyarakat. Baik menengah dan ke bawah. Pemerintah pun berharap kota tetap kondusif, masyarakat tetap tenang dan nyaman, investasi pun terjaga.

“Pekerjaan rumah kita adalah salah satunya masalah sosial. Saya berharap PT PAI bisa mengambil peran dari CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Kemudian pada bulan puasa nanti, ada zakat. Mari kita gabungkan dengan dari pemerintah untuk membantu masyarakat,” terang wali kota.

Bachtiar menjelaskan, PT PAI mempunyai 130 karyawan tetap, serta 50 sampai 70 karyawan kontrak. Perusahaan ini memproduksi lem untuk plywood yang dipasok ke pabrik-pabrik dengan hasil produksi 50 ribu ton per bulan.

Sejauh ini, soal bahan baku dan pemasaran masih belum ditemukan kendala yang signifikan. “Bahan baku kami cukup aman sampai 4 bulan ke depan. Pemasaran ke pabrik plywood juga tidak ada masalah sementara ini,” ujar Bachtiar saat ditanya wali kota terkait ketersediaan bahan baku pabrik.

Menanggapi keterangan tersebut, Kepala Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo menambahkan bahwa saat ini pemerintah berupaya mengurangi keresahan akibat dampak COVID 19 ini.

“Mudah-mudahan tidak ada kendala hingga harus PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja) atau dirumahkan. Itu harapan Bapak Wali Kota. Dan, apa yang bisa dilakukan pemerintah kota, yaitu mencukupi kebutuhan warga dengan sembako. Ini tentunya membutuhkan peran serta semua pihak, termasuk perusahaan,” ujarnya. PT PAI pun menegaskan perusahaannya siap dengan CSR-nya.

c66df386 31a1 479e a570 7b4bd9adf23fBerlanjut ke PT Indopherin Jaya, perusahaan pembuat lem untuk otomotif, yang masih satu kompleks dengan PT PAI. Kunjungan wali kota disambut Plan Manager, Wahyudi Ruswandi.

Perusahaan ini mengaku terdampak oleh COVID 19, namun mereka sudah menyiapkan antisipasi perkiraan penurunan order pada bulan April-Mei.

Saat ini perusahaan tersebut memproduksi dalam jumlah banyak, bahkan sampai lembur, karena berencana libur lebaran dipercepat dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Tahun ini libur kerja karyawan direncanakan tiga minggu sebelum lebaran tiba. Kebijakan ini ditegaskan tidak akan mengurangi hak-hak karyawan seperti gaji dan Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR).

“Terkait CSR, kami ingin berkontribusi dengan senang hati. Kami ingin berbagi dengan masyarakat Kota Probolinggo,” kata Wahyudi.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi pun bersyukur perusahaan berkenan untuk mengikuti ajakan pemerintah untuk membantu masyarakat. Disamping itu, Habib Hadi berharap kondisi investasi tetap aman, perusahaan eksis dan COVID 19 dapat tertangani.

b6a7dadf 30ee 456e ab62 4c60b46e74f6Selain dua perusahaan tersebut, rombongan wali kota juga berkunjung ke PT Kutai Timber Indonesia (KTI). Salah satu pabrik kayu terbesar di Kota Probolinggo. Dirut PT KTI Satosi Kawanami, Executive Officer Firdaus Jafar dan sejumlah petinggi KTI menerima kunjungan tersebut.

Ada tiga hal yang disampaikan ke pabrik kayu tersebut. Yakni, terkait sterilisasi bus karyawan serta protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan, bahan baku serta operasional selama pandemi COVID 19 dan CSR.

Menurut Satosi Kawanami, dari sisi bahan baku mereka tidak ada masalah. Tetapi sisi penjualan produk ke Eropa, Jepang dan UK mengalami sedikit kendala. Namun selama tiga bulan ini, masih dalam kategori aman sebab ada buyer dari Jepang.

Mengingat banyaknya karyawan di pabrik tersebut, wali kota meminta protokol kesehatan yang ketat. Mulai dari dalam bus, masuk ke pabrik hingga di ruang kerja.

Firdaus mengungkapkan penyemprotan disinfektan dilaksanakan secara berkala setiap hari hingga ke interior untuk memproteksi karyawan. “Jarak di dalam bus dan area kerja kami upayakan. Hal penting adalah menggunakan masker, jaga jarak dan fasilitas cuci tangan kami lakukan. Apabila ada yang sakit, kami tidak mengizinkan masuk untuk mengecek kesehatan dulu,” terang Firdaus lagi.

“Terkait zakat, ada konsep dari pemerintah kota, kami akan ikut. Kami ikut pemerintah, berikhtiar semoga diridhoi Allah SWT,” imbuhnya.

Ajak Seluruh Elemen Ambil Langkah Terbaik

66c7e3a5 7cf4 4636 8a66 13d184c856a6Ditemui usai kunjungan, Wali Kota Habib Hadi menjelaskan kedatangannya untuk memastikan produksi perusahaan apakah terdampak pandemi COVID 19. Ia bersyukur di sejumlah perusahaan yang dikunjungi tidak ada kendala dan masih bisa memenuhi suplay dari buyer.

“Alhamdulillah tidak ada PHK, itu yang paling penting. Karena saya khawatir dalam situasi seperti ini akan terjadi PHK seperti terjadi di daerah lain. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harus hadir untuk bertanya dan memastikan kendala di perusahaan,” bebernya.

