
KANIGARAN – Memperingati Hari Bhakti Adhyaksa ke 60 tahun 2020, Kejaksaan Negeri Kota Probolinggo memusnahkan ribuan jenis barang bukti yang sudah berkekuatan hukum tetap (incrahct), di halaman kantor Kejari, Kamis (16/7). Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin pun ikut menyaksikan dan memusnahkan barang bukti tersebut.

WhatsApp Image 2020 07 16 at 11.37.17Barang bukti dari berbagai tindak pidana yang dimusnahkan periode November 2019 hingga Juni 2020 meliputi 3.636 jenis pil trihex, sabu-sabu 46,94 gram, 1.221 pil dextro, 4.004 kosmetik illegal dan berbagai jenis barang bukti lainnya. Antara lain pakaian, handphone, senjata tajam, peralatan pembobol mobil, kupon togel, pipet, bong, korek api, sedotan.

Dibawah kepemimpinan Kajari Kota Probolinggo Yeni Puspita, Kejari setempat punya inovasi SOBAT ALI yaitu Solusi Pengembalian Barang Bukti. Sebelumnya barang bukti yang sudah incrahct dikembalikan kepada yang berhak dengan datang ke kantor kejaksaan. “Dengan bantuan mobil pikap dari Bapak Wali Kota, setelah putusan dan berkekuatan hukum tetap, barang bukti kami kembalikan kepada yang berhak tanpa dipungut biaya,” jelasnya.

Selain barang bukti yang dikembalikan, ada juga barang bukti yang dirampas untuk negara kemudian dilakukan proses lelang. “Prosedur pelelangan secara online sehingga siapa saja masyarakat bisa ikut tanpa neko-neko,” ujar kajari.

Rekapitulasi penerimaan negara bukan pajak hasil dari Kejari Kota Probolinggo yang berasal dari pelanggaran lalin sekitar Rp 234 juta, tindak pidana lain sekitar Rp 4,5 juta, penjualan barang sitaan Rp 548 juta, biaya perkara Rp 2,3 juta.

Pemusnahan barang bukti dilakukan dengan tiga cara. Obat-obatan diblender dan dicampur air; pakaian, plastik dan lainnya dibakar; handphone dipukuli menggunakan palu; kosmetik dan barang bukti lainnya dihancurkan dengan dilindas dengan alat berat. (famydecta)

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In commemorating the 60th Day of Bhakti Adhyaksa in 2020, the Probolinggo City’s Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) destroyed a thousand types of evidence that have permanent legal force (incrahct), on the lawn of the Kejari office, Thursday (16/7). Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin also witnessed and destroyed the evidence.

Evidence from various criminal acts that were destroyed from November 2019 to June 2020 includes 3,636 types of trihex pills, 46.94 grams of drugs, 1,221 dextro pills, 4,004 illegal cosmetics, and various other types of evidence. These include clothes, cellphones, weapons, car breaking equipment, lottery coupons, pipettes, bongs, matches, straws.

Under the leadership of Kejari Head, Yeni Puspita, the local Kejari has a SOBAT ALI innovation, Solution to Return Evidence. Previously, evidence that had been incarcerated was returned to the owner by visiting the prosecutor's office. "With the help of a pickup truck from the Mayor, after the verdict is legally binding, we return the evidence to the person with free of charge," she explained.

Apart from the returned evidence, there is also evidence confiscated for the state and then an auction process is carried out. "Online auction procedures carried out so that anyone can participate easily," said Yeni.

Recapitulation of non-tax state revenue from the Probolinggo City Prosecutor's Office which originated from traffic violations has reached IDR 234 million, other crimes worth IDR 4.5 million, sale of confiscated goods IDR 548 million, and court fee worth 2.3 million.

The destruction of evidence is carried out in three ways. The medicines are blended and mixed with water; clothes, plastics, and others were burned; the cellphone was hammered; cosmetics and other pieces of evidences were crushed using heavy equipment. (alfien_tr)