
KANIGARAN - Wakil Wali (Wawali) Kota Probolinggo Muhammad Soufis Subri meyakini bahwa potensi konflik sosial akibat pandemi COVID-19 yang berkepanjangan dapat diantisipasi. Menurutnya, kuncinya terletak pada pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat dan solidaritas sosial.

"Dengan demikian, kemungkinan konflik sosial dalam masyarakat dapat diantisipasi dengan sebaik-baiknya," katanya saat memimpin Rapat Koordinasi (Rakor) Tim Peningkatan Pencegahan dan Penanganan Konflik Sosial secara virtual di Command Center, Senin (31/8).

Wawali menyampaikan bahwa saat ini penyebaran COVID-19 masih belum berakhir. Pemerintah terus bekerja keras menanggulangi penyebaran virus ini, namun pertambahan kasus positif baru setiap harinya masih terus meningkat. Tak hanya itu, korban jiwa juga terus berjatuhan. Bahkan, tenaga medis pun turut menjadi korbannya.

“Pandemi ini merupakan ancaman yang sangat serius. Berdasarkan informasi yang saya dapatkan dari Satgas Penanganan Covid-19, per tanggal 30 Agustus 2020 kemarin, kasus Covid-19 terkonfirmasi baru bertambah lima orang. Sehingga total keseluruhan yang terkonfirmasi ada sebanyak tiga ratus delapan orang. Dimana dua ratus enam puluh Sembilan orang diantaranya dinyatakan sembuh, dua puluh lima orang masih dirawat dan empat belas orang lainnya meninggal dunia,” terangnya.

WhatsApp Image 2020 08 31 at 13.16.50Ia menuturkan penambahan kasus positif yang masih massif itu, membuat masyarakat harus lebih ekstra disiplin dalam mengikuti anjuran penerapan protokol kesehatan demi memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19.

Subri menambahkan, pemerintah juga telah memberlakukan new normal, yang bertujuan untuk memulihkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sempat terpuruk akibat pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat. Dimana saat ini, menurutnya, peran serta masyarakat dalam upaya perlindungan diri sendiri dengan penerapan protocol kesehatan yang ketat sangat dibutuhkan.

Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan perlindungan individu bagi masyarakat, Instruksi Presiden Nomor 6 Tahun 2020 tentang Peningkatan Disiplin dan Penegakan Hukum Protokol Kesehatan dalam Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Corona Virus Disease 2019, diantaranya menggunakan alat pelindung diri seperti masker yang menutupi hidung dan mulut hingga dagu, jika harus keluar rumah.

Lalu, membersihkan tangan secara teratur, membatasi interaksi secara fisik (physical distancing) dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dengan menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS).

“Dalam Inpres itu, ada sanksi yang diberlakukan untu pelanggar berupa teguran lisan atau tertulis, kerja sosial atau denda administratif dan penghentian atau penutupan sementara penyelenggaraan usaha. Selaras dengan itu, Pemkot pun menerbitkan Perwali (Peraturan Wali Kota) Nomor 80 Tahun 2020 tentang Panduan Teknis Protokol Kesehatan bagi Masyarakat di tempat dan fasilitas umum. Untuk itu mari bersama-sama kita saling menguatkan,” titahnya.

Terakhir, Wawali Subri juga menyoroti dunia pendidikan terkait pendidikan tatap muka yang diharapkan segera terealisasi. Pemkot Probolinggo, menurutnya, sudah melakukan upaya polling dan voting yang bisa diikuti oleh wali murid.

“Tak sampai di situ, kami juga akan melakukan koordinasi lebih lanjut apakah proses belajar tatap muka bisa diberlakukan di Kota Probolinggo. Rangkaian proses ini harus benar-benar disiapkan termasuk aturan protokol kesehatan di sekolah, sarpras (sarana dan prasarana, red)-nya, kajiannya bagaimana. Bahkan sampai pada pembentukan tim satgas penangan COVID tingkat sekolah juga menjadi pertimbangan serius yang harus diperhatian, dengan melibatkan pihak sekolah itu sendiri dan wali murid,” pungkasnya.

Rakor Tim Peningkatan Pencegahan dan Penanganan Konflik Sosial, turut diikuti oleh Sekretaris Daerah (Sekdis) Ninik Ira Wibawati, Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Probolinggo Yeni Puspita, Kepala Pengadilan Negeri Probolinggo Darwanto, perwakilan Kodim 0820/Probolinggo, Polresta Probolinggo, Staf Ahli dan para Asisten serta Kepala Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), camat dan Lurah di lingkungan Pemkot Probolinggo. (Sonea)


Probolinggo Vice Mayor Muhammad Soufis Subri believes that the potential for social conflict due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic can be anticipated. According to him, the key lies in fulfilling the basic needs of the people and social solidarity.

"Thus, the possibility of social conflict in the community can be anticipated as well as possible," he said while leading the Coordination Meeting of the Team for Increasing Social Conflict Prevention and Management virtually at the Command Center on Monday (31/8).

He said that currently, the spread of COVID-19 is still not over. The government continues to work hard to overcome the spread, but the addition of new positive cases every day is still increasing. Besides, casualties also continued to fall. In fact, medical personnel is also victims.

"This pandemic is a very serious threat. Based on the information I got from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, as of August 30, 2020, there were only five confirmed cases of COVID-19. So that the total confirmed number is as many as three hundred and eight people. "Two hundred and sixty-nine of them were declared recover, twenty-five people were still being treated and fourteen others died," he explained.

He said the addition of massive positive cases made the public have to be extra disciplined in following the recommended implementation of health protocols to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

Subri added that the government has also imposed a new normal, which aims to restore economic growth that had fallen due to restrictions on community activities. At this time, according to him, public participation in efforts to protect them by implementing strict health protocols is needed.

To increase individual protection for the community, Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2020 concerning Increasing Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019, including using personal protective equipment such as masks that cover the nose and mouth to the chin, while doing outdoor activities.

Then, clean hands regularly, limit physical interactions (physical distancing), and increase endurance by implementing clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS).

"In the Presidential Instruction, there are sanctions imposed for violators in the form of oral or written warnings, social work or administrative fines, and suspension or temporary closure of business operations. In line with that, the Probolinggo city administration has also issued Mayoral Regulation Number 80 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Health Protocols for Communities in public places and facilities. For that, let's strengthen each other together," he said.

Finally, Subri also highlighted the world of education related to face-to-face education which is expected to be realized soon. The city administration, according to him, has made polling and voting efforts that can be followed by student parents.

"It doesn't stop there, we will also coordinate further whether or not the face-to-face learning process can be implemented in the city. This series of processes must really be prepared, including the rules for health protocols in schools, the facilities and infrastructure, and how to study them. Even the formation of a school-level COVID handling task force team is also a serious consideration that must be paid attention to, by involving the school itself and the student's parent," he concluded. (alfien_tr)