
MAYANGAN – Saat pandemi COVID 19, pemerintah daerah punya kebijakan masing-masing terkait penyelenggaraan shalat Idul Fitri, besok (24/5) di wilayahnya. Di Kota Probolinggo, shalat Idul Fitri berjamaah di masjid dan musola tidak dilarang namun wajib mengedepankan protokol kesehatan.

Untuk memastikan kesiapan pelaksanaan shalat Idul Fitri, Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin mengecek langsung ke Masjid Agung Raudlatul Jannah bersama Asisten Pemerintahan Paeni dan Kabag Kesra Agus Dwiwantoro, Sabtu (23/5).

Siang itu, jalan KH Agus Salim di depan Masjid Agung sudah diberi tanda menggunakan cat putih. Tanda itu untuk shaf shalat (physical distancing) bagi para jamaah. Setiap tahunnya, masjid ini selalu menggelar shalat Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha dengan ribuan jamaah. Oleh karena itu, penerapan protokol kesehatan COVID 19 harus dimaksimalkan.

IMG 20200523 WA0021Setiap jamaah yang tiba akan dicek suhu tubuhnya menggunakan thermo gun, jika diketahui suhu tubuh tinggi maka dipersilahkan untuk pulang. Malam hari sebelum pelaksanaan akan disemprot menggunakan disinfektan. Semua masjid dan musola di Kota Probolinggo pun diwajibkan melaksanakan prosedur tersebut.

Wali Kota Habib Hadi mengimbau, masyarakat yang akan shalat di masjid atau musola wajib menggunakan masker, membawa sajadah dan alas untuk shalat sendiri, serta sudah wudhu dari rumah masing-masing.

“Dengan digelarnya shalat Idul Fitri besok, saya berharap warga Kota Probolinggo berdoa bersama semoga wabah COVID 10 cepat berlalu di Kota Probolinggo khususnya, di Indonesia pada umumnya,” ujar wali kota.

Habib Hadi juga meminta warga tidak usah berjabat tangan, cukup dengan mengatupkan kedua telapak tangan di dada sambil mengucap maaf. Shalat Idul Fitri juga diharap tidak terlalu lama.

“Kalau di masjid dan musola penuh, lebih bagus melaksanakan di rumah masing-masing. Tidak masalah dan diperbolehkan. Saya berharap ke masyarakat, kami sudah menyiapkan tempat shalat, apabila ada yang tetap melakukannya di rumah juga bisa,” tegasnya.

Apabila ada orangtua di rumah, lanjut Habib Hadi, lebih baik melaksanakan shalat Idul Fitri di rumah masing-masing bukan di tempat keramaian. Ia berharap usai shalat Idul Fitri dan berdoa bersama, mudah-mudahan mereka yang sakit karena COVID 19 menjadi sembuh dan tidak ada lagi yang terpapar.

Tradisi open house di rumah wali kota saban tahun di hari lebaran pun ditiadakan pada saat ini. “Bukan memutus silaturahmi tetapi kami mengantisipasi. Begitu wabah selesai semua bisa beraktifitas seperti semua,” kata wali kota yang selalu mengingatkan warga menjaga kesehatan dan taat pada anjuran pemerintah. (famydecta)


As of May 25th, 2020, the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Probolinggo city has increased by 3 people. they are medical workers from Probolinggo city who work in the regional hospital of Probolinggo regency. In total, there are 19 people with COVID-19, 10 are under treatment, 1 died, and 8 have recovered.


“We just got the data from East Java Provincial Government and we publish it this afternoon. Related to the medical workers, the team has carried out tracing to detect the spread,” Probolinggo Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri said on a video conference on Monday (25/5).

Subri explained the three female medical workers live in the city and work in the regional hospital of Probolinggo Regency. They are residents of Ketapang, Triwung Kidul, and Kanigaran urban village. “We have collaboration with the regency on the data because there must be city residents who work in the regency,” Subri said.

Based on the released data, the number of People under Monitoring (ODP) is 313 people, 294 have completed monitoring and 19 are under monitoring. Meanwhile, the number of Patients under Supervision (PDP) is 22 people, 7 are under supervision, 11 have completed the supervision, and 4 died.

In the video conference, Vice Mayor Subri revealed that the cluster of the confirmed cases is Makasar, Maluku, and Hajj Training Center, Sukolilo - Surabaya cluster.

“Based on the released data, it keeps accelerating. We urge people to be more alert. Don’t be careless, causing the cluster more developed and difficult to trace. This would be very dangerous,” he said.

Subri hopes the COVID-19 pandemic will not get worse and makes an impact on the economic sector, causing social problems. “It depends on the discipline, especially of the people. If we are not discipline, the effect will be on the economic sector and cause social problems. Health, economy, and social are closely related. Therefore, we need to understand more about COVID-19,” he said.

On that occasion, the vice mayor appreciates the medical workers who are under quarantine and not able to return home. They cannot gather with their families to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr, as they still focus on treating the patients.

“For the press media, let us together educate the city residents through your news. As was instructed by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin, more information about COVID-19 must be published,” he added.

Meanwhile, acting director of Health Agency dr NH Hidayati added, people must increase the discipline and follow the government’s call. “Please wear a mask, wash your hands with soap frequently, and stay at home,” dr Ida said firmly.

She also confirmed the vice mayor’s statement that the officers are now working to trace the spread of COVID-19, to find people who might have close contact with the confirmed patients. “If you ask me what cluster are they, we are still doing the tracing. Our people are on the move. We work hard to find the cluster of which the medical workers get infected from,” dr Ida said. (alfien_tr)