Disamping itu, lanjut wali kota, saat ini perusahaan bersama pemerintah harus peduli situasi kemanusiaan terdampak virus korona. Sebab, omzet penghasilan masyarakat kecil dan menengah yang bekerja sehari-hari sangat menurun.

Untuk itu, mantan anggota DPR RI ini sedang bekerja keras merangkul dan menggandeng seluruh elemen di kota untuk mengambil langkah terbaik. Bantuan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat bisa berupa sembako atau lainnya.

“Kami samakan persepsi agar bisa berjalan bersama-sama. Karena masyarakat yang terdampak sangat banyak di tengah kondisi dimana mereka tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa,” tutur Habib Hadi. Selain perusahaan, dua perbankan juga dikunjungi seperti BRI dan Bank Mandiri di Jalan Suroyo. (famydecta)


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin visited several companies and banking in Probolinggo city on Wednesday (1/4) to monitor the health protocol they carry out during COVID-19 outbreak, listen to their challenges caused by the current condition, and ask them to contribute to social actions.


The mayor was accompanied by several government officials including the head of Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (Bappeda Litbang) Rey Suwigtyo, the head of Investment, Integrated One-stop Service, and Manpower Agency Dwi Hermanto, the head of DKUPP Gatot Wahyudi, the head of Communication and Information Technology Aman Suryaman, and the head of Social Affairs Agency Zainullah.

Pamolite Adhesive Industry (PAI), Ltd. was the first company being visited. The mayor was welcomed by Plan Manager Bachtiar Fauzi and other management officials. The company was known to apply health protocol during the COVID-19 outbreak including spraying disinfectant, providing washstand and hand sanitizer.

On that occasion, Probolinggo municipal administration asked the company to face the situation which has affected the economy of the people. The municipal administration hopes that the city remains conducive, and the investment keeps stabilized.

“Our homework is to deal with social problems. I hope PT. PAI takes a role as one of the members of the CSR forum. Then, in Ramadhan month, I hope the company can distribute zakat to the people. We can make collaboration in this case,” the mayor said.

Bachtiar explained, PT PAI has 130 permanent workers, and 50-70 contract-based workers. The company produces glue for plywood, sent to many factories, with the production reaching 50,000 tons per month.

There are no significant challenges related to the materials needed. “We have sufficient materials for the next 4 months. The marketing to plywood factories can be well carried out,” Bachtiar responded to the mayor’s question on the availability of the materials.

Responding to the statement, the head of Bappeda Litbang Rey Suwigtyo added that the government is now attempting to put down the unrest caused by the outbreak.

“We expect there would be no serious challenges that force the company to lay off the workers. That is what the mayor expects. And, what we, the local government, can do is to fulfill the basic need of the people, which is the groceries. This surely needs the role of all sides including the companies,” he said.

The mayor then moved to Indopherin Jaya, Ltd., a glue-producing company for Automotives, being welcomed by Plan Manager Wahyudi Ruswandi.

The company admitted to feeling the impacts caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, but they have done certain measures to anticipate the decreasing number of orders which would be occurred in April-May.

At the moment, the company has produced in a large number since they plan to put their workers on holiday three weeks before Eid Fitr. The policy is made without eliminating the worker’s rights including their salary and Eid Fitr compensation.

“Related to CSR, we’d be glad to contribute. We’d like to share with the people of Probolinggo city,” Wahyudi said.

Mayor Habib Hadi is grateful that the companies in the city have responded well to the situation. Besides, he hopes that the investment remains stable, the companies can run normally, and the COVID-19 can be soon ended.

Apart from those companies, the mayor also visited PT Kutai Timber Indonesia (KTI), one of the largest wood companies in Probolinggo city. The Director of PT KTI, Satosi Kawanami, the Executive Officer Firdaus Jafar, and other officials of KTI received the mayor’s visit.

Three things were conveyed in the meeting, including the sterilization of worker’s bus and other health protocols applied, materials needed, and the operational hours applied during the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to Satosi Kawanami, they have ni problems related to the materials, but they have challenges in exporting their products to Europe, Japan, and the UK. The situation can now be well handled since they have a buyer from Japan.

The mayor asked the company to apply health protocols since they have massive workers. The protocol can be applied on the bus, the entrance to the factory, and in the working rooms.

Firdaus stated they have carried out disinfectant spraying gradually to protect the workers from the virus. “We also apply physical distancing on the bus and in the working area. Wearing a mask is a must, and we also provide washstand in certain areas. If there is any sick worker, we let them to take a rest at home, and to check their health at a health facility,” Firdaus said.

“Related to zakat, we will follow the government’s instruction,” he added.

Mayor Asks All Elements to Take the Best Measures

Met after the visits, Mayor Habib Hadi explained the purpose of the visit was to make sure whether the companies have been affected by the outbreak. He is grateful that several companies he visited have no significant challenges and they still can fulfill the buyer’s demand.

“Thank God, there is no company laying off the workers, that’s the most important thing because I’m worried that in this situation, there would be any layoff, as is happened in other regions. Therefore, the government must be active to respond to the situation, asking the companies on the challenges they face,” he explained.

Besides, the mayor continued, the companies along with the government must concern about the people being economically affected by coronavirus, because their income is decreasing as the outbreak keeps increasing.

Therefore, the mayor is working hard to embrace all elements in the city to take the best measures. The aid given to people can be in the form of groceries.

“Let us make the best move in the same path; many people are being affected economically by the virus, and they can do nothing,” Habib Hadi said. Besides companies, the mayor also visited two banking offices including BRI and Bank Mandiri. (alfien_tr)