
WONOASIH – Kabar gembira untuk warga Kota Probolinggo, bahwa di tahun 2020 sejumlah rencana Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo bakal segera terwujud. Ini disampaikan Wali Kota Hadi Zainal Abidin, saat membuka gelaran Pasar Rakyat Kedung Asem, Minggu (19/1) pagi.

Janji yang terucap oleh Wali Kota Habib Hadi – sapaan akrab wali kota, terkait pendidikan tidak ada biaya sudah terealisasi sejak 2019 lalu. Kesehatan masyarakat pun telah dijamin lewat program UHC (Universal Health Coverage) tepat September 2019.

Insyaallah dalam waktu dekat akan didistribusikan ke masing-masing kelurahan, dalam bulan ini (Januari). Ambulance yang dijanjikan dari 29 kelurahan, disetujui 18 unit. Mudah-mudahan akhir tahun 2020 yang 11 unit disetujui oleh DPRD,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi sambil melihat ke arah Ketua DPRD Abdul Mujib yang hadir pagi itu.

Ya, 18 unit ambulance siap dikirim ke sejumlah kelurahan di lima kecamatan. Data kelurahan mana saja yang mendapat ambulance pun sudah dikantongi oleh wali kota namun belum disebutkan. Wali kota berharap, pelayanan kesehatan bisa lebih sempurna lagi dan kesiapan pemerintah hadir pada waktu masyarakat membutuhkan.

“Disambung doanya, insyaallah bulan April-Maret peletakkan batu pertama rumah sakit sudah bisa dilaksanakan sesuai harapan masyarakat untuk pelayanan kesehatan. Banyak yang ragu kalau pembangunan tidak mungkin dilakukan, insyaallah pembangunan di wilayah selatan (masuk kelurahan) Kareng Lor-Sumber Wetan sudah mulai ada pembangunan,” tegas Habib Hadi.

“Jadi, bukan sekadar menggratiskan dan melengkapi ambulance di kelurahan. Tapi rumah sakit disiapkan agar masyarakat dapat pelayanan maksimal,” imbuh mantan anggota DPR RI ini.

30 Januari nanti, tepat satu tahun kepemimpinan Wali Kota Habib Hadi – Wawali Mochammad Soufis Subri. Ia bersyukur sebagian komitmennya kepada masyarakat sudah terealisasi. “Mudah-mudahan berdampak manfaat, bisa berbuat lebih baik lagi untuk warga tercinta,” kata Habib Hadi. (famydecta)


Several programs of the Probolinggo municipal administration would be materialized in 2020, which is good news to Probolinggo people. This was stated by Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin while opening the event of Kedung Asem Public Market on Sunday (19/1).

The programs made by the mayor including free education have been materialized in 2019. In the health sector, the people have been registered in Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program in September 2019.

“God willing, of 29 ambulances being applied, 18 of them have been approved and we will immediately distribute them to several urban villages. Hopefully, at the end of 2020, the other 11 units would be approved by the city council (DPRD),” Mayor Habib Hadi said while looking at the DPRD Speaker, Abdul Mujib who also attended the event.

18 units of ambulances are ready to be delivered to several urban villages in 5 sub-districts. The mayor has the data of urban villages that will receive the ambulances. He hopes, the health service can be more perfect and the government is always ready when the people need them.

“God willing, in March or April, we would symbolically put the first stone of the new hospital. Many people are in doubt about our plan to open a new hospital. God willing we will start the construction this year,” Habib Hadi said.

“So, I would not only give free ambulance but also preparing the new hospital so that people can have maximum service,” the former member of DPR RI added.

January 30th would be a special day for both Mayor Habib Hadi - Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri to commemorate the one-year leadership. He was grateful that his commitment to serve the people has been materialized. “Hopefully, it gives benefit to the people, and I can do much better for the beloved people,” Habib Hadi said. (alfien_tr)