
KANIGARAN – Tim Pelaksana Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 Kota Probolinggo merilis adanya penambahan 1 pasien confirm terinfeksi COVID 19, Minggu (26/4) malam. Satu pasien tersebut merupakan klaster berbeda dari dua klaster yang sebelumnya dinyatakan positif.

Melalui video conference (vidcon) dan live di akun media sosial facebook milik Pemerintah Kota Probolinggo, Wakil Satgas Mochammad Soufis Subri bersama Jubir Satgas dr Abraar HS Kuddah didampingi Sekda drg Ninik Ira Wibawati dan Plt Kepala Dinkes P2KB dr NH Hidayati menjelaskan data terbaru perkembangan COVID 19.

IMG 20200426 WA0022Per 26 April 2020, ada tambahan 2 Orang Dengan Pemantauan (ODP) dari total 259 orang (57 dalam pemantauan dan 202 selesai pemantauan). Untuk Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) ada 8 orang. Satu diantaranya meninggal, satu sudah selesai pengawasan sedangkan 6 pasien dalam pengawasan.

Sementara itu, pasien positif bertambah 1 orang. Jadi, ada 5 pasien positif. Satu sudah sembuh dan pulang, empat lainnya masih dirawat di RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh. Satu pasien tersebut sebelumnya berstatus PDP.

“Pasien positif ini dari Maluku, ABK (anak buah kapal) yang kapalnya sempat bersandar di Surabaya. Pada 26 Maret masuk ke Kota Probolinggo. Memeriksakan diri ke RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh dengan kondisi batuk, muntah, mual dan anemia. Ditemukan ada pendarahan di lambung,” jelas dr Abraar.

Saat di rapid test, hasil pasien berinisial E, yang diketahui berdomisili di wilayah Kecamatan Kanigaran itu menunjukkan positif.  Kemudian, saat diperiksa swab dan baru Sabtu (24/4) hasilnya keluar, ABK tersebut dinyatakan confirm COVID 19.

“Petugas dari Surabaya sudah melakukan tracking untuk mengetahui pasti siapa saja yang kontak dengan pasien tersebut,” ujar pria yang juga jadi Plt Direktur RSUD dr Mohamad Saleh tersebut.

Saat ini, istri pasien berstatus OTG (Orang Tanpa Gejala). Terkait kondisi pasien confirm lainnya yang saat ini sedang dirawat, disebutkan dalam kondisi baik dan stabil. Salah seorang pasien berinisial S dari klaster asrama haji Sukolilo Surabaya pun masih menunggu hasil swab terakhir, jika dinyatakan negatif akan segera dipulangkan untuk isolasi mandiri.

Menanggapi kondisi tersebut, Wakil Satgas Percepatan Penanganan COVID 19 yang juga Wawali Kota Probolinggo Mochammad Soufis Subri mengungkapkan, kewaspadaan terhadap penyebaran COVID 19 harus dijaga dan tidak boleh lengah karena penyebarannya bisa masuk dari berbagai pintu. 

IMG 20200426 WA0054Ia menuturkan, di Kota Probolinggo terdapat tiga klaster penyebaran COVID 19. Yakni asrama haji Surabaya (pelatihan tenaga kesehatan haji), Gowa dan Maluku.

“Kami, tim satgas ingin keterbukaan, kejujuran dan gerak cepat untuk memudahkan tracking yang dilakukan. Alhamdulillah dari tiga klaster tersebut tracking sudah didapat. Ini membuktikan begitu ada kasus kami langsung lakukan tindakan sesuai standar,” jelas Subri.

Wawali menambahkan, sesuai petunjuk Wali Kota Probolinggo Hadi Zainal Abidin, ada standar perlakuan pasien sesuai saran Kementerian Kesehatan yang dimodifikasi oleh pemerintah setempat. Misalnya, tracking erat meski rapid test negatif, harus swab dan karantina, tidak boleh isolasi mandiri.

Kemudian, PDP harus karantina, meski baru tes rapid-nya yang positif. “Kami harus lebih secure. Ini kami lakukan untuk mengantisipasi dan mempercepat tracking agar segera mendapat penanganan,” tuturnya. (famydecta)


The Probolinggo City Task Force Team for Handling COVID 19 released another confirmed patient infected with COVID 19, on Sunday (4/26). It is a different cluster from the two others that were previously confirmed positive.


Through a video conference and live on Facebook social media accounts owned by the Probolinggo city administration, Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri with the Task Force spokesperson dr. Abraar HS Kuddah accompanied by Regional Secretary drg Ninik Ira Wibawati and Acting Head of the Health Agency dr. NH Hidayati explained the latest data on the development of COVID 19 in the city.

As of 26 April 2020, there were an additional 2 People under Monitoring (ODP) out of a total of 259 people (57 in monitoring and 202 completed monitoring). The COVID 19 suspects are 8 people with one died, another one has completed surveillance, and 6 patients are still under surveillance.

Meanwhile, one new COVID 19 case has been confirmed by the task-force team, with 5 positive patients in total. One has recovered and returned home, four others are still being treated at RSUD Dr. Mohamad Saleh. One patient was previously a suspect.

"The new case is from Maluku, a ship crew (ABK) whose ship had leaned in Surabaya. On March 26, he went to Probolinggo City. He showed symptoms of cough, vomiting, nausea, and anemia before he went to the hospital. There was also bleeding in the stomach," explained Dr. Abraar.

Undergoing a rapid test, the result of the patient who is known to be domiciled in the Kanigaran Sub-district is reactive. He then undergoes a swab test as on Saturday (24/4), the result came out and the crew was declared to confirmed positive for COVID 19.

"Officers from Surabaya have been tracking to find out exactly who is in contact with the patient," said the man who is also an Acting Director of Dr. Mohamad Saleh Hospital.

At present, the patient's wife is OTG (a person without symptoms). Regarding the condition of other confirmed patients who are currently being treated, it is said to be in good and stable condition. One of the patients with the initials S from the Sukolilo Surabaya Haj cluster was still waiting for the final swab results. If it was stated negative, he can return home and have a self-isolation.

Responding to these conditions, Deputy Task Force for the Management of COVID 19 who is also Probolinggo Vice Mayor Mochammad Soufis Subri revealed, vigilance against the spread of COVID 19 must be guarded and must not be careless because the spread can be from any cluster.

He said, Probolinggo city has three clusters of COVID 19 including the Surabaya hajj boarding school (hajj health worker training), Gowa and Maluku.

"We, the task force team want openness, honesty, and fast movements to ease the tracking being carried out. Thank God, from the three clusters, tracking has been obtained. This proves that once there is a case we immediately take action according to the standard," explained Subri.

The Vice Mayor added, according to the instructions of the mayor, there was a standard of patient treatment according to the advice of the Ministry of Health which was modified by the local government. For example, close tracking must be carried out even though the rapid test is non-reactive; swab tests and quarantine must also be carried out instead of self-isolation.

Then, the suspects must be quarantined, even though it was only reactive on a rapid test. "We must be more secure. We do this to anticipate and speed up tracking so that they can get proper treatment immediately," he said. (alfien_tr)