
PROBOLINGGO – Di hari-hari terakhir penyaluran bantuan jaringan pengaman sosial (JPS) tahap pertama di bulan Mei, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin memantau kegiatan tersebut di empat kelurahan di Kecamatan Kademangan dan Wonoasih. Kepada warga yang hadir, wali kota mengimbau warga tak menjual bantuan tersebut.

IMG 20200519 WA0104“Ada info, warga yang mendapat bantuan malah dijual. Tempatnya sudah ketahuan, kalau ketahuan orangnya terpaksa kami coret. Karena pemerintah hanya memberikan bantuan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Jaring pengaman sosial ini untuk menangani dampak COVID 19, mengurangi beban masyarakat,” tegas Wali Kota Habib Hadi, Selasa (19/5) siang.

Bantuan ini, lanjut Habib Hadi, merupakan komitmen pemerintah kepada warga di 29 kelurahan se-Kota Probolinggo. Data yang sudah masuk di kelurahan tidak bisa digeser ke kelurahan lain. Sekitar 40 ribu paket yang dibagikan tidak boleh untuk ASN,TNI,Polri aktif, warga yang sudah mendapat bantuan pemerintah pusat dan provinsi.

“Yang terlewat (dari bantuan pusat dan provinsi) baru dibantu lewat pemerintah daerah. Memang saat ini semua terdampak, ekonomi dan usaha mulai menurun. Mudah-mudahan bantuan ini bisa mengurangi beban warga dalam mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari di rumah,” tutur Habib Hadi, yang saat itu didampingi Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan Kepala Dinsos Zainullah dan camat terkait.

IMG 20200519 WA0107Di Kelurahan Ketapang terdapat 1.524 KK (kepala keluarga) penerima bantuan. Yang melapor belum dapat bantuan sekitar 119 KK. Kasus yang ditemui, dalam KK masih terdaftar PNS padahal yang bersangkutan sudah pensiun.

Sedangkan di Kelurahan Pilang penerimanya 1.303 KK termasuk warga dari Rusunawa Bayuangga. Di kelurahan ini menariknya ada sekitar 63 KK yang mengembalikan sembako, sedangkan pelapor yang mengadu 125 KK. “Bagus itu, terima kasih sudah dikembalikan biar disalurkan ke yang lain,” tutur wali kota merespon laporan Camat Kademangan Pujo Agung Satrio.

Pemantauan kemudian dilanjutkan ke Kelurahan Kademangan yang membagikan 1.399 KK dan Kelurahan Pakistaji 819 KK. “Alhamdulillah, pembagian bantuan berjalan lancar dan saya bisa bertemu dengan masyarakat. Insyaallah besok, yang sisa 18 kelurahan sudah selesai semua dan mudah-mudahan meng-cover seluruhnya,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin monitored the distribution of the first-stage social safety net (JPS) in May. He monitored the distribution in 4 urban villages of Kademangan and Wonoasih Sub-district. On the monitoring, the mayor urges the recipients not to sell the assistance.


“I got a report that the recipients sell the assistance. I have found out the location where the assistance is being sold, and if anyone caught to sell the assistance, there is nothing I can do but to remove them from the recipient list. The government distributes only to those who are in need. The social safety net is carried out to deal with the impact of COVID-19, to ease the burden of the people,” the mayor said firmly on Tuesday (19/5).

The assistance, Habib Hadi continued, is a commitment of the government to all residents in 29 urban villages throughout Probolinggo city. The verified data in each urban village cannot be transferred to other villages. Civil servants, TNI, Polri, and people who have been enlisted on the recipients of the assistance distributed by the central and provincial governments are prohibited from receiving 40 thousand packages of staple food provided by the local government.

“Those who have not received assistance from the central and provincial government will have assistance from the local government. Many people are economically affected by the pandemic. Hopefully, the assistance can ease the burden of the people and fulfill their daily needs,” Habib Hadi said.

In Ketapang urban village, 1,524 households enlisted to receive assistance. 119 households reported that they have not received any assistance. Based on the investigation, it was found that one of them is a retired civil servant. He has not updated the Family Card (KK) and was still registered as a civil servant.

1,303 households received assistance in Pilang urban village. Interestingly, 63 of them have returned the assistance, and 125 complained of not receive the assistance. “That was good (returning the assistance), and it can be given to other people,” the mayor said, responding to the report of Kademangan sub-district head, Pujo Agung Satrio.

The monitoring was then continued to Kademangan urban village with 1,399 households enlisted to receive the assistance, and 819 households in Pakistaji urban village. “Alhamdulillah, the distribution went well and I can meet the residents. And, God willing, the distribution in the rest 18 urban village will be completed, and hopefully