
“Meski pelayanan kepada masyarakat tetap sama yang ditangani, Dukcapil jangan monoton. Buatlah inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat,” ujar Wali Kota Habib Hadi saat melakukan sidak ke Dinas Kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil (Dispendukcapil), Rabu(8/1) pagi.

Wali Kota menanyakan tentang pengamanan serta CCTV yang terpasang di kantor tersebut. Karena sempat terlihat di layar monitor ada yang gangguan. Kemudian dari masing-masing ruangan juga dikunjungi, termasuk fasilitas ruang pernikahan bagi non muslim. Keberadaan ruang laktasi serta tempat pelayanan yang terlihat sepi, karena lebih banyak dilakukan di Mal Pelayanan Publik (MPP).

Saat berbincang dengan Kepala Dispendukcapil Sukam yang mendampinginya berkeliling, Wali Kota ingin agar pelayanan dukcapil bisa on line. Mulai pendaftaran hingga cetak akte bisa dilakukan oleh pemohon sendiri.  “Proses untuk rencana pengadaan alat yang on line itu bagaimana kelanjutannya?,” tanya Habib Hadi.

Sukam menjelaskan, jika mesin anjungan dukcapil mandiri (ADM) direncanakan tahun ini. Masih diperlukan proses lebih lanjut, mengingat mesin tersebut akan diletakkan di lokasi keramaian seperti pusat perbelanjaan. Namun untuk proses pengadaan barangnya sudah bisa melalui e-katalog sehingga lebih cepat.

“Kita juga koordinasi dengan pemerintah pusat berkaitan dengan fasilitas tersebut. Proses pendaftaran nantinya bisa on line dan berkasnya di scan. Namun berkas aslinya tetap harus ditunjukkan sebagai langkah antisipasi agar tidak disalahgunakan. Usai di verifikasi, pemohon bisa mencetak sendiri melalui mesin ADM dengan barcode dari Dukcapil,” urainya.

Wali Kota merepons positif rencana pengadaan alat itu, sehingga proses pelayanan lebih efektif dan efisien. Termasuk meminimalisir kontak antara pemohon dan petugas karena sistemnya on line. Dalam kesempatan itu, ia juga menanyakan tentang jabatan struktural yang diperlukan. “Jika sudah diajukan ke BKPSDM, mohon bersabar dulu ya,” pintanya. (yuli)



“The Agency of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) must create innovations despite giving the same public service to the people. Don’t be monotonous, make a breakthrough for the sake of Probolinggo people,” Mayor Habib Hadi said when having a surprise inspection to the office of Population and Civil Registration Agency on Wednesday (8/1).

During the inspection, the mayor asked about the security system and CCTV device installed at the office. He also monitored each room and the facilities of the wedding room for non-Muslim. The lactation room and public service facilities looked quiet since the services have been moved to Public Service Mall (MPP).

As the mayor was having a discussion with the head of Dukcapil, Sukam, he asked him to make an online service on population and civil registration so that people can print the registration and the birth certificate, for example, online. “What we need to do to make this happen, starting from the device, equipment, and the system?” the mayor asked.

Sukam explained the automatic machine for the service (ADM) is being prepared in this year. It needs further process, considering that the machine would be installed in a public space including department stores. Yet, the machine can be bought through e-catalog to shorten the process.

“We also make coordination with the central government related to the facility needed. The registration process can be done online and the file being scanned. Yet, the original file must be shown as an anticipative step to avoid any misuse of the file. After being verified, the applicant can print the file by using ADM with a barcode given by Dukcapil,” he explained.

The mayor responded to the plan positively to have a more effective and efficient process, including minimalizing the bureaucracy process. On that occasion, he also asked about the structural positions needed by Dukcapil. “If the data have been sent to the Agency of Personnel and Human Capital Development, just be patient,” the mayor said. (alfien_tr)