
PROBOLINGGO – Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo siap mengkarantina pemudik yang tetap nekat datang ke kota ini. Tempat karantina pun sudah disiapkan di SMK Negeri 2 lengkap dengan dapur umumnya. Selama 14 hari pemudik harus mentaati aturan yang diterapkan sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan dan pengamanan ketat.

3c79ed37 7510 4486 9620 3108b51abc6e“Perlu saya sampaikan masyarakat bahwa kami sudah menyiapkan tempat. Kami imbau masyarakat jangan mudik sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Kalau pun terpaksa mudik wajib karantina dan ini tidak bisa dihindari lagi. Kami serius dan akan bertindak tegas, siapapun masuk kota akan kami karantina,” ujar Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin.

Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri bersama Kapolres AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya dan Dandim 0820 Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo memastikan kesiapan sejumlah lokasi yang akan digunakan untuk karantina pemudik, safe house untuk tenaga medis dan ODP (Orang Dalam Pemantauan) dari keluarga pasien confirm COVID 19.

Rabu (22/4) pagi, forkopimda menuju SMK Negeri 2 yang digunakan untuk pemudik. Sekitar 60 bed akan dipersiapkan di sejumlah kelas yang sudah dirubah sedemikian rupa. Di SMK Negeri 2 terdapat dapur umum, tempat olahraga dan tempat ibadah.

AKBP Ambariyadi menegaskan kepada Plt Kepala Dinkes dr NH Hidayati, agar di setiap ruangan diberi imbauan yang harus ditaati seperti tetap memakai masker, jaga jarak, berolahraga, boleh berkomunikasi dengan keluarga menggunakan video call dan dilarang bertemu, jika keluarga ingin memberi sesuatu harus dititipkan ke petugas.

455e8e51 9675 49f8 b144 c074d9ba3a6fTujuan berikutnya ke Graha Mina yang memiliki 11 ruangan dan guest house di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Mayangan terdapat 20 kamar. Pemantauan terakhir ke rumah susun Mayangan yang disiapkan untuk keluarga pasien positif. Ada 48 unit, masing-masing unit terdapat 2 kamar lengkap dengan perabotnya. Rusun itu sudah dilengkapi ruang tunggu, televisi, kursi hingga wastafel portabel.

Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo terus berkoordinasi dengan TNI-Polri untuk menjaga mata rantai COVID 19 di Kota Probolinggo. “Tidak ada lagi karantina mandiri untuk memastikan dan memudahkan kontrol setiap hari supaya bisa meredam penyebaran COVID 19,” tegas Habib Hadi.

“Sehari ini kami siapkan semua untuk bisa mengkarantina pemudik, keluarga pasien (ODP) dan safe house untuk tenaga kesehatan,” lanjutnya.

Wali kota juga berharap kepada masyarakat, apabila mengetahui ada yang pemudik segera informasikan ke RT RW agar bisa dijemput untuk dikarantina selama 14 hari.

“Tujuannya untuk keselamatan dan lingkungan dari penyebaran COVID 19. Masyarakat harus bisa memahami dan menyadari apa yang dilakukan ini untuk kebaikan semua. Peduli dan ikuti protokol kesehatan dari pemerintah,” imbau Habib Hadi.

a4d0688a 1398 4637 a1c9 45cb78fdee2bSementara itu, Kapolresta AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya berpesan agar masyarakat ikuti anjuran pemerintah. “Insyaallah kita semua aman dan sehat. Untuk pengamanan, akan ditugaskan anggota di titik-titik yang disepakati TNI-Polri-Satpol PP dan masyarakat,” katanya.

Dandim 0820 mengapresiasi yang dilakukan pemerintah dan satgas yang optimal. “Tapi perlu kedisiplinan dan kesadaran masyarakat sebagai garda terdepan, memutus mata rantai bukan hanya peran aparat tetapi masyarakat juga. Ikuti semua imbauan pemerintah dan kodim siap mendukung pemerintah kota dalam mencegah COVID 19,” ujar Letkol Inf Imam Wibowo. (famydecta)



Probolinggo city administration will quarantine travelers who insist to come to the city. The quarantine place has also been prepared at State Vocational High School 2 completed with public kitchens. For 14 days travelers must obey the rules applied following strict health and safety protocols.


"I need to tell the public that we have prepared a place. We urge the public not to go home according to President Joko Widodo's direction. Even if you are forced to go home, you must be in quarantine and this cannot be avoided anymore. We are serious and will act decisively, anyone who enters the city will be quarantined," said Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin.

Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri together with Chief of Police AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya and Dandim 0820 Lieutenant Colonel Inf Imam Wibowo confirmed the readiness of some locations to be used for quarantine of travelers, safe houses for medical workers and People under Monitoring (ODP) which are families of patients confirmed COVID 19.

Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Forkopimda headed to SMK Negeri 2 which was used for travelers. 60 beds will be prepared in some classes that have been changed in such a way. At the school, public kitchens, sports venues, and places of worship are available.

AKBP Ambariyadi stressed to the Acting Head of the Health Agency Dr. NH Hidayati, that in every room be given an appeal that must be obeyed such as still wearing a mask, keep a distance, exercise, and permission to communicate with the family using video calls and are prohibited from meeting each other. If the family wants to give something, it must be given to the officer before being received by the people being quarantined.

The next destination was to Graha Mina which has 11 rooms and a guest house in the Mayangan Beach Fishery Port (PPP) with 20 rooms available. Mayangan low-cost apartment is also prepared for the families of positive patients. There are 48 units, each unit has 2 rooms completed with furniture. The apartment is equipped with a waiting room, television, chairs to a portable sink.

Probolinggo city administration continues to coordinate with the TNI-Polri to break the COVID 19 chain in Probolinggo City. "There is no more self-quarantine to ensure and to ease daily control so that it can reduce the spread of COVID 19," said Habib Hadi.

"Today we prepare everything to be able to put the travelers in quarantine, patients' families (ODP), and safe houses for health workers," he continued.

The mayor also hopes the community to report immediately if they find out any travelers to the neighborhood organizations RT RW so they can be picked up for quarantine for 14 days.

"The goal is for safety and the environment from the spread of COVID 19. People must be able to understand and realize what is being done for the sake of all. Follow the health protocol from the government," said Habib Hadi.

Meanwhile, City Police Chief AKBP Ambariyadi Wijaya urges the public to follow the government's recommendations. "God willing, we are all safe and healthy. For security, members will be assigned at points agreed upon by the TNI-Polri-Satpol PP and the community," he said.

The Dandim 0820 appreciates the work of the government and the task force. "But discipline and public awareness need to be in priority, breaking the chain is not only the role of the apparatus but the community as well. Follow all the appeal of the government and we are ready to support the city administration in preventing COVID 19 from spreading," said Lt. Col. Inf Imam Wibowo. (alfien_tr)