
MAYANGAN – Di hari ketiga Seleksi Kemampuan Dasar (SKD) Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo,  Rabu (29/1), Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri, Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo, Wakil Ketua DPRD Nasution dan Ketua Komisi 2 Sibro Malisi mengecek pelaksanaan tes tersebut.

Tiba di gedung pertemuan nelayan, Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Mayangan, rombongan wali kota menuju ke ruang tunggu keluarga. Di dalam tenda juga terpasang monitor yang menampilkan live skor ranking peserta SKD. Rombongan kemudian menuju ke meja registrasi dan melihat proses peserta SKD sebelum masuk ke ruangan tes.

IMG 20200129 WA0070“Kami  mengecek tes CPNS di Kota Probolinggo, alhamdulillah berjalan lancar tidak ada kendala. Semua peserta juga sehat dan kami berharap pelaksanaan ini berjalan sesuai harapan,” kata Habib Hadi, usai meninjau lokasi.

Melalui sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Tes), lanjut wali kota, setelah mengerjakan tes dapat langsung diketahui nilainya. “Sebagai transparansi jadi keluarga bisa memantau secara langsung,” imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala BKPSDM Gogol Sudjarwo menyatakan, dalam tiga hari pelaksanaan SKD ditemui beberapa peserta yang tidak hadir tanpa alasan. Beberapa diantaranya juga terlambat dan tidak bisa mengikuti ujian karena melebihi waktu yang ditetapkan dalam SOP (Standar Operasional Prodesur).

“Pak wali berpesan jangan sampai ada perlakukan yang berbeda dalam pelaksanaan tes, semua harus diperlakukan sama. Beliau juga berharap tes berjalan kondusif dan lancar,” sambung Gogol. Kamis (30/1) menjadi hari terakhir tes SKD, tes (seleksi bidang) selanjutnya bakal dilaksanakan sekitar akhir Maret mendatang. (famydecta)


On day three of Basic Competence Selection (SKD) of civil servant enrollment test (CPNS), Wednesday (29/1), Mayor Hadi Zainal Abdin along with Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri, Military District Commander 0820 Lieutenant Colonel Imam Wibowo, Deputy Speaker Nasution, and the chairman of commission 2 DPRD, Sibro Malisi monitored the implementation of the test. 

On the location, they went to the waiting room. In the tent, a monitor displaying the live score of the participants is installed. They moved to the registration desk to see the process of registration before going to the test room.

“We monitored the test in the city, and thank God, it goes well. All participants are healthy and we hope the test can be carried out as expected,” Habib Hadi said after monitoring the location.

By using the Computer-Assisted Test system, he continued, the score can be directly shown. “This is part of a transparent system so that the family can monitor the score directly,” he added.

Meanwhile, the head of Civil Servant Management, Human Capital Development Agency, Gogol Soedjarwo, there were several absent participants in three days. Some of them were late and cannot take the test.

“The mayor said that all participants have the same rights, all need to be equally treated. He also hopes that the test can run well,” Gogol added. The test would be ended on Thursday (30/1), before going to the next step, Field Competence Selection (SKB) at the end of March. (alfien_tr)