
KADEMANGAN -  Setelah melalui proses penjurian yang panjang, hadiah pemenang lomba vlog dan video makan nasi jagung dalam rangka Hari Jadi ke 661 Kota Probolinggo akhirnya diserahkan secara langsung  oleh Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin didampingi Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Jumat (11/9) pagi.

Penyerahan hadiah tersebut terasa istimewa karena diserahkan di Pantai Permata Pilang, bersamaan dengan gowes wisata lingkungan yang merupakan rangkaian Hari Jadi Kota Probolinggo di tahun 2020. “Selamat kepada seluruh pemenang, antusiasme masyarakat begitu luar biasa. Jangan lihat hadiahnya tapi lihat penghargaannya. Semangat ya,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi kepada para pemenang.

Lomba vlog dibagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) dan umum, setiap kategori diambil 10 besar. Untuk kategori umum pemenangnya adalah Gifta Nirwana Sumantri, Zhafa Putra Syah, Belva Ayu Altamis, Galuh Margi Pramista, AV Multimedia Television, DIGMA Visual (Bengkel Tomo Probolinggo), Tasya Aulia Djuhaedi, Cyan Imajinasi Kautzar, Halo Probolinggo dan Nabilatul Ilmiah Rosikhoh.

IMG 20200911 122434Sedangkan kategori OPD 10 besar diraih Dispopar, Dispertahankan, Kecamatan Kanigaran, Dispendukcapil, Satpol PP, Kecamatan Wonoasih, Kecamatan Mayangan, DKUPP, Dishub, Dinsos P3A.

Sementara itu, pemenang juara video makan nasi jagung yang hadiahnya dari uang pribadi Wali Kota Habib Hadi adalah MI Kahasri, Kecamatan Wonoasih, SD Integral Hidayatullah, Juniyanti dan TK Mutiara Hati. “Terima kasih atas peran serta seluruh masyarakat dan OPD. Karya-karyanya begitu menarik dan kreatif. Nantikan ya lomba vlog dan video di event-event selanjutnya,” tutur Habib Hadi.

Juri lomba ini dari Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo), Dispopar, komunitas youtuber dan pegiat film. Menurut salah satu juri lomba, Agus Setyawan, ada sekitar 400 video yang terkirim di akun Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo baik itu vlog tentang Hari Jadi dan makan nasi jagung. Khusus penilaian video makan nasi jagung kriteria penilaian berdasarkan like dan view terbanyak.

“Jumlah peserta tahun ini membludak dari target kami. Awalnya kami menargetkan 100 peserta tapi tahun ini sampai 600 peserta. Untuk kriteria lomba vlog ini meliputi kesesuaian tema, protokol kesehatan dan isi pesan,” jelas Agus. Salah satu ketentuan lomba ini adalah video berdurasi 3 menit.

Vlog yang paling menarik adalah peserta yang mengambil tema tentang pembangunan infrastruktur yang tersendat di Kota Probolinggo. “Tapi di ending-nya yang menonton video itu mendapat informasi kenapa pembangunan itu tersendat. Ada juga yang mengambil lokasinya di luar Kota Probolinggo harus kami diskualifikasi meski videonya bagus,” sambung Agung Ekananta Santoso, juri dari Multimedia Diskominfo. 

Sebelum ke Pantai Permata Pilang, Wali Kota Habib Hadi – Wawali Subri berhenti di Taman Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Bestari untuk memberikan bantuan berupa beras 5kg, uang tunai dan masker kepada para pemulung yang ada di sekitar lokasi yang berada di Jalan Anggrek itu. (famydecta)


After a long judging process, the winning prizes for the vlog and video competition of eating corn rice in commemorating the 661st Anniversary of Probolinggo City were handed over directly on Friday (11/9) by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin who was accompanied by Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri.

The handover was special as it was handed out at Permata Pilang Beach, along with an environmental tour which is one of the series events of Probolinggo City Anniversary in 2020. "Congratulations to all winners, the enthusiasm of the community is extraordinary. Don't look at how much the prizes but look at how you can achieve awards. Cheer up," said Mayor Habib Hadi to the winners.

The vlog competition is categorized into two, namely OPD (Regional Working units) and public, of which each category is taken in the top 10. For the public category, the winners were Gifta Nirwana Sumantri, Zhafa Putra Syah, Belva Ayu Altamis, Galuh Margi Pramista, AV Multimedia Television, DIGMA Visual (Tomo Probolinggo Workshop), Tasya Aulia Djuhaedi, Cyan Imagination Kautzar, Halo Probolinggo, and Nabilatul Scientific Rosikhoh.

While for the OPD, top-10 category was won by Dispopar, Dispertahankan, Kanigaran sub-district, Dispendukcapil, Satpol PP, Wonoasih sub-district, Mayangan sub-district, DKUPP, Dishub, and Dinsos P3A.

Meanwhile, the winners of the video of eating corn rice, of which the prize is personally funded by Mayor Habib Hadi, are MI Kahasri, Wonoasih District, SD Integral Hidayatullah, Juniyanti, and Mutiara Hati Kindergarten. "Thank you for the participation of the entire community and OPD. The works are so interesting and creative. Can’t wait for another vlog and video competitions at the next events," said Habib Hadi.

The judges for this competition are the staff of the Communication and Information Technology Agency (Diskominfo), Dispopar, the YouTuber community, and film activists. According to one of the competition judges, Agus Setyawan, there were about 400 videos sent to the Probolinggo City Government social media account, both vlog of the anniversary and video of eating corn rice. The indicators being assessed in the competition was based on the most likes and viewers.

"The number of participants this year has exceeded our target. We had a target of 100 participants, and it turned to be 600. The criteria for this vlog competition include the suitability of the theme, health protocol, and message content," said Agus. One of the provisions of this competition is a 3-minute video.

The most interesting vlog belongs to a participant who took the theme of stagnating infrastructure development in Probolinggo city. "But in the ending, those who watched the video received information on why the construction had stalled. There are also those who take their location in the outer city, and therefore, must be disqualified despite a good one,” continued Agung Ekananta Santoso, a judge from Diskominfo Multimedia.

Prior to Permata Pilang Beach, Mayor Habib Hadi - Vice Mayor Subri stopped at the Bestari Landfill (TPA) to provide assistance in the form of 5kg of rice, cash, and masks to waste pickers around the location. (alfien_tr